The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 259 Picking Peaches

Chapter 259 Picking Peaches

"Ah? Take one of eight spirit stones. I heard that you only sold five spirit stones to Longshanfang City." Guo Peng wailed.The pricing of non-advanced spirit fruits has long been dead, and the big cabinet and the main cabinet will not allow him to modify the purchase price now, but the purchase price of the first-order spirit fruit is still in his hands, so Guo Peng is working hard to fight for it.

This is mainly because neither the main cabinet nor the main cabinet has received a large number of first-order spiritual fruits.

"Then Longshanfang City sells nine spirit stones for a takeaway, not to mention the auction or auction house where I register, and I can sell fifteen or six spirit stones for a peach every time. The supply exceeds your demand. Do you know?" Chu Dashan snorted angrily.

"Cheaper, cheaper, the eight spirit stones are really going to die. How about I sell you the seeds of a kind of upland rice called black pearl that I found recently. I heard that this kind of upland rice has been transformed into a spiritual plant. What about pining roots?

In particular, the yield is huge, and one mu can get thousands of catties of rice.Uncle Dashan, why don't you plant them with one thousand two or three hundred catties per mu? "Guo Peng said flatteringly.

Chu Dashan thought for a while.Guo Peng threw this bait very well, and when he heard it, he felt itchy and wanted to get the seeds.

"Then sell you six spirit stones and one Qingyang spirit peach. You can get a thousand acres of upland rice seeds. It's free, I won't give you a copper."

"I'll give you the seeds for free, but five peaches and one spirit stone. As far as our relationship is concerned, I can't compare to Zhu Kangnian from Longshanfang City in Dashan?" Guo Peng wailed.

Chu Dashan looked at the chubby little Guo Peng helplessly and said helplessly, "Our family has a store over there, what do we have in your Baicao Pavilion?"

"With my connections, Uncle Dashan, you can find me any rare seeds, rare materials, magic tools, etc. in the future. Even if I can't collect useful things in Baicao Pavilion, I can still find the family behind me Well. Look at Chu Shinian, he needs all kinds of rune weapons, and I got them for him too." Guo Peng tried his best to make himself more useful.

Rune weapons are simply a special magic weapon.It is ordinary high-quality materials, with a little spiritual material added, and then poured into weapons in batches, and then some useful runes are carved on the weapons.Such as sharp, armor-piercing, solid or something.

Rune weapons were first invented by Shenting to allow the mortal dynasty under its command to deal with a large number of low-level monsters.Although the material of this weapon is a little rubbish, it is better than a large quantity.Especially when dealing with low-level monsters, it is very easy to use.

However, from the standpoint of Baicao Pavilion, even if the rune weapons are rubbish in Shenting, they don't want the Song Dynasty to master these sharp weapons.

The weaker Da Song is, the more he will rely on them. If Da Song has a large number of rune weapons, it will not be in the interests of Baicao Pavilion.Of course, this is not only Baicao Pavilion, but also other fairy grass halls and Dancao buildings.

Guo Peng is an alternative among them.

Cough cough, of course it has something to do with him being young and having just come out of the family to work.

"That's fine, you can get me some of those rune weapons too. The things from Miyangwei Weapons Workshop are sharp, but the price is too high. And when you encounter huge monsters, the effect is not that strong .”

With the continuous evolution of the monsters, their skins are getting thicker and thicker, but the new products of Miyangwei Weapons Workshop are still not coming out, Chu Dashan is also very troubled.

They live at the foot of the Xiongshan Mountain, and are threatened by monsters from the Xiongshan Mountain all the time. Their cultivation is not accomplished overnight, and there is always time for them to grow up.But the monsters are more and more able to grow and grow. After a long time, the hunting teams that entered the mountain began to be greatly affected.

Except for some monks and monks, monks and mortal hunting teams, and the teams organized by simple mortal hunters, they don't dare to go deep into Xiongshan Mountain.

Of course, the Miryang Guard Arms Workshop is also in a hurry and wants to make new things, but they must have new technologies and materials.Make bricks without straw!
"Okay, okay. This is no problem. How about I get a hundred swords, guns, swords and halberds for Uncle Dashan?" Guo Peng asked tentatively.

"Too few, there are at least a thousand rune weapons." Chu Dashan said.

"A thousand pieces is too much. This is a rune weapon, and each piece costs at least 100 Yuan Lingshi." Guo Peng said.

Ah puff! !
Chu Dashan sprayed his first sip of tea on the ground.

"What did you say? A spirit stone worth at least 100 yuan? Are you stealing money?"

"It's really so expensive. The key is that no one can make these things here. I'm not a craftsman myself, so I don't know how to make them. No one here can do them. So far, they can only be transported from above. Come down, the freight alone will be very expensive. I really don't earn your money." Guo Peng said with a bitter face.

"I believe you are the only ghost." Chu Dashan didn't believe his words at all.

