The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 282 The annexation of Fengyang

Chapter 282 The annexation of Fengyang
"That's right, if it weren't for the mysterious background of Longshanfang City and its domineering and ruthless behavior, which made those outsiders very afraid, I'm afraid something would have happened long ago. Now those outside forces are still constantly infiltrating into Longshan, wanting to touch it. Know the specific situation of Longshan, and then discuss how to deal with Longshan.

But Longshan is not a vegetarian either, just watch, this battle between dragons and tigers has just begun. " Ming Daozong said confidently.

Mingli and Chu Dashan thought about it together, and Chu Dashan ushered in the autumn harvest not long after he came back from his uncle's house.

Just when Chu Dashan called his parents and workers to start collecting spiritual fruits, elixir, and spiritual food, Changyang Chu Shinian suddenly recruited a total of 4 casual practitioners from Fengyangwei and Fengyang to camp by Xifeng Lake for training. .It is said that after the autumn harvest, they will go to Xifeng Mountain to clear the monsters.

Fengyang Ling not only sent him to Chu Shinian obediently, but also sent a large amount of grain, various iron materials, various metal ores, and various cultivation materials worth nearly [-] spirit stones.

This incident emptied his family to support Chu Shinian's monster hunting career!
The entire Myitkyi Prefecture was in an uproar.

Zhang Wei and Chen Dazhi couldn't believe their ears!

Just a few days after the 4 people from Fengyang Guard and Fengyang Sanxiu rushed to the edge of Xifeng Lake, the king of Yaoshan suddenly recruited more than 1 people from Yuyang Wei and Yuyang Sanxiu in Chengyang to join Chengyang. The monster hunting army organized by Wei and Chengyang Sanxiu.

Zhang Wei and Chen Dazhi beat their chests angrily, there were only six cities in Myitkyi Prefecture.

Originally Qingyang, Miyang and Chengyang were better than Changyang, Fengyang and Yuyang.

But now Changyang has quietly taken down Fengyang.Changyang, who captured Fengyang, not only opened up his own road to Chengyang, but also directly controlled a tributary of the Tianshui River and a large section of the river.

Because although Fengyang is not built on the riverside like Chengyang, a large part of its jurisdiction is close to Tianshui.It actually divides Tianshui left bank from Chengyang to the upper and lower sides.

Chengyang occupies the upper section, Fengyang occupies the lower section, and also occupies a tributary.

This tributary passes through the small town of Fengyang and then flows into Xifeng Lake.Just by looking at the geographical location, one can see why Chu Shinian was able to win Fengyang.

Fengyang was too small, and Fengyang Ling was controlled by Chu Shinian for some reason. Naturally, Fengyang area was put into the bowl by Chu Shinian.

The key point is that Chu Shinian was too fast. Before the Chengyang Order was settled by Yaoshan County King, he had received Fengyang into the bowl.This caught everyone by surprise.Everyone thought that Chu Shinian was busy occupying Longshan, Xiufang City, and fighting with many enemies for the ownership of Doufang City, so he should be too busy to do anything else.But the facts proved that Chu Shinian still had the strength to get Fengyang into his hands.

This is simply too pitted!
Whether it was the King of Gaoshan County, Zhang Wei, or Chen Dazhi, he was terrified.

How did this evildoer do it?

The king of Yaoshan County summoned all his counselors together.Chen Dazhi also greeted his son back.

Zhang Wei even called together Chu Zifei, Xun Shijiao and other counselors he valued or people with counselor qualifications.

Everyone discussed and discussed, what exactly does that little monster Chu Shinian want to do?
It's scary to hunt the demon to the point of eating the city in front of the house!

Chu Zifei was both proud and surprised, and said that Chu Xi really deserved to be Chu Xi, and he always did things unexpectedly.Everyone thought that she was fighting with others in Longshan, but who knew that she had already got Fengyang into her hands.

Occupying Changyang and Fengyang at the same time, Chu Zifei's eyes slowly shifted across the map, so what will she do next?

"My lord, I really don't understand why Chu Shinian dared to take Fengyang directly into his pocket and let people know so presumptuously and boldly, now that the governor of Myitzhi Prefecture, the Prince of Yishan County, has arrived in Chengyang." Answer the question.

"Where is he presumptuous and bold? Where did he take Fengyang into his pocket?" Chu Zifei asked.

"Lord Chu, you can't speak to him just because his surname is Chu and he was once the commander of the Chu family's secret guard." A member of the Zhang family said sourly.

Chu Zifei was speechless, "Is this a matter of whether his surname is Chu or not?"

"What Mr. Chu means is that the other party just mobilized the Fengyang Order, and also gave a name. He accepted the emperor's order and joined forces to hunt monsters. He can announce their relationship together with the cooperation in a grand manner, right?" Zhang Xiu understood. the way.

"But the Fengyang order gives people things and resources. If you want to be transferred, you will be transferred. What is the difference between this and directly merging Fengyang into your subordinates?" A member of the Zhang clan who spoke just now said again.

"Of course there is a difference. The difference lies in whether people are willing to admit it or not. If people are not willing to admit it, then Fengyang is still an independent city, not a territory of Changyang." Zhang Xiudao.

"It can be seen by everyone that Fengyang has obeyed orders. It is not a territory, but it is a territory."

"But it didn't break the skin, so Da Song is still the co-lord in name." Zhang Wei said.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay! !
"Hey, if it was a few years ago, when he was independent and self-reliant, the imperial court would have sent troops to deal with him long ago. But now the invading armies of the two countries have no plans to leave. Our Emperor, His Majesty, can't take care of himself." Ah." Zhang Wei was envious and jealous, Chu Shinian's choice of this opportunity was too coincidental and too precise.

After eating Fengyang, the area under Changyang's jurisdiction will be one-third larger than that of Miryang.Yuyang has the smallest area of ​​jurisdiction among the six cities, and almost anyone can threaten Yuyang to obey their own opinions. Besides, Yuyang Ling has a temperament of a wall, and Zhang Wei has never regarded it as a dish before.

But now this dish actually took refuge in the King of Gaoshan County, which made him a little ugly.

"Father, now that Changyang has united with Fengyang, the location for hunting monsters is on Xifeng Mountain. There is no mountainous area in Chengyang, so Chengyang and Yuyang must be going to clear up the water monsters in Tianshui. Then we can Can't we join forces with Qingyang?" Zhang Xiu asked.

Seeing that the two of them unite, it is impossible to say that Zhang Xiu's heart is not touched.So he came up with his own idea.

Zhang Wei thought about it carefully, then shook his head.

"We are too far away from Qingyang. There is Qingyang Mountain on the other side of Qingyang, and Xiongshan Mountain on our side. The destination will not be the same." Besides, Zhang Wei also has his own thoughts. Qingyang Mountain is a very old mountain range. .Originally, Qingyang Secret Realm came from Qingyang Mountain.In addition, after the great changes in the world there, the mountains have returned to their former majesty, and there are so many monsters and beasts in the forest canyons, it is much more difficult to clean up than Xiongshan.

If they join forces with Qingyang, what if that shameless Chen Dazhi asks them to jointly clean up Qingyang Mountain?
(End of this chapter)

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