The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 341 The sixth-order spiritual vein is Lingshan

Chapter 341 The sixth-order spirit vein is the spirit mountain

"Father, don't be sad, Da Song will eventually perish anyway." The princess said with a complicated expression.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Hearing this, the king of Yaoshan burst into tears. "This is the 1000-year-old foundation of the ancestors." He was so unwilling, he was very angry. "Why are there so many rebellious officials and thieves? Son, didn't you say that the Great Song Dynasty is different in this life?" Why do you still say that the Great Song Dynasty will perish?

The princess said speechlessly, "Unless Da Song has his own spiritual mountain, he will be powerless to resist the foreign forces that will come in the future."

About his own rebirth, the Great Princess had already told the Prince of Yishan County.

Therefore, the king of Yaoshan County is also very dependent on his eldest daughter.Trust her in every word that resembles a prophecy.

"Will the foreign forces come again? Are they not idle? What's the matter with the Lingshan? Why do we have hope with the Lingshan?" The king of Yaoshan asked puzzled.

"I don't know too well. I know that Lingshan involves the final integration of the world. Having Lingshan and not having Lingshan are completely different things." The princess said.Anyway, she didn't find out the exact news about Lingshan before she was reborn.

The king of Yaoshan County stared at his red eyes from crying, "Then can we make Lingshan?"

"Lingshan must have at least a sixth-order spiritual vein." The princess smiled wryly. "Until I was reborn in my previous life, I had never heard of a sixth-order spiritual vein appearing anywhere."

Are you kidding me, first-order spirit veins are rare.

According to the attributes, the spiritual veins can be divided into non-attribute spiritual veins and attribute spiritual veins.

According to the size, spiritual veins can be divided into small spiritual veins, medium-sized spiritual veins, large spiritual veins, super large spiritual veins and giant spiritual veins.

A spiritual vein that exceeds a giant spiritual vein is not called a spiritual vein, it is called a spiritual mountain.In fact, it is a sixth-order spirit vein.

A small spirit vein is actually a first-order spirit vein, and so on, and a giant spirit vein is actually a fifth-order spirit vein.

Even super-large spiritual veins are extremely rare in Yun'an Continent, let alone giant spiritual veins like a moat!
When it came to Bibo Lake and Xifeng Lake near Changyang, for some reason, they turned into super-large spiritual veins.If the two super-large water attribute spirit veins were not occupied by powerful monsters, they would have already attracted all kinds of human forces to fight and snatch them.

The great princess lured his father to the northwest for the first purpose of Longshanfang City.It's a pity that Zhu Yongnian died, and her plan to continue the front line failed. The second goal is to occupy Xifeng Lake and Bibo Lake.Possess two super water attribute spiritual veins in advance.

It's a pity that she doesn't know if she can achieve this goal.

Chu Shinian, who occupied Xifeng Lake, and Zhang Wei, who occupied Bibo Lake, were too strong now.

The big princess couldn't help complaining in her heart, why is her opponent in this life so strong?

She didn't know that the two lake spirit veins she was expecting would be wiped out by Chu Taohua.

"Where is the Lingshan built by the royal family before?" the king of Yaoshan County asked suspiciously.

"That is the prototype of Lingshan, not the real Lingshan. But with the prototype of Lingshan, if you cultivate it at any cost, there is still a possibility of becoming a Lingshan." The princess explained to her father.

"In short, no matter which way you go, it will be difficult?" the king of Yaoshan County asked.

The big princess looked serious and nodded.

The king of Gaoshan County was silent for a long time before he said, "In a few days, some of your uncles, uncles, and uncles in the clan will probably send people to help me. Also, you must be prepared. The banditry in the southwest is very serious. Your Majesty and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince intend to give up the control of the Great Song Dynasty when it is really difficult, and think of a way out."

"What do you mean?" the princess asked in astonishment.

"It is to disperse those family fortunes of the royal family among the royal family in batches, prepare children secretly, and plan to cast Lingshan secretly."

"Is it still cast? How can Lingshan be so easy to cast?" the princess asked helplessly.

"Why don't you say what to do? If the Great Song Dynasty perishes in the hands of us royal family, then we are all sinners of the family and the Song Dynasty." Said the king of Yaoshan very stubbornly.

The princess fell silent immediately, if she didn't fight, she wouldn't be reconciled.

"Baicao Pavilion, Dancao Tower, and Xiancaotang are all foreign forces, we can get in touch with them more." The princess said.

"We have no capital, and people won't pay attention to us." Said the king of Yaoshan very coldly.

"Father, why don't we take the spiritual field of Chu Dashan?" the princess suddenly said fiercely.

"Oh, actually, I have thought about it a long time ago. Unfortunately, I guess that Chu Dashan was either Zhang Wei or Chu Shinian. How do we take it? Even if we take it, we will give them a reason to take it away faster gone."

Princess Zhao Ru "..."

But thinking about it again, the weak combat power of the Chu family and their terrifying ability to make money may really be freed by a certain force.

"But why? Wouldn't it be better to be included as soon as possible?" Zhao Ru was puzzled.

However, the King of Gaoshan County said with an expression of guessing the reason, "If you had been a slave early, would you still be willing to take care of tens of thousands of acres of spiritual fields?"

The princess Zhao Ru immediately shook her head, "Definitely not."

"Will Chu Dashan be happy?" Yao Shan asked back.

Zhao Ru immediately understood, that's why.

"The spiritual fields of the Chu family can be harvested at any time, so why rush? Wouldn't it be good to let their family develop well? Just start when you need to."

After hearing what the father said, Zhao Ru nodded in agreement.

"Father, is the situation in the southwest very bad?" Zhao Ru asked.

The king of Yaoshan County shook his head lightly, "It's okay. It's just that the nobles have their own ideas, and I'm afraid they don't want to be tied to my royal family anymore. They have a different heart, so how can we not make more preparations? If we talk about accumulation, in Who in the Song Dynasty can compare with our Zhao family's deep heritage?"

Zhao Ru understood immediately.

Seeing that the nobles wanted to give up their Zhao family, the emperor and the crown prince were naturally more determined to give up on them.

There are still three-inch nails on the broken ship, let alone the Zhao family with such a vast territory.If the royal family has a heart, then the draw will be even more powerful.

"So, the tax will be raised soon?" Zhao Ru thought for a while and asked in surprise.

"Significant tax increases are coming soon." The king of Gaoshan County said, "Only by raising taxes substantially can we accumulate astonishing wealth for the royal family in the shortest possible time, and the Lingshan can be built smoothly." The king of Gaoshan County said.

"Then our royal family's reputation will probably be stigmatized." Zhao Ru said.

"There's no way around it. Fishing in a dry marsh will yield some harvests within a short period of time. If we don't fish in a dry marsh, we'll run out of rats when our warehouse is empty." Yao Shan said helplessly, who wouldn't want to make a good reputation.

But they don't have a chance, time waits for me, so why not! ?
Zhao Ru pursed her lips, it seemed that the Zhao family had finally come to this point.

(End of this chapter)

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