The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 323 Qingyang Grape Seeds

Chapter 323 Qingyang Grape Seeds
Guo Peng was recently grabbed by his second grandfather to carry the materials, which introduced many ancient traditions that have now been lost in Shenting.

These lost ancient inheritances have long been sent to the disciples of the lower realm by the major forces of the gods.I hope they can help their family find and perfect these lost ancient inheritances.

The disappearance of these ancient inheritances is actually divided into three situations.

One is that it is completely lost. For example, the Earth Master is an ancient inheritance of Shenting, which has been lost now.It is because the previous civil wars in the court of gods have spread to mortals, completely cutting off the inheritance of earth masters among mortals.Now there are fewer and fewer earth formation masters in the divine court, which has a lot to do with the severance of the inheritance of earth formation masters in the human race.

There are not a large number of earth masters among mortals to choose from, and there is a direct fault in the inheritance sequence of earth array masters.

The other kind of time is too long, and the inheritance is incomplete due to an accident.

For example, the craftsman, the craftsman is a very powerful craftsman inheritance, and the inheritance is also very old. Nowadays, many ancient ruins and buildings of the gods cannot enter the building. Ahem, there is a big difference with the high-level sequence among the craftsmen. relation.

In the Guo family, the Patriarch Uncle specially told him to pay attention to whether there is any inheritance of craftsmen.Take it if it appears.

Another kind is that after the inheritance declined, it was absorbed by other emerging inheritances, such as the mysterious and long-standing strategist inheritance, which is a mysterious inheritance that combines ancient warlocks, astrologers, array masters, and statecraft.

But he was merged and absorbed by the newly emerging Confucian scholars. When the upper echelons of the court found out, it was too late, and the inheritance of strategists could not be recovered.

The decline of the strategist inheritance has a lot to do with the fact that there are fewer and fewer excellent inheritance disciples.Many disciples with monstrous qualifications did not learn the inheritance of strategists, but directly learned various inheritance techniques of monks.

Isn't it delicious to learn, good-looking, and easy-to-use various monk spells and exercises?
If Zhuang Zihan was born ten years later, he would probably choose to become a monk directly instead of working so hard to learn some strategist.

The problem is that the recovery of spiritual energy has not yet occurred, and the monk is not on Taohua's list of spending money to pay tuition fees.

But even if the aura really recovered now, and monks really appeared in large numbers, Taohua didn't cross off the strategists on the list of choosing to pay the tuition fees for the family disciples.Even increased spending.

Others don't know that she doesn't know, the inheritance of strategists is very interesting.

"Uncle Dashan, do you know where those people have gone? Is the master craftsman inheritance in their hands complete? Can you make a copy for me? I can pay a high price. They can open the spirit stone as they please."

Seeing Guo Peng's excitement, Chu Dashan couldn't help pouring cold water on him, "Whoever has an inheritance will sell it casually?"

Ahem, Guo Peng's face suddenly changed.

"Just like me, I can buy some basic skills from you, and you are willing to sell me. But if you want to switch to advanced inheritance, do you think people can sell it to you? No matter how many spirit stones you give. You give spirit stones It’s better to give something in exchange.”

After hearing this, Guo Peng nodded in agreement.

"Is it really impossible to contact those craftsmen?" Guo Peng still wanted to struggle.

"Wait for them to come back." Chu Dashan said speechlessly.

"Then Uncle Dashan, who did you contact to contact them?" Guo Peng asked.

"Zhu Kangnian. He was the one who contacted me."

"Then I'll contact him when I get back." Guo Pengxin said, Zhu Kangnian still has such a role, so I didn't find you, it was my brother's mistake.

"Then Uncle Dashan, what kind of seeds do you want when you come this time?" Guo Peng guessed that Chu Dashan came to him to find seeds.

"Are there any seeds of Cishouhua?" Among the twelve kinds of spirit grass and spirit flower raw materials of Hanpo Spirit Wine, there are a large number of proprietary medicines sold in the world, or his family produces them themselves.Only Cishouhua is rare, and every time you buy it, you can't buy much.

His wife paid three times the price to buy more than 100 catties, what is that enough for?It is estimated that at most [-] catties of wine can be brewed.

So he planned to plant this spirit flower in his own house.

"There are some, but Cishouhua doesn't have mortal seeds, it only has spiritual seeds. The seeds are five grains and one spirit stone."

When Chu Dashan heard, what, he wanted the spirit stone, then he felt distressed and unhappy.

"Why don't we exchange it? I'll exchange the seeds of the ginseng for your Cishouhua seeds. Do you think I can exchange a few of your Cishouhua seeds for one of my spiritual ginseng seeds?"

Cough cough cough, the seeds of Cishouhua are definitely not as precious as the seeds of spiritual ginseng.

"Then why don't you exchange one seed for five Cishouhua seeds?"

Chu Dashan immediately stood up and was about to leave, "Are you kidding me?"

"Do you think it's okay to exchange one grain for fifty grains of Cishouhua?" Guo Peng hurriedly dragged Chu Dashan back, while coquettishly coquettish, "Give me some money, give me some small money .”

Chu Dashan was shocked by his cleverness, and goosebumps fell all over the ground.

"I said you got it, so be it. I brought twenty boxes, a total of two hundred spiritual ginseng seeds, and you quickly exchanged for [-] Cishouhua spiritual seeds."

After Guo Peng collected the things, he thanked the young man to bring the seeds to Chu Dashan.

"Is there anything else I need to buy?" Guo Peng asked.

"Do you have any rare seeds here?"

After listening to Chu Dashan's question, Guo Peng thought about it carefully, then patted his head and said, "There is really a kind."

"What kind of seed?" Chu Dashan asked with interest.

"Qingyang Grapes. I heard that they were discovered together with the Qingyang Spirit Peach in the Qingyang Secret Realm. But back then there were many Spirit Peach trees and few grape vines in the Qingyang Secret Realm. Did the family that removed it spread it around, so I know It's not crowded.

Uncle Dashan, are you interested in planting one?

There are not many grape seeds, only about ten catties, and they have been stored for too long, so it is up to the two to decide whether they can survive. "After Guo Peng finished speaking, he took out a dark red wooden box from his storage ring.

As soon as the box was opened, some shriveled seeds that had lost most of their vitality appeared in Chu Dashan's eyes.

"Isn't this too miserable?" Chu Dashan asked in surprise while pinching a seed he had twirled.

"The descendants of that family would not protect the transplanted vines at all, and they died shortly after transplanting. These seeds were collected from the last fruits on those vines." Guo Peng also said helplessly.

"Can this kind of seed be grown?" Chu Dashan asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, but they are all spiritual seeds, maybe they can still live?" Guo Peng said that he was not sure, "Uncle Dashan, how about this, I will give you this box of seeds. If Uncle Dashan, you can plant them alive." Are you returning ten catties of new spirit seeds to me?"

Chu Dashan quit immediately. "I said you are too good at doing business, right? Bullying you, Uncle Dashan, right? We plant this kind of broken seeds that the gods don't know if they can germinate, and once they germinate later, we will return you ten catties of fresh seeds. Among them From germination to fruiting, dare we not pay? I said you are so calculating, why don't you go to heaven?"

(End of this chapter)

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