The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 245 Clan Luck

Chapter 245 Clan Luck
"Then how dare the Dragon King not give you the bonus?" Chu Moyan asked.

"The Dragon King said that the profits should be reinvested in the construction of Longshanfang City. Of course, the princess can only invest in Longshanfang City. Zhu Yongnian dare not withdraw the money, he knows My bottom line is Longshanfang City.

I don't need to take the bonus, or I can make the couple earn a reputation.You can also let the couple enjoy a luxurious life, but he dares to take my money and try? "

Chu Moyan complained in his heart: I finally know why Zhu Yongnian didn't tell you about you until the end, because he didn't dare!

"I don't understand. You have expelled him from the family. Why do you still let him take charge of Longshanfang City? You remove him from Longshanfang City, and find someone to take charge of Longshanfang City." Chu Mo Yan frowned and asked.

Peach Blossom: Hehe.

Seeing Taohua's smile, Chu Moyan didn't know why he suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

"Although the current Zhu Yongnian has not met the princess, but are you sure that he will not meet the princess in the future, won't be drawn by her again, and marry her?" Chu Moyan quickly changed the subject and asked.

"So I sent Chu Kangnian here early this time. Chu Kangnian was in charge of the accounts of Fangshi. Chu Shinian was in charge of supervising the operation of Fangshi. I gave Zhu Yongnian a chance because I also had Wrong. I really don't have the manpower to supervise him anymore, so I let him go that far. I can't put all the responsibility on him. So I give him a chance to save himself."

Inexplicably, Chu Moyan lit a candle for Zhu Yongnian in his heart.

Chu Moyan tried his best to think back. Although Zhu Kangnian is a sixth-grade alchemy master, he is not resident in Longshanfang City.In other words, Zhu Kangnian also developed his own people to stare at his own brother.

Chu Moyan thought to himself, the weird relationship between the brothers is quite messy.

"That big princess really doesn't know there is someone behind Zhu Yongnian?"

"She knows someone is behind Zhu Yongnian," Tao Hua said.

"But she doesn't know that person is you?" Chu Moyan asked again.

Taohua nodded. "In her heart, I am a mysterious person with a mysterious force."

"You released someone by her side?" Chu Moyan said with comprehension.

Peach nodded.

"Actually, Zhu Yongnian and you are just the master-servant relationship of a noble family, even if it is exposed." Chu Mo said.

"But it will cause trouble, won't it? If Zhu Yongnian tells about me, then their husband and wife will die no matter what the reason is." Taohua said. "The forces that hunt us will use these clues to suspect me. I have been tested more than once, and I really don't want to be tested again."

Hearing Taohua's disgusting words, Chu Moyan couldn't help but laughed directly.

"If, ahem, I mean if Zhu Yongnian wants to marry the princess again this time, what are you going to do?"

"Naturally let him marry the princess, and then pick him out of Longshanfang City. Longshanfang City will obviously belong to Chu Shinian." Tao Hua said without hesitation.

"Sure enough, after Chu's death, you have more power around you."

As soon as Taohua heard that he mentioned the Changyang Chu family, she didn't want to continue talking to him.

"Remember to find my elder brother tomorrow." After saying this, Tao Hua disappeared.

Chu Moyan watched her leave silently, thinking that Chu Taohua without the Changyang Chu Sect would be the full state of Chu Xi.

So what if you start from the beginning, what if all kinds of changes come one after another, Chu Taohua will always be the strategizing Chu Xi, and no one can stop her from spreading her wings again and becoming stronger!
Back in her boudoir, Tao Hua naturally couldn't receive Chu Moyan's secret admiration.

In fact, whether it was Dubibo Lake, Xifeng Lake's super-large water spirit vein, or Longshanfang City, they were all Chu Taohua's failures in her previous life.The super-large water spirit veins of Bibo Lake and Xifeng Lake are the result of Chu Xi overestimating the extent to which Changyang Chu Chu can fight and fight!However, Taohua in Longshanfang City relaxed the supervision of the opponent's general because he was not free.

Of course, the most important thing is that at that time, Chu Xi still had some merciful means. If she directly killed Zhu Yongnian after Zhu Yongnian married the princess, Longshanfang City would still be hers, and there would not be so many things later on. .

After all, Chu Xi at that time was still a little girl with only intelligence and no experience.

Zhu Yongnian has been with her for a long time, and he is also the first batch of talents she cultivated.After all, I was not willing to start.

Later, she had too many problems of her own, and she was too lazy to do anything about it.

Now that she is starting all over again, she is not the Chu Xi who frequently missed in the past.

In Miyang City, in the study room of Chu Zifei's mansion, Chu Zifei was holding a white tortoise shell, a fortune stick and a fortune stick, doing calculations and calculations there.The cousin Chu Zixia who came to find something was almost dizzy.

"I said third brother, what are you playing?"

"What are you playing, I'm just counting the family fortune of my Chu family." Chu Zifei said irritably.

"What's wrong with our family fortune? Our Changyang Chu family is about to fall apart, what else can we rely on? The ancestral temple was overthrown by a group of wild boar monsters." Chu Zixia said.

As soon as Chu Zifei heard this, he gave him an angry look. "Why are you so stupid? Do you believe whatever Chu Da says? The ancestral hall has long been neglected. How do you know that the ancestral hall is a wild boar monster, not a human?"

Chu Zixia was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"Impossible, Chu Da is the patriarch's own daughter, and Yuxuan of the big house also supports her." Chu Zixia said stupidly.

"If you don't understand you, don't join in. It's good to stay at home honestly. Your son is promising now, and your grandson is also smart. What kind of errands are you doing for Chu Da?" Chu Zifei continued to count his family fortune, while Angrily sprayed on my family brother.

"But Chu Da came to beg me pitifully."

"It's so pitiful, can you help?" Chu Zifei finally put down the stick in his hand angrily.

Chu Zixia is here.

"Don't worry about Chu Da and Baicao Pavilion in the future. Otherwise, Zhang Chengling won't tolerate you anymore." Chu Zifei threatened.

Chu Zixia gasped suddenly, "I don't care, I don't care, third brother, I'm leaving now."

Chu Zifei waved at him, and Chu Zixia ran away in a hurry.

Chu Zifei watched him run in embarrassment silently, but his brows were furrowed more and more tightly. "No, my Chu family has lost so many outstanding bloodlines in the past 1000 years. Could it be that the bamboo basket is really empty?"

Ordinarily, the loss of other things is excusable, but the blood that died young is equivalent to a lot of people who have performed blood sacrifices.It doesn't make sense that heaven and earth will completely abandon their Chu family!

(End of this chapter)

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