The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 290 Southwest Jiang Lin

Chapter 290 Southwest Jiang Lin
No matter who did it, it is tantamount to playing with fire, and it is easy to set yourself on fire.

The Eight Great Families of the Northwest Building, if they really want to be serious, they are really not the opponents of the royal family of the Great Song Dynasty and those noble families of the Great Song Dynasty.Pulling the face of the princess, tearing up the princess, everyone can only admire you for your ability and courage.

What will the princess do?
Everyone is looking forward to Ansha's reaction?
As a result, it didn't take long, and within half a month, new news came out. Suddenly, there was an anti-Wang Jianglin in the southwestern region of the Great Song Dynasty.Since raising the banner of rebellion and attacking the first city, in less than a month, they gathered hundreds of thousands of homeless refugees and broke through more than 20 cities, disturbing the peace of the four prefectures.

The Emperor Song was so angry that he couldn't sleep at night, so he had to mobilize a force to attack the refugee army while resisting the joint attack of the other two countries.

It's almost hard to finish!

Day by day, Wang Jianglin wrapped up more and more refugees, pushing all the way, like a flood, tearing down the fiefdoms of the local nobles.

The local nobles who had not yet been affected were shocked three times a day.He frantically urged the Emperor of the Song Dynasty to send back the clan soldiers who had been borrowed from his family.Otherwise, people will be destroyed and the family will be wiped out, and everyone will write a letter in tears.

Recently, the emperor of the Song Dynasty felt like vomiting when he saw red things.

Similar memorials were moved to the East Palace for the prince to deal with.The prince read these memorials carefully several times, discussed with the think tanks, and immediately approved everyone's request. Whoever asked for the transfer of the clan soldiers would be given an immediate reply.

The Crown Princess angrily walked into Chaoyang Hall, the Prince's study.

"Why, why did you promise those nobles that they could transfer their clan soldiers back? Do you know that if they transfer their clan soldiers back, our defense line will be completely destroyed. Do you know that the Song Dynasty is about to perish?" The princess was excited Yelled at the prince.

The prince waved away the subordinates around him, and he was very disgusted with the shrew who yelled like a shrew who ignored the princess as soon as she came in, "What's wrong with you? Are you still anxious because you can't contact Chen Gong? Are you annoyed that your death squad lost contact?"

The prince's indifferent and extremely rational attitude was like a basin of cold water pouring the princess from head to toe.

This made her completely awake, and she asked back with a gloomy face, "The beloved woman just gave birth to a daughter who is said to be very blessed yesterday. Are you sad and disappointed again?" After the prince attacked and laughed at her, the princess immediately turned back Prick the prince's heart.

The prince didn't even twitch the corner of his eyes.

Probably because he was used to this woman's fickleness and pretense, and he really didn't have the mood to continue playing against her.

The prince stared at her coldly and said, "What do you want to do when you come to me?"

"Do you know that relying solely on the official army of the Song Dynasty can't resist the continuous attacks and harassment from those two countries? If you order those clan soldiers to retreat, the entire front that has just stabilized may collapse, do you know?" Crown Princess ask.

"I know." The prince nodded.

"Then why are you still doing this?" The princess couldn't help asking.

"Otherwise, what else can we do? The nobles are the foundation of our Song Dynasty's rule. I can't offend all the noble families, let alone let their families and fiefs fall into the hands of the refugees. After all, the Song Dynasty is that they follow the royal family Beat it together.

Now that we are in a period of national war, our army and resources cannot support them too much. If they are not allowed to send their soldiers back home to protect themselves, do you know what will happen?

They will have coups, riots, collude with the Imperial Army to change the dynasty, or force my father to abdicate and give the throne to a more capable uncle of the emperor, or me. "

The princess's heart skipped a beat.

In the end, the prince said again, "The question is, can our Great Song Dynasty withstand such internal friction? If we really use up all the royal family's wealth, who will be cheaper? Are you? Chen He? Or Xu Zhong, or who?"

After hearing this, the princess finally changed color.

The prince snorted coldly with disdain, "I have known your thoughts for a long time, just like you know why I must choose you to be the princess. Naturally, I have to sacrifice when I embark on this road of kingship. Just like Being able to be established as the prince, my elder sister married a foreign country, and she will never see her again. In order to prevent me from being feared by my father, my mother died of illness a few years ago. So I sacrificed the beauty in my heart, married you, didn't I?"

"It's like you married me as the princess, but never thought of having a child with me?" The princess sneered sarcastically.

"Don't you think so too? You still want to raise Chen Gong as a noodle head, but Chen Dazhi is not happy, so he poached Chen Gong away from you. Does it hurt like digging your heart? He is your The only one among the group of ministers under the skirt who was fooled by you and fell in love with such a hypocritical woman like you." The prince suddenly smiled, and his handsome and impeccable masculinity immediately attracted the surrounding maids Choffé cheeks one by one.

The crown princess was very angry. She was also infatuated with such a prince at the beginning, so she made herself work hard to become the crown princess.

"I will transfer Chen Gong back." The princess said angrily.

"I'll wait and see." The prince chuckled with endless mockery.

"Your Highness." A male servant came in respectfully and presented a memorial.The prince opened it and was immediately happy. "Ha, even the death squad you sent out was killed by the Northwest Building. But your squad is still good, fighting to death more than [-] people from the opponent, disabled, seriously injured, and hundreds of minor injuries."

"Impossible." The crown princess rushed to the prince's table solemnly, snatched the memorial with one hand, and tore it up and threw it on the ground after reading it. "This is impossible."

"There's nothing impossible about this. A month or so ago, I also felt that Jiang Lin was nothing more than a small civil rebellion. But, he spent a month, no, half a month, and built an army of hundreds of thousands. It swept across four prefectures and twenty cities.

The entire Southwest is about to be smashed.

He shattered the confidence of the Southwestern nobles in the Song court and in themselves.I won't let them take away the clan soldiers and go back, they will take away the clan soldiers themselves.I might as well approve these memorials directly, and everyone save face for each other. "

The key is that this Jiang Lintai will rebel, annexing the nearby refugee rebel army one after another, making himself bigger and bigger, and there are indeed soldiers who can fight and dare to fight, and the speed of development is simply terrifying.

"Alas, in troubled times, the southeast and the northeast are at war, and the Song Dynasty is under the attack of the two great powers. The northwest and the southwest are not resting. There is the Northwest Building in the northwest, and Jianglin is in the southwest. This is not a person who will take it easy.

I really don't understand, why is he so capable? "

(End of this chapter)

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