Chapter 252
Zhu Yongnian, who was slapped by the big princess, was both painful and faintly happy.

Even if I can't marry you, I hope you will always remember me.Even in a hateful way.

"Zhu Yongnian, remember what you said today."

Zhao Ru glared at Zhu Yongnian with hatred, and then walked away with her own people.

After getting off Longshan, Zhao Ru burst into tears in her red car.

"Princess Princess, if you hate him so much, why don't you let the people we brought kill him?" Yan Hong, a confidant girl who was following the princess, asked in confusion.

"I know that what he said was not his original intention, that was what Chu Shinian meant. He was warning me that he had seen through my intentions, and if I stayed in Longshan again, he would take action." The princess cried burst into tears.

One direction is for Zhu Yongnian who is not up to date, and the other is for the deep affection of mourning his previous life.

She is already 19 years old, and her father has already begun to choose a family for her to marry.She will delay it for a year or two at most.But at that time, Zhu Yongnian would not be able to successfully control Longshanfang City, unless Chu Shinian died.

But Chu Shinian heard that his cultivation had already reached the peak of the Tongmai Realm, and he was about to break through to the Divine Platform Realm.

Even his father was in awe.

Besides, there were many outlaws around Chu Shinian, but he only believed in Chu Shinian as the master.Anyone who dares to attack him will be slaughtered by his group of desperadoes.The last bit of secret guard power of the Changyang Chu Clan was on the way to assassinate him.

Now in Changyang, I hope that the more people he dies, the better Chu Shinian's life will be.

Zhu Ting was completely addicted to drinking and sex, and Chu Shinian raised him like a pig.

This kind of Chu Shinian is definitely not something her father would like to confront head-on.Even if you fight, you may not be able to win.In the Song Dynasty, some masters from the imperial court were sent to the father's side.But is a master against thousands of troops?
It is impossible for her father to send the protection forces around her to die for a city.

Besides, there are Zhang Wei and Chen Dazhi on top of Chu Shinian? !
Which of the two is easy to deal with.

Zhang Wei and Chen Dazhi, heh!

Zhang Wei, a hero who died alone but left his legend of being capable and powerful in the court, and Chen Dazhi, a divisive conspirator who did not return to the Northwest in his previous life but stirred up the court.Zhao Ru originally thought of a good place for their father and daughter to rise up in the Northwest in this life, but unexpectedly Zhang Wei was still alive, and Chen Dazhi also came.

So his future husband can only be replaced.

As she got farther and farther away from Longshan, Zhao Ru looked silently from behind the jade bead curtain to the top of Longshan Mountain behind her, and there might be someone there silently watching her go away at this moment.

But Zhao Ru didn't expect that Zhu Yongnian was being beaten up by Chu Shinian at this time, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. His parents probably wouldn't recognize him.

"Let me tell you, this is the last time. Next time I find you flirting with that woman from the Zhao family, don't blame me for sending you to her to be her father-in-law." Zhu Yongnian froze when he heard this.

"When you become her father-in-law, you can like her as much as you like, and you can also make selfless contributions to her."

Zhu Yongnian's body became even stiffer, as if he was about to petrify.


After Zhu Kangnian and Chu Shiluo signed the contract of Dongfu, shop and shareholding, he took the initiative to enthusiastically say to them, "Do you two brothers intend to visit our newly opened Sanxiufang City area?"

"Why is Fangshi also divided into regions?" Chu Shiluo asked.

"That's natural. The area of ​​Sanxiufang City is full of various bulk goods. The bulk goods trading area is the trading area of ​​various sects and commercial firms. Every time people go in and out, they start with hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. , There is no way for them to live together with a group of casual cultivators.

For example, the three large shops you ordered are actually located in the bulk goods trading area.We also have a high-quality goods trading area here, which is a rare, rare goods trading area.There are also several large and small auction houses on the boutique side, which specialize in auctioning scarce goods.

The Chu family will also take care of our own business when the time comes.

In addition to the three goods trading areas, we also set up an inn restaurant area.There are restaurants and inns for food, clothing and housing.Dongfu is a place for everyone to practice, and the inn is a place for leisure and accommodation. "

Not every cultivator is willing to squat in the cave to practice and practice.

"Now that the market has opened is the casual repair area. Other areas are still under construction. How about I take you around the Fangshi area a few more times?" Zhu Kangnian asked.

"Is it possible?" Chu Shiluo has also invested in shares now, and is very interested in Longshanfang City.

"Why not? Why don't we have a light meal first and then go out." Zhu Kangnian looked at the time, it was already noon.

"Let's go shopping a few more places in the afternoon and tomorrow, how about going back tomorrow night?" Zhu Kangnian asked.

Chu Moyan went to see Chu Shiluo immediately, Chu Shiluo thought about it and nodded.

It cost so many spirit stones and fruits to come here, and he wouldn't feel at ease if he didn't take a good look at Longshanfang City.

After the meal, Zhu Kangnian took the two of them out for a stroll.

Longshanfang City is really newly built.Except for a small area that has already been built on the sunny slope, that is, the Sanxiufang City area, the rest of the surrounding areas are still under construction.

A large number of mortals and casual cultivators were hired to work.Therefore, the construction speed of Xiuzaofang City is not slow at all.

I don't know where they got so many mortals and casual cultivators.

Most of the area that has been built are small shops.It is a long box-shaped house, with goods in the front and accommodation in the back.The lights are provided by themselves, and the water is connected to each shop through underground pipes.

There are room temperature water and hot springs, both of which can be used.

These box houses are a pair of front and back, the door at the front opens to the front street, and the door at the back opens to the back street, and each small shop is opposite the door of another small shop across a small street.

Various formations are engraved on the walls of the house.As long as the door is closed, the outside can't hear the sound inside at all.

Longshanfang City does not have a stall area, and there are only such small shops in the entire Sanxiufang City area, which can be rented on a daily basis, or on an hourly, hourly basis.Of course, monthly and annual rents are also available.

The rent is very low, only slightly more expensive than setting up a stall.

Setting up a stall for one day usually costs two spiritual coins, but here are three spiritual coins.Chu Shiluo and Chu Moyan originally thought that Longshanfang City was newly built, and even if it opened, there should be few people coming to buy small shops and sell goods.

As a result, as soon as they walked nearby, they found that [-]% of the small shops in the entire casual repair area were occupied.There are single people, and there are families who live here. "This casual repair area is underground, there is also a shop area on the first floor and an accommodation area on the second basement floor."

(End of this chapter)

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