The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 35 Insect plague

Chapter 35 Insect plague
Except that the wheat in Chu Shuisheng's house turned black, the crops and herbs in other people's fields did not mutate, which made the villagers secretly relieved.

But why did the wheat of Dudushuisheng's family turn black?

So the gossip about Chu Shuisheng's poor feng shui and their bad character spread to the whole village. As a result, Chu Shuisheng's biological father didn't think about it for a while and hanged himself.

Fortunately, Chu Shuisheng got up at night and found that his father had hanged, which allowed his father to regain his old life.

However, this incident also made Chu Shuisheng rush to the village chief's house to cry, so the gossip about Chu Shuisheng's family in the village gradually disappeared.However, the news that Chu Shuisheng's family had bad feng shui was known to everyone.

Fortunately, the children of Chu Shuisheng's family are still young, otherwise, it would be unfortunate if there is someone who is going to marry in recent years. At least no one in the village is willing to marry their family, or marry their daughter.

This is really a steal. Chu Shuisheng hated those who secretly pushed him.Now that Chu Dashan is a cultivator on the bright side, in order not to have a grudge with the cultivator's family, Chu Shuisheng can only hate the person who instigated him to do this.

In May, Chu Changfeng brewed the food and wine of the Chu Dashan family, a full [-] catties and a hundred large altars.As for fruit wine, you have to wait for the fruit to come down before brewing.

The newly transplanted peach trees and jujube trees did not bear fruit because of transplanting problems.It is estimated that if you want to eat peaches and dates, you will have to wait for next year.However, the tree is very lush, and it didn't take more than a month to reach their house, and it actually grew a lot taller, a full [-] feet high.

The tree is so big that it will be difficult to pick fruit in the future.

But Chu Dashan has no way to keep them from growing like crazy, so he can only let nature take its course.

After more than a year of accumulation from Uncle Six, many chicks and ducks hatched this year, but the geese have to wait, and it is estimated that it will be next year.Erqing gave birth to another calf.So a family of three became a family of four.The little brother of the calf especially likes it, and often plays with the calf.

Last year, the family’s lambs were only bought, and I still can’t count on them this year. It is estimated that they will start cubs next year.

However, in the spring of this year, Uncle Liu let the long-term workers and their sons catch a lot of rabbits, made wooden cages, and raised them in rows in specially built rabbit sheds.

The cages are made quite large, which is convenient for the rabbits to move around.

Since raising rabbits, everyone has felt the benefits of raising rabbits. Little rabbits can be raised in six months until they can mate and have cubs. In the future, as long as they eat and drink enough, and the temperature is sufficient, they can breed rabbits every month.

However, monthly baby rabbits consume too much for the female rabbit, which will reduce the lifespan of the female rabbit.

So Uncle Six, a big breeder, figured out a way to only keep the male and female rabbits together during mating. Once the female rabbit is found to be pregnant, it will be transferred to another cage. After the rabbits are born, they will be Cultivation for a month, and then go to make it pregnant and give birth to cubs.

When the new male rabbits grow up, the old ones can be eaten at any time.

So the long-term workers feel very happy, and they can have a rabbit meat snack if they have nothing to do.

In fact, I used to eat rabbit meat from time to time, but at that time, it was irregular, unlike now I eat a rabbit every five or six days.Occasionally, everyone catches a rabbit or two in the valley when they have nothing to do. When the time comes, they will tell the chef and they will pickle them into wax rabbits.It is also a good meat dish to go to the home every month when I have a rest.

But you can't pickle too many rabbits. After all, salt is also money. Besides, it's easy for people to pickle wax rabbits for you, right?

In the early morning of one day in mid-May, a black tornado that suddenly covered the sky fell from the sky.

When the black cyclone appeared near, everyone knew that it was a large group of black insects that rushed into the fields and mountains by the lake.

Pieces of wheat that had already grown and headed and were about to be grouted immediately disappeared with the sound of gnawing bugs.

There is still a lot of rice in the green crops and other grains that are not yet ripe!

Various herbs grown in the fields...

The scene is like a doomsday catastrophe!
The long black worm with the slap and the huge mouthparts devoured human food and herbs with a clack, and the clack sound was like the horn of doomsday.

The villagers rushed into their most precious fertile fields and sloping fields with various tools for removing insects like frying pans.But no matter how much they kill insects, more insect swarms fly down from the west.

In just half a day, the fields near Chuzhuang were all occupied by insects, and the sound of clack clack made people crazy and desperate.

Seeing the rescue situation in the fields, the village chief knew that this year's grain harvest was coming to an end.

Seeing that the food was about to be harvested, the insects in everyone's fields could not be killed, but there was also a large area where not a single insect fell.

The bugs flew straight over the area, as if they didn't see the vast swathes of crops and herbs below.

The village chief took a closer look and found that there were a large number of high-quality paddy fields and a large deserted valley in that area.

This area is just west of the village.

It includes the farmhouse in the small half of the village, as well as the large fields and mountains in the west.

If Xiongshan wasn't too high and the upper half was too cold, it probably wouldn't be able to stop the swarms from eating.However, the large woodlands at the foot of the mountain and halfway up the mountain were also devoured by a large number of insects.

But it happened that there was nothing wrong with that place.

It's really weird.

The village chief greeted the landowners over there to ask, but none of them knew why the land was forgotten by the insect swarm.

However, it was not eaten, which means that everyone’s location is good, and they can continue to harvest after being plagued by insects. Who doesn’t secretly have fun.

The village chief thought about it, and suddenly remembered that there was a person who might know what was going on in that land. This person was Chu Dashan.

"Dazhuang, do you know why there are no insects in that land?"

Seeing his son shook his head.The village chief said, "Why don't you go and find Chu Dashan to see what he has to say about this?"

The village chief pointed him to the place where the insects had fallen.Chu Dazhuang turned his head and followed his father's orders.

Chu Dashan rushed to the door of his house when the swarm of insects first fell, intending to rescue the herbs in his house, but he was stopped by Peach Blossom before he rushed out of the house. "Father, the array plate you asked me to bury last time has a magic array to prevent insects, so that insects will not find the herbs and spiritual plants within its shelter. So don't worry, our herbs and food are all right."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. The small plate is full of dense formations. I also found it after searching the book for a long time." Taohua pouted and said coquettishly.

Chu Dashan was overjoyed, and immediately picked up his daughter and said, "Okay, this time Peach Blossom has done a great job. Dad will let your sister cook a big pot of beef at night, okay?"

"Let's put a root of topaz grass ginseng."

When Chu Dashan heard this, his face turned black.

(End of this chapter)

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