The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 357 The Spirit of the Spiritual Vein temporarily sleeps

Chapter 357 The Spirit of the Spiritual Vein temporarily sleeps
Yaozu is really rich, but he is inhumane! !
Go directly to the small secret realm to breed demon blood ginseng! ! !
Taohua secretly complained about the moat of the monster race, while grabbing the small piece of spirit essence to observe carefully. "Don't underestimate this spirit essence, but the quality is really good. It should be a third-order spirit essence. I earned it this time. There will still be good things in the future. Uncle, you must find me."

Chu Changhua was speechless after hearing this. "The monster race rarely trades top resources with the human race, don't you know?"

"It's rare and it's not that I don't trade." Taohua complained dissatisfied, "We have you, uncle, and all kinds of conveniences. Backed by Longshanfang City, we can collect whatever we want. Why can't we trade?

If you can still get me two spirit essences, I can make even better things to trade with you. "

"Where do you have any better trading items?" Chu Changhua said disdainfully.

"The specific location of the ruins of a branch palace in Dou Zhan Sheng Palace." Tao Hua said.

Cough, cough, Chu Changhua looked up at Xiao Taohua in disbelief, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, this is one of the top inheritances of your monster clan. What good is it for me to lie to you? As long as you are a monster clan, you will know that it is the site of the division of the Dou Zhan Sheng Palace as soon as you enter it." Taohua smiled. Like a little fox.

Chu Changhua rubbed his forehead, "What do you want to trade?"


"No, this time it was an accident. Spirit essence is also of great importance to our Yaozu. Everyone will not easily sell this kind of resources for the sake of future paths." Chu Changhua said.

"Then forget it." Tao Hua acted as if she didn't force it.

Chu Changhua had a toothache.

"In short, there is no such thing now, and I will help you find it later."

"Then I'll wait for good news from you, uncle."

"Why do you say you are staring at Lingcui?" Chu Changhua asked dejectedly.

"I don't lack anything except spiritual essence." Tao Hua said speechlessly.She really doesn't need anything for now. "I want to survive until the time when my cultivation base is enough to protect myself, and the various resources I accumulated in my previous life are still surplus. I can even snatch the chance of being killed."

"You want to rob someone, but they want to rob you first." Chu Changhua said angrily. "I went out for a trip recently. I originally wanted to take away the opportunity I saw to be a monster, but when I got there, it was blank and there was nothing. I don't know if it was the bad guy who poached the things in advance. gone."

"For something like chance, it's yours, and it's useless to think about what's not yours. If you can grab you, you can have luck." Taohua persuaded with special experience.

However, Chu Changhua didn't want to hear her say that at all.

Who doesn't know that Chu Xi is a lucky girl who can step on chance while walking?

Sending away the uncle and grandpa Chu Changhua who finally saw that her nose was not a nose, and her eyes were not eyes.Taohua once again summoned the real body of Xiaopang, the spirit of the five elements of the five elements.Then he threw the spirit essence into Xiaopang's mouth.

Xiaopang, who had two hind legs with small claws, swallowed the essence impatiently, and then began to roll all over the floor, screaming.

Fortunately, the space around here was sealed by Taohua with a formation in advance.

But not long after, Xiaopang rolled on the ground again, but slowly lay down on the ground again.Then, on the forehead, a small red crystal the size of a grain of rice protruded.

"How is it?" Taohua squatted in front of it, asking worriedly.

Xiaopang raised his head weakly, "I just used up two small non-attribute spirit veins to get through. This spirit really deserves to be a spirit."

"This is the spiritual essence of the third-level quality. Firstly, it is small in size, and secondly, you are born extraordinary. You are the spirit of the five elements of the reincarnation of the dragon soul. It is because of your profound foundation that I dare to directly put it Give it to you to devour."

"I have only initially integrated it now." Xiaopang said. "This thing has really blessed me a lot, and I may have to sleep for a while. I will temporarily hand over the authority to you now."

"Can't I wake you up then?" Taohua scratched her head and asked.The authority of the Five Elements Spirit Vein is really complicated, and she looks unwilling to be troubled.

"Hurry up, otherwise you won't be able to do anything when I fall asleep. Last time when I fell asleep before entering the stage, you woke me up several times, which caused me to always have a feeling of unfinished business when entering the stage. .

This time I must sleep well. "

Xiaopang said very firmly this time.

"Then how long will you sleep for?" Taohua asked.

"At least one month." Xiaopang said, "My accumulation this time is naturally enough, but it has become difficult for me to advance. I guess this time I can only break through a small realm."

"That's fine." For a month, Tao Hua felt that she could still accept it.

In fact, Peach Blossom originally shared Xiaopang's authority over the entire five-element spirit vein.

But Xiaopang is responsible for the adjustment of the spiritual energy of the five elements and various subtle tasks, including the operation control of each earth core in the Sutu Spiritual Formation, as well as the growth of spiritual plants in various places, and the adjustment of the need for spiritual energy.

There is also the adjustment of the aura in the small lakes everywhere.

After completely taking over Xiaopang's authority, Taohua can be considered to have completely controlled all kinds of spiritual plants and the total number of spiritual objects in the entire Five Elements Spirit Vein.

The operating cycle of the nodes of the earth veins and the nodes of the spiritual veins.

Even if she felt that her sea of ​​consciousness was larger than that of ordinary people, and her mental strength was stronger than that of ordinary people, so she insisted on adjusting the circulation of the spirit veins at any time, and she was exhausted.

It's no wonder that those Lingshan, Lingfu, and Lingdi were later managed by special magic weapons or spirits of spirit veins.

This is simply not human work.

Qingmei took her little sister Taohua to exercise early in the morning.She fought with a set of boxing techniques by herself, with a heroic appearance.Her younger sister, however, has blue eyes and white lips, and looks weak and frail.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing."

"Can't you tell your sister?"

"Aren't I adjusting the Sutu spirit array? This spirit array is now divided into three parts, two are large areas, and there is a small connection area in the middle. The overall operation is always a bit disharmonious. I am not modifying it. .”

Qingmei looked at her sympathetically.

Not only had she seen the blueprints for the large Sutu Spirit Formation, but she had also carefully observed how they worked underground with her spiritual sense.Those cores are in motion almost all the time.

In fact, that set of spiritual formations has already opened up a spiritual formation operation area underground by itself.

Now it's a matter of pulling one hair and moving the whole body, so don't dare to change it easily.

Her little sister is actually planning to readjust them, which is amazing!

"That's not easy to adjust." Qingmei said.

"I'll do it myself." Taohua said.She couldn't say that she was temporarily replacing the spirit of the spiritual veins in managing the spiritual veins.

(End of this chapter)

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