The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 287 It's All Because of Chu Xila

Chapter 287 It's All Because of Chu Xila
After the whole family discussed what to do, they went down to make arrangements.

Qingmei consciously called Lin Changge. In such a situation, as a master, one should contribute, right?

"Do you know what happened to my family recently?"

Lin Changge immediately thought about it, what happened to the Chu family recently?
"Hey, what are you thinking about frowning?" Qingmei asked.

Lin Changge asked back speechlessly, "You didn't ask me, what happened to your family recently? I thought about it, but I still can't figure it out."

This familiar tone made Qingmei extremely speechless.I don't know if it's her illusion, but she always feels that Lin Changge doesn't think of herself as an outsider.

"I heard that the princess of Song Dynasty wanted to kill our whole family, so he sent a killer team over." Qingmei took the initiative to explain to him.

"They won't succeed." Lin Changge replied immediately.

"Why?" Qingmei was puzzled, "He is the direct descendant of the Crown Princess, and his cultivation level is also very high. I heard that the most powerful ones have already reached the peak of the ninth level of the Tongmai Realm. They are almost at the Divine Platform Realm."

Lin Changge said in his heart, with Chuxi here, can the dead girl kill such a small character?Besides, the concubine must have had a brain twitch to want to fight Chu Xi. Isn't this making herself uncomfortable?

"Ahem, because... because I am here, of course, the captain is also very powerful, and we still have [-] guards. So what if the cultivation base is high, and the cultivation base is low? We have low cultivation bases to get rid of. Get rid of those with high cultivation bases. Besides, they have high cultivation bases and don't have the altar level.

I think we are still very capable of winning a battle. "

Lin Changge's words hit Qingmei's mind.In fact, she really wanted to express herself.

"Actually, I think the same way. I also want to use our combat power to fight those people well." Qingmei said a little bit tangled after finishing speaking, "But I don't want to set the battlefield in our Xiantaozhuang or in our Old Chuzhuang.

Besides, my cultivation is really weak.Moreover, I have little combat experience, and usually I just enter the Xiongshan Mountain to fight with monsters.I always feel that in my situation, if I really run into someone else's expert team, I'm afraid it will be over. "

Cough, cough, Lin Changge directly gave Chu Qingmei a thumbs up! !you can!So self-aware! !

As expected of the future commander-in-chief of the Northwest Migrant Army, this girl maintains the most essential shrewdness and reason all the time.

"I think you're right. The expert team and the assassination team are really not suitable for our training. Our guards may be able to win when they meet them, but I'm afraid the loss will be huge. " Lin Changge said truthfully.

After hearing this, Qingmei pursed her lips tightly.

Most of the members of the guards have families and businesses, and they are members of the Chu clan.The most terrible thing is that they are still the pillars of each family. If there is too much loss in the first battle, she is afraid that she will be criticized, and even the whole team will be disbanded.

"Actually, I think it's okay for a team like the guard to bully horse thieves, bandits, and monsters on the mountain. But if they really want to risk their lives and fight hard, they are still not ready. It is because they lack motivation and have too many distracting thoughts.

If you really want to form a team that can fight against other legions, it's best to choose from among the refugees who have no family to care about.For example Weiping!
The refugee team is huge, and it is not difficult to recruit some talented people who can dance after hearing the war and have no family concerns. "Lin Changge analyzed it for her.

"You mean the refugee guards my father brought in can't fight? Haven't they all become monks?" Qing Mei asked with some annoyance.

"No, those can be fought. From the beginning, they came here to make meritorious service in battle." Lin Changge shook his head and said, "I mean, many of the Chu clan under us are not suitable. Although they have also become monks. But many People are rushing to become monks to change their lives.

As members of the same clan, they are willing to defend the village and can go into the mountains to hunt animals, but if you want them to go out to fight without risking their lives, they will definitely cause trouble.I guess most people are not happy. "

After hearing what he said, Qingmei was thoughtful.

The Chu family has a good foundation. Although many families are not too rich, they really have enough food and clothing.Following Chu Dashan and joining the guards is just to improve his life and make himself more prosperous.

Let them be guards and protect the homeland, it is really no problem.But it would be too difficult for them to fight fiercely with other masters or legions.

The key is that they are all living a good life, where is it possible to have the thought and courage to fight for their lives?

"Then what do you think I should do to cultivate a team that can fight and dare to fight?" Qing Mei asked.

"If you want to say that the team that can really fight and dare to fight, then the Changyang Guard organized by Chu Shinian is now known as the strongest army in the Northwest." Lin Changge praised, "He has absorbed the most refugees. Don't look at the weather is getting worse now. The heat has become less hot, and many refugees have gone back. But those are close to home. Many are far away. Few of those who escaped from the central hinterland of the mainland are willing to go back. The journey back to their hometown Too far.

With no money or food, the way back is basically closed to them.Then everyone has to find a way to survive.So Changyang became their first choice.Changyang accepts everyone.

Those with skills, those with combat power, and those who have nothing but life are also accepted.Changyang is simply the best way to survive for the refugees.People have never stopped accepting refugees. "

"I heard that Changyang doesn't specialize in recruiting thugs?" Qingmei asked.

"That was the earliest time. At that time, Changyang lacked combat power and too few resources. They had no choice but to gather the thugs who could fight. They had to build up the forces to protect Changyang first, and then they could think about other things. Now Changyang is early They began to accept refugees from all walks of life.

As long as you dare to come, they dare to accept. Lin Changge praised, in fact, he admired Chu Shinian from the bottom of his heart.

In the past, he saw all kinds of dislikes in Chu Shinian, and wanted to tease him many times, but he managed to dodge them, and they looked at him with disdain, as if they didn't want to play with children.

What a variety of grasses!

Now knowing that he is also one of Chu Xi's trump cards, he understands. No wonder he failed to slander him several times. !

Cough cough, well, in fact, Chu Xi is not in the sidelines, judging from Chu Shinian's current level, he probably really can't figure him out.

(End of this chapter)

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