The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 366 The Unfathomable Chu Clan

Chapter 366 The Unfathomable Chu Clan

The Dawu family studied in the camp for three full months.The qualified ones sensed the aura early and became monks.

Those who have no qualifications can also maintain a great body, and they can also play well with fists, feet and sticks.

The camp here is stewing meat every day.There are fish meat and various wild animal meat.

This is the result of the garrison near the camp running into the nearby mountains to hunt every now and then.If this is an ordinary hunter, he would not dare to go into the deep mountains easily.

On this day, the last batch of trainers in the camp also officially completed the simplest basic training.

On the second day, everyone broke camp and set off, and then passed through a thing called a teleportation array, and was directly teleported to the area where they and others would open up wasteland in the future.

When they actually arrived at the place, everyone was shocked to find that this place is actually a large island.

Except for the necessary ports that are still under construction, these newcomers are all placed in the safe hinterland of the island.The slightly stronger beasts have been emptied.Xinzhuangzi has been repaired, and everyone has divided the house, and distributed farm tools and livestock.

Dawu and Fang's family didn't share a Zhuangzi, but the two Zhuangzi were very close, and it was convenient for the two families to move around in the future.The new farming cattle of the Dawu family is actually pregnant.Not long after arriving home, a calf was born.The village chief came over to see the little calf, and the little guy was very energetic. The village chief was very happy to see it, so he told the Dawu family to take good care of it. You can give priority to selling it back to the village and definitely give a high price!

Because he often came to see Mavericks, Da Wu's family became acquainted with the village head's family.

"Uncle Village Chief, why do we plant so many fruit trees here?" Da Wu and Xiao Wu invited the village chief to drink tea. The tea leaves were all wild tea.

"You were recruited through the Changyang government, right?" the village head asked.

Dawu and the others nodded in unison.

"Actually, the owner who recruited you is the Chu family. The island here also belongs to the Chu family. This island is called Yanbo Island." The village chief explained to them with a smile while drinking tea.

"Uncle Village Chief, the Chu family is very good at hearing. When we came here, we saw that this island is huge." Dawu and the others walked out of the teleportation formation at the wharf area, and it took them seven or eight days to get here.

You can imagine how big this island is.

"This island is indeed not small, it is bigger than the entire Changyang area." The village chief said.

Dawu, father and son were all surprised.

"In addition to this Yanbo Island, the Chu family also has several islands in the sea. They all plan to start land reclamation this year." The village chief said arrogantly.

"Uncle Village Chief, is your surname Chu too?" Xiao Wu asked cleverly.

The village chief chuckled, "If my surname wasn't Chu, I wouldn't have moved here to be your village chief." He said he was the village chief, but he was actually Zhuangtou.He used to be the manager of the farm who followed the old village head.

He was getting older, and he was not promoted to the head of the village at the age of 40. He thought that his future was hopeless, so he was transferred to be the head of the new village.

"Except for me, the village chiefs in Xinzhuangzi here are all members of the Chu clan. If you have anything, just tell me, and I'll help you communicate," the village chief said.

"How many villages are there here?" Xiao Wu asked curiously.

"Our side is the only two large plain areas on the island, which are suitable for farming. We have a total of 48 villages here. Each village has about 400 people." The village chief explained to him.

"It's amazing, so many villages, so many people." Xiao Wu said in astonishment.

"Not many, this area is big, and more villages could have been divided, but there are not so many people who can be village chiefs, so we simply divided up fewer villages, and then allocated more land to each village.

A village is divided into 400 people. If you want to open up the whole village, you don't know how long you will have to wait?
But let's open up a batch of land first, enough for us to eat.Let's talk about other things. "

The village head said very methodically.

There are so many Zhuangzi and village chiefs on such a big island.

The entire Chu family is simply unfathomable!
Da Wu thought to himself.

"The Chu family is so powerful and has a garrison, why don't they open up wasteland in Changyang. There are also a lot of wasteland and mountains in Changyang." Da Wu asked in confusion.

"Our Chu family is not stupid. Why do we make wedding dresses for people? There are many wastelands in Changyang, but aren't they all the land of the Song Dynasty? This is an island, and it looks desolate, but it really belongs to my Chu family.

Whether it is collecting taxes or doing anything else here, it belongs to us. "

The three members of Dawu's family looked at each other in dismay.

"Then isn't this equivalent to becoming a king on your own?" Xiao Wu said quickly.

The mayor smiled.

A look of seeing through but not telling.

No wonder you don't have to pay taxes for ten years! !No wonder the house, farm implements and livestock were given back.

The three Great Wu masters now fully understand.

After seeing off the village chief, Dad Da Wu sighed and said, "This Da Song is really going to perish."

"Father, are there many powerful families like the Chu family in Song Dynasty?" Xiao Wu asked gossipingly.

"I don't know, but there should be quite a few. On the surface, the Changyang Chu family is just a small local family. There are countless small families similar to the Song Dynasty." Da Wu said.

"Father, I really don't think there will be too many. The Chu family has quietly established themselves on the island. I'm afraid that Da Song still doesn't know what they have done.

This is great.

Besides, how much manpower, material and financial resources would be invested in such a large island to open up wasteland?
The Chu family is too rich.With such a rich and powerful family