"I really didn't lie to you, Uncle Dashan, and this kind of rune weapon is still within the scope of the ban. If you don't get involved, you won't be able to ship it. I gave Chu Shinian this price, and he decided it directly without blinking an eye." Three thousand pieces." Guo Peng looked at him with eyes like why are you not as good as Chu Shinian.

Chu Dashan was speechless, thinking that I am not Chu Shinian.

"A 100-yuan spirit stone is equivalent to twenty Qingyang spirit peaches. A thousand rune weapons are two thousand peaches for you. All right, you bring the things here and I will pay you two thousand peaches directly." Chu Dashan finally let go.

Guo Peng breathed a sigh of relief.

Rubbish rune weapons can actually sell [-] first-order spirit fruits. This deal is really profitable.

"Uncle Dashan, besides the first-level spiritual fruit like Qingyang Lingtao, do you have other non-level spiritual fruits that you can sell to me?" Guo Peng asked tentatively.

"No more, it was all wrapped up by Shi Luo and his master." Chu Dashan said directly.

Guo Peng immediately became crying and said, "Then what should I do, the superiors are still waiting for me to trade a large amount of spiritual objects from you. Otherwise, I, the shopkeeper, can't do it."

"Does your family collect the seeds?" Chu Dashan thought for a while before realizing that he still had a lot of spiritual ginseng seeds.

"What kind of seed?" Guo Peng asked in surprise.

"It's spiritual ginseng seeds!" Chu Dashan asked.

"Ah, your grass ginseng has really transformed into a spiritual ginseng, and it's blooming and bearing fruit?" Guo Peng asked in horror. "It's too fast, it's only been a few years."

"Just say you want it?" Chu Dashan asked.

"Can you show me what kind of seed it is?"

Chu Dashan directly called the boys in the clan to go out and fetch a jade box to come in.

Guo Peng opened the jade box on the table and took a look. There were ten seeds planted in the box, which shone with faint aura.It really is a spiritual seed, he squeezed one and looked at it in his hand.Hey, "This is the first-order top-quality spiritual ginseng seed. How many spiritual stones are there?"

"How many spirit stones can you produce?" Chu Dashan asked back.

Guo Peng immediately fell silent, and after thinking for a while, he said, "These ginseng seeds that were auctioned off for hundreds of pieces of spirit stones in a box of fire recently in Longshanfang City were sent by your family?"

Chu Dashan nodded, "In the beginning, a box of more than 100 spirit stones could be auctioned. Later, as Longshanfang City became more and more popular and more and more people came, now a box of ten seeds can sell 300 yuan of spirit stones."

Guo Peng gasped after hearing this, and the expression on his face became more serious.

He thought that Chu Dashan, the talented Ling Zhifu boss, would rise very quickly, but he didn't expect it to be so big!
The first-order spiritual ginseng needs to be cultivated for five to six years to more than ten years from planting to flowering and fruiting.But after flowering, it can bloom and bear fruit every year, and one ginseng can harvest at least [-] fruits a year.

Ten seeds are three hundred spirit stones, and those thirty seeds are nine hundred spirit stones.

A first-order spiritual ginseng can net Chu Dashan more than one thousand spiritual stones a year.The question is how many first-order spiritual ginseng did Chu Dashan's family grow?He hasn't figured it out until now, okay?

"Uncle Dashan, how about I give you a box of 280 Lingshi? You have to let me earn some money." Guo Peng said.

"Then the price fluctuates every year. At this time next year, I'll tell you whether their prices will increase." Chu Dashan said slyly.

Guo Peng was speechless, and said to himself, Uncle Dashan, that you will not suffer at all.

"Then it will work." What if it doesn't work. "Then how many boxes of seeds are you going to sell me?"

"How many boxes can you buy?" Chu Dashan asked back.

"Give me a thousand boxes first." Guo Peng gritted his teeth and said directly.

"That's fine, you wait, I'll get someone to bring it to you." There are only [-] seeds in a thousand boxes, so how many seeds are there, but there are so many jade boxes, it seems that there are too many.

Not long after, the One Thousand Jade Box arrived in a storage bag.

Guo Peng took the jade box in the storage bag and put 28 spirit stones directly into the storage bag.

Chu Dashan happily accepted the spirit stones, saying that it was the blessing of Longshanfang City, he sold hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

After Guo Peng collected the seeds, he went back to Baicao Pavilion in Miyang. The accountants in Baicao Pavilion in Miyang were old people he had found again.

When Fu Luyi left, he took Chu Da with him, as well as some people from Changyang Dichu, and even the eldest son Chu Yuxuan. He heard that Ansha could heal his injured leg.

If it costs enough, Guo Peng believes that Fu Luyi can do it.

But why Fu Luyi insisted on taking Chu Da away, Guo Peng couldn't understand.

