The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 325 The Possibility of Immortal Root

Chapter 325 The Possibility of Immortal Root

The old man Ling Zhifu, who was brought by the Guo family, looked shocked, and looked at the tender seedlings all over his head with a blank and shocked look.

"Why? Why can so many spiritual ginseng seedlings be planted?"

Guo Peng was very speechless after hearing this, thinking how do I know why?
"Although I have heard of it, I have never seen such a powerful planting technique." Old man Ling Zhifu said.

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean by that?" Guo Peng's second grandfather asked in confusion.

"Master Guo, I heard that there was once a lost planting technique in our circle of Ling Zhifu, called the Shenmu technique. It has this amazing planting effect. Of course, there is another possibility besides the Shenmu technique. nature, then the other party has a very terrifying planting talent. He can plant all kinds of spiritual plants and spiritual things as if they were all kinds of ordinary grass and ordinary flowers.

Finally, there is another situation where there are wood spirit veins hidden under the mountains and rivers. "Zhang Laodao.

"Then is it possible that it is a wooden treasure?" Old Guo asked.

"Is it a treasure of fortune?" Elder Zhang asked back in surprise.

"Is it possible?" Lao Guo asked.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. If there is a treasure of good fortune, there may also be immortal roots." Zhang Lao said.

Old Guo and Xiao Guo Qiqi gasped. "Xiangen?"

"It's not impossible, even the possibility is not small. After all, this is the remnant of Shenting, and it's not uncommon for some fairy roots to come out. Not to mention anything else, let's talk about Zizhu Mountain in our Shenting, and then we found another tree. Immortal root." Zhang Lao said.

When Lao Guo heard this, he immediately smiled bitterly and said, "That's the fairy root that Zizhu Lingshan has accumulated for many years, and I heard that the fairy root has not grown very well recently, and I'm afraid it won't live long."

"No way?" Old Zhang asked with a pale face.That's a fairy root, you just die after getting the certificate?

"After all, it is a man-made fairy root, without the approval of heaven, it will be born in seven disasters and eight disasters. I heard that it was accidentally hit by a golden thunder recently." Old Guo said.

Old Zhang stared, "How unlucky is this?"

As long as this kind of fairy root is born, it will be protected in a series of formations, so how could it be hit hard by the golden thunder!
How did Lao Guo Xiaoguo know about Jin Lei?

"Then there are no other possibilities besides immortal roots?" Guo Peng asked gossipingly.

"The ancient rare-level inheritance of Ling Zhifu may have had such an effect long ago." The elder thought about it carefully and said.

"Then let's take a closer look." Old Guo said.

Many farmers are working in the forest land.A robust middle-aged man dressed in a coarse cloth jacket and shorts was humming a song while raining on the fruit forest.It was the small cloud and rain technique that was used.With a casual wave of his hand, seven or eight trees in a forest were watered by the drizzle.

"Is this the rain spell? My little brother, the rain spell covers a wide area." Mr. Zhang was surprised when he saw it, and couldn't help but walked to him and asked.

"This is Xiaoyunyushu." The other party replied with a smile.After the patter of rain fell, the farmer stepped aside and rained some more trees.

"I think your cultivation level is only at the third level of the Meridian Realm. I didn't expect that your raining technique is so powerful that you can rain on such a large area of ​​fruit trees at one time." Zhang Lao praised.

The farmer's face was weird and tangled. "My little cloud and rain technique is really not good. There are about twenty of us who have learned the little cloud and rain technique, and this level is still at the bottom. Recently, more and more people have learned the little cloud and rain technique. I am afraid that my ranking will continue. Decrease. In the future, my income will also decrease, so I think I should make a surprise attack on my cultivation and strive for another level. In this case, my little cloud and rain technique may be able to improve a few rankings."

"Ranking, what's the use of this ranking?" Elder Zhang asked suspiciously.

"Ranking is equal to income. For example, if I rank among the top ten, my income is the first. There are also many areas in charge, and the monthly bills and various benefits are also high. If my ranking is among the top Twenty, then I am the second class. Now I am ranked 22, so I am the third class. It is higher than ordinary long-term workers. The benefits are also the worst."

"Then how much is your monthly bill, and what about the benefits? I am also a Lingzhi husband."

After hearing Mr. Zhang's words, the farmer suddenly realized.

"It turns out that you are also a casual cultivator looking for a job."

The elder nodded quickly.

"Our third-class treatment here is 40 taels of silver per month, one hundred catties of spiritual food, and ten catties of spiritual fruit."

When he first heard about 40 taels of silver, Zhang was so angry that he almost didn't jump.Because in Shenting and other places, Ling Zhifu's income is settled according to Lingshi, at least two Lingshi a month.Lingshi and silver are not equal at all, okay?

But when he heard about the treatment later, he was shocked again.One hundred catties of spiritual food is already a lot. Many husbands of Ling Zhi eat two or three catties of spiritual food in a month, but here we directly give one hundred catties.Spiritual fruits are even rarer and more expensive. Ten catties of spiritual fruits would cost as many spirit stones, but people count on the catty when they start.

It's simply inhumane!

"You really give spirit fruit by the catty here?" Mr. Zhang asked in surprise.

"Yes. This is still the third-class treatment. The second-class treatment will be doubled, and the first-class treatment will be tripled." The farmer said.

"Then what kind of fruit do you usually get?" Mr. Zhang asked.

"Panlong peach." The farmer said.

In fact, strictly speaking, Panlong peach has not yet transformed into a spiritual fruit.It's just fruit that contains aura.The problem is that in Longshanfang City, these things are sold as spiritual fruits.

"Panlong peach?" Xiao Guo also came over at this time. "Is that Panlong peach? Has your Panlong peach transformed into a spiritual root?"

"Panlong peaches are grown on the top of the mountain. The peach trees have not yet turned into spiritual roots, but the peaches already contain a lot of spiritual energy. In Longshanfang City, we sell them as spiritual fruits," said the farmer. .

"I know this, low-level spiritual fruit." Xiao Guo said.For farmers who are only in the Meridian Realm, this kind of fruit is indeed effective, and the effect is not bad. "The spiritual food given by your family is not all black pearl upland rice?"

"Yes, 120 jin for one, with the skin on, and you can peel the skin yourself when you go home." The farmer laughed.

"It's just your family's trouble. I heard that your family also sells it in the same way in Longshanfang City. Everyone sells polished rice after peeling off the skin. This way the skin can be saved to feed the livestock." Xiao Guo said.

The farmer was quite speechless after hearing this, "Which of the masters in our family would be willing to do this kind of work? When the rice was harvested, several basements were piled up, and they were full." Then Who is in the mood to thresh a large amount?
"You can outsource the whole work." Xiao Guo laughed.

"Doesn't that mean we have to dump the warehouse? It's easy to sell it directly, or give us benefits." The farmer looked like I had seen through them.

With a puff, Xiao Guo was amused.

(End of this chapter)

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