Chapter 280
Chu Dashan came over early the next day, and his uncle and nephew, as well as Mingli, the son of Ming Daozong, gathered together and talked about various current events in the Song Dynasty.Others are trivial matters, but what everyone cares about the most is the big event of hunting monsters.Sure enough, without saying a few words, Ming Daozong took the initiative to change the topic to hunting monsters.

"Do you know about His Majesty the Emperor of Song's order to hunt monsters everywhere?" Ming Daozong asked.

Mingli and Chu Dashan both said they knew it.

"Miryang ordered Zhang Wei to let my family provide food and money, and it would be better to form two hunting teams." Mingli said first.

"Zhang Wei also asked me to provide food and money. It would be best if I could also provide some spiritual fruit and spiritual food. It would also be best to form two hunting teams to follow his army. He said that at least two hundred people would be needed." Chu Dashan twisted. eyebrow road.

"What? There is still a place for your hunting team to go?" Mingli asked in surprise.

"No, I'm not the head of the Chu family of our branch. I now have two villages with more than 1 people. So in Zhang Wei's opinion, I belong to a relatively powerful rural family. So what do you say this time? I can’t even hide. I can only listen to him to gather people and supplies.”

After hearing Chu Dashan's words, Mingli burst out laughing. "What kind of noble family do you have in the countryside? The Chu family you lead is almost catching up with some middle-class noble families in Miryang City."

Chu Dashan shook his head, "Looking at the similar size, we may have more wealth than them. But there is a big gap in background, and they can hang us with just a few people."

Ming Daozong nodded directly after hearing this, "Dashan is still quite sober and has not swelled because of the recent big profits. The Chu family seems to be developing with fire and oil, but there are no in-laws of the family, no soldiers, no Power, no matter how rich it is, it will be raised as a piglet by others.

What you have to do now is not to be in the limelight, but to calm down as much as possible to cultivate the new generation of the Chu family.Try to let the Chu family come out of a wealthy family, or a big monk who is powerful enough to fight for hegemony.

Without this kind of top-notch influence, your Chu family will develop more and more difficultly in the future, and you will encounter interceptions from other nobles and official families. "

Chu Dashan nodded directly when he heard this, it is true.

"Actually, the edict of hunting demons has something to do with the chaos of demons dancing around Anxia, ​​the capital of the new emperor. They all infiltrated the harem and ate people. It is said that they ate one of the emperor's favorite concubines and the beloved little prince. "Ming Daozong told Chu Dashan and Mingli the origin of the entire demon hunting edict.

The two of them looked at each other immediately after hearing this!

"Is this because the monsters are too powerful, or the royal family of Song Dynasty is too weak?" Mingli was keenly aware of the crisis.

"Look, you also feel that the Song royal family is weak? What monsters are too powerful? It's that the Song royal family has too few masters, and they can't even protect their own palace." Ming Daozong smiled coldly . "The emperor of the Song Dynasty is strong outside but hard to cover up now. This time the monster hunting is actually the last struggle of that emperor.

As the royal family of the Song Dynasty became weaker and weaker, it was hard to say whether he could leave Anxia City after he issued an edict.

This edict of hunting monsters is likely to be the last national edict of the Song Dynasty royal family. " Ming Daozong said.

"Why do you say that?" asked his father in a puzzled manner.

"Because there are so many monster hunting tricks this time, just watch, haha." Ming Daozong sneered.

What's the point of hunting a monster?

Chu Dashan frowned and thought.

"Don't think about it, anyway, it won't be long before the monster hunt starts. Zhang Wei is urged by his superiors, so he won't let some nobles and official families go. Zhang Wei can't do it, he's still too embarrassing Yes, it's too slow to open up the situation like this.

The situation is changing fast and developing every day.Even I can't predict the future development situation. Anyone who wants to make progress slowly and steadily at this time is the way to die. "

After hearing this, Chu Dashan and Mingli frowned, not knowing what their father was talking about.

"By the way, Dashan, you said you came to find me something, what exactly is it?"

After listening to his uncle's question, Chu Dashan directly put a rough hand-painted map on the Ming Daozong desktop.

"What is this?" Ming Daozong looked carefully, "This is a bit like a map of mineral veins."

"It's the mine vein map, it's from the Spirit Iron Mine. I've got someone to verify it."

When Ming Daozong heard this, his hands shook.

"Looking at the trend of the ore vein, it should be in the Xiongshan Mountain. Looking at the spread of the ore vein, is this ore vein a large mine?"

"Yes, I didn't expect my uncle to see it at a glance. I still heard it from a geologist when I specially asked someone to verify it."

"This kind of thing, do you dare to find a geologist to verify it for you?" Ming Daozong asked speechlessly.

"That's my old friend. Later, he left home to wander around. I didn't expect him to become a geologist. He came back recently and was wandering around in Miryang, so I begged him! Uncle, don't worry, I have taken him to live in Xiantaozhuang. From now on, he will be the land teacher and guest minister hired by my family."

"After all, it's still a bit of an eye." Ming Daozong said approvingly.

Chu Dashan was embarrassed, saying that I didn't think it was a compliment at all.

"You showed me the entire mine map, are you planning to ask me to find someone to help you mine?" Ming Daozong asked. "It's not impossible. Within 1000 people, I can get it together for you within seven days at the earliest."

"No, it's not. I'm too busy with my own affairs." Chu Dashan shook his head directly.

Ming Daozong directly frowned, "Then you plan to ask me to sell you the mine map? Such a large mine, even Zhang Wei, can hardly eat it. If it is sold at a low price, it will not be worthwhile."

"No, it's like this. I'm planning to produce the map. Uncle, you find someone to open the mine. In the end, I can just share [-]% of the bonus. I don't care about other things. How to open up wasteland, how to recruit people, and how to manage it, uncle will find someone to do it.

It is best that my uncle can sell the excavated spirit iron ore directly. If my uncle really has no sales channels, he can send it to my store in Longshanfang City for sale. "

After hearing his words, Ming Daozong was silent for a while before saying, "Do you know what this map of mineral veins means?"

Chu Dashan looked at his uncle in confusion.

"He means that if you let me open mines, we will make our Ming family a spiritual iron Ming family. You are creating a cultivation family, do you know?" Ming Daozong said angrily.

Chu Dashan grinned when he heard this. "That's good, that's great. Our Lingzhi Chu family and Ling Tie Ming family sound like a good match."

"Mingli, from today onwards you will be the head of the Ming family, and from now on you will be the only one who will follow the lead of your cousin!" Ming Daozong really didn't want to miss this opportunity to cultivate the Ming family!
(End of this chapter)

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