Chapter 284
"Don't meddle in Da Song's affairs in the future." Chen Dazhi warned his son. "If you don't have that ability, don't poke fun at your father."

Chen Gong was embarrassed.


Because the spiritual fruit and spiritual food harvested in the spring, although most of them were sold, there were still a lot left.The most remaining is the first-order spiritual fruit Qingyang Spirit Peach, and only 60 of them have been sold so far.But at the beginning, more than 190 million pieces were harvested.Now there are more than 130 million left.

Others are the seeds of various spiritual ginseng. The price of spiritual ginseng seeds continues to rise, so the Chu family did not ship a large number of them, so they brought them for sale.

Other spiritual peaches and spiritual fruits, such as Yuye fruit, ginkgo fruit, red fruit, snake saliva fruit, etc., have been sold out a long time ago.

So this autumn harvest, the Chu family bought a large number of jade boxes and barrels to package new fruits and new elixir.

The green wood grass mushrooms that were planted at home this year have grown to the size of a human head, which is different from other mushrooms in brown, red, and deep red.The Chengzhi of Aoki Caozhi is also dark green.

In addition, the [-] mu of black pearl upland rice planted by the family is also harvesting.

This year, because Qingmei and Taohua are busy, Chu Qi alone can't take care of so many spiritual fruits and spiritual fields.

This has resulted in no one brushing and hanging, ahem, the upland rice and grass mushrooms that were brushed for spiritual rain have not transformed into spiritual seeds in batches.If only relying on the aura radiating from the Five Elements Spirit Vein and the blessing of the Sutu Spirit Formation, no matter whether it is upland rice or grass mushroom, it is estimated that it will take three or four stubbles before it can be transformed.

Ahem, we can see the importance of opening and hanging.

But if it hasn't changed, it hasn't changed.

However, the quality of the harvested products is good, and a single grass mushroom can be sold for dozens of spirit coins at least.Upland rice can also be sold as low-level spiritual food.Especially for upland rice, more than 100 jin was harvested per mu, and 120 million jin was harvested per [-] mu.

It is a little more than the production of two thousand mu of rouge yellow and Hanling rye.

No wonder shopkeeper Xiao Guo said that the output of this black pearl is large.

Just as the Chu family was busy with the autumn harvest, shopkeeper Xiao Guo came again.When shopkeeper Xiao Guo first arrived, he saw a large number of mountain people carrying all kinds of fresh or prepared herbs to the Chu family compound on their shoulders.

Some dozens of horses, large and small, formed a cavalry team.Especially Xiao Guo Zhangui hardly knew these people, where did all this come from?

Xiao Guo led the people into the Chu family compound with great difficulty, and saw several young stewards in the courtyard organizing the collection of medicines.

All other mountain goods were stored in another empty yard next to the compound.

A large number of herbal medicines were gathered and sent to the pharmacy workshop in batches.After processing, it will be stored in storage.The Chu family has excavated several new large basements in the past year.It is specially used to store things, and the original basement and ice storage can't fit it.

Xiao Guo watched with envy that all kinds of wild elixir were also taken away by the stewards of the Chu family and the professionals who inspected the medicinal materials along with various herbs.

He sneaked into the main building of the Chu family, grabbed Chu Dashan who had finally sneaked a pot of tea while he was busy, grabbed his sleeve and said, "Uncle Dashan, you are going too far, you are stealing business."

After hearing this, Chu Dashan was extremely speechless, "Where did I steal the business?"

"Why not? Just now when I came in, your family has collected more than a dozen wild elixir. Originally, those hunters in the mountains sent these wild elixir to me to sell." Guo Peng said humbly.

"That can't be my fault. The price you gave is too low. It's not half as high as the price you gave before." Chu Dashan said angrily. "There are more wild elixirs produced in the mountains this year, and the mountain people picked them in exchange for two more money. How can you give less and less?"

Guo Peng was speechless.

Everything he does now is watched.They don't have as much autonomy as before. The pricing of ordinary herbs and common elixir is the purchase price given by the above, so the price is unified across the country.

Because of the low purchase price, Baicao Pavilion has not slowed down until now.There are fewer people who come to sell medicine.

On the contrary, the purchase price given by Chu Dashan was high, so the mountain people and hunters in the mountain came out one after another to sell him all kinds of herbal medicines and mountain products.

"Your family swallowed so many things that you can't put it down, why don't you sell me some." Guo Peng urged.

"Just give that price, and you want me to sell it to you at a loss?" Chu Dashan asked back speechlessly.

"I'm not talking about herbs, I'm talking about food. I can harvest your black pearls as seeds. Can you sell them for three yuan per catty?" Guo Peng asked.

Guo Pengxin said that if you don't let me buy medicinal materials, can I still not buy food?

If you don't count my performance, I will resell it home.Not only can you make money, but you can also earn family contribution points.

"Three yuan of spiritual coins per catty is a bit low, but if you eat a million catties of black pearl upland rice at one time, then I will sell it to you." Chu Dashan said.

When Guo Peng thought about it, it was 300 Yuan Lingshi.Still within his tolerance range.

"Okay, I can send the spirit stone tomorrow, and I'll find someone to take the upland rice away." Chu Dashan nodded in agreement.Anyway, their own family can't eat that much rice, and they still have a lot of rouge yellow and Hanling rye in storage, so it would be superfluous to store that much rice.

In this way, without reducing the price, it is not bad to process a large amount of rice.

After Guo Peng got the rice in his hands, he turned around and asked Meng Zan if the degenerated spiritual food seeds he received counted as performance?

Meng Zan told him directly that it was nothing but panacea.

Guo Pengxin said not to pull it down, and directly sold 100 million catties of black pearl seeds to the family, and sold [-] spirit stones.

A few days later, Fu Zhongyu summoned him with a particularly severe tone. "You are the treasurer of Baicao Pavilion, why did you sell good things to the family behind you without the consent of your boss. Do you know that your family sold the 100 million catties of black pearl rice seeds in your original world for a sky-high price? Do you know how much damage you have caused us Baicao Pavilion?"

"Wait, what loss did I cause? I asked my boss, Meng Zan, and he said that we don't accept anything in Baicao Pavilion except herbs. I took a picture of it back then. How about I send the evidence to Continental total cabinet.

Mr. Fu, don't accuse me indiscriminately. I, Guo Peng, am not a fool. "

Fu Zhongyu over there directly cut off the communication formation.

Turning around, he activated the formation again and scolded Meng Zan. "Are you stupid? How can you tell him to just collect herbal medicine? Although our Baicao Pavilion mainly focuses on herbal medicine, we also do other profitable businesses.

Do you know how much the Guo family sold the black pearl rice seeds this time?They sold [-] spirit stones.

Our cumulative transaction volume this year is less than 80 spirit stones. Do you know how important these [-] spirit stones are to us? "

Fu Zhongyu is really in a hurry, the key is that this year's transaction volume is too small.

It was more than 100 million last year.

Meng Zan was dejected, and said to himself that it was not your decision to only trade elixir.

(End of this chapter)

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