What is the mystery of Chuda?
But it's okay if you don't understand it for the time being. When Guo Peng returned to his shopkeeper's study, he didn't contact Da Song's chief cabinet Fu Zhongyu first, but first contacted his own uncle, Guo Erqiao.

"Xiaopeng, how is it? I heard that you have returned to Miyang Baicao Pavilion again?" As soon as the Wanli sound transmission array was connected, Guo Erqiao's concerned voice came through the formation.

When Guo Peng heard this, he hurriedly said, "That's not it, I just finished the Baicao Pavilion in Changyang, it's useless again, and brought me back to the Baicao Pavilion in Miyang."

"I really don't know what to say about Fu Zhongyu, the chief cabinet of your Song Dynasty. Isn't this just playing with our Guo family?" Guo Erqiao said puzzled.

"What about the chief cabinet's love? Since you can't resist, let's just listen to it for now. By the way, second uncle, I took another job, a thousand rune weapon, and the quality should be slightly better. Exchange two thousand one High-grade spiritual fruit. It is the top-grade spiritual root Qingyang Spirit Peach."

When Guo Erqiao heard this, he was immediately overjoyed, "Ah, this business is well done. What about [-] first-order spirit fruits, and [-] pieces of rubbish like rune weapons are only a few dollars."

"It's not because we can't do it here for the time being, so our family can earn the price difference. When we have the ability to manufacture independently, how can it be our turn to make such quick money?

Speaking of which, I was thrown to Changyang this time because of my carelessness.

Last year, I dumped 700 million catties of linguines, and the main cabinet only made more than 500 million catties.

Calculated, I have higher merits than the head office. I was secretly happy at the time, but I never thought that the head office would find me trouble.

As a result, he was thrown to Changyang without giving a reason by the head office.Fortunately, he gave me a good meal a few days before throwing me.

I am really convinced by him...

When I was about to burst into tears.I was the one who founded the earliest Changyang Baicao Pavilion, and I also started the brand. As a result, the general cabinet asked me to hand over Changyang Baicao Pavilion to Fu Luyi without saying a word.Then I was transferred to Miryang Baicao Pavilion.

The Baicao Pavilion in Miryang was the fame and achievement I had accumulated bit by bit, but he didn’t like it, so he transferred me back to the barren Baicao Pavilion in Changyang. "

Speaking of this, Guo Peng sneered sarcastically, "I think he regards me as the biggest threat to the Song State's chief cabinet. That's right, based on my current achievements, if he makes a mistake, the person who will replace him Designate me.

It is also difficult for me to put such a large threat around me without moving my hands. "

After hearing this, Guo Erqiao couldn't help sighing, "In the final analysis, you grew up too fast. When I put you under his command, I thought that his character was said to be pretty good. For the face of the Guo family, he shouldn't make things difficult for you. But he didn't expect that you grew up so fast. You've only been down for a few years now, and now even the patriarch doesn't dare to take your words lightly."

Guo Peng couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this.Anyway, his second uncle couldn't see it either. "It's not that I grow fast, it's that Chu Dashan, the husband of Lingzhi whom I invested in, grows fast."

"Yeah, this Chu family has grown beyond our expectations. The speed is too fast. At the beginning, it was a few acres, a few acres of spiritual plant cultivation, tens of acres of mortal medicine cultivation, how did it suddenly become Have you acquired such a powerful spiritual plant cultivation boss?
I heard that his family has tens of thousands of acres of spiritual plants and elixir. "

Hearing the second uncle's words, Guo Peng couldn't help but smile wryly, "It takes a few years for people to grow Fanzhi before they can get familiar with the growth characteristics of a certain Fanzhi and cultivate a kind of Fanzhi herbal medicine well. But Chu Dashan The family is not, his family is planting one kind of living, planting one kind of transformation. Basically, they can be promoted to become spiritual plants. This is terrible." Guo Peng paused and continued, "A thousand acres of ordinary grain can only be planted. How many coppers, how many spiritual stones for a thousand acres of spiritual food?"

You don't need to think about it to know how huge the gap between the two is, it is really a sky and an underground.

"Terrifying planting talent." Uncle Guo said in amazement.

"This is a big brother Ling Zhifu who is bound to rise. I don't even know why the chief cabinet has an attitude of always wanting to suppress him. Can he suppress such a big boss?" Guo Peng wondered Said clearly.

"Fu Zhongyu doesn't want to suppress him, but wants to control him. Even if he doesn't want to be absorbed into the Fu family, he also wants to absorb and control him into the Baicao Pavilion. Alas, the Fu family may not be able to keep a big boss like Chu Dashan. , but Baicao Pavilion is possible.

Once Baicao Pavilion has such a talented and terrifying boss to join, it will inevitably expand its strength rapidly. At that time, maybe he can jump into the core layer of Baicao Pavilion by virtue of such achievements. "

Guo Peng was furious immediately, "He wants to pick my peaches."

(End of this chapter)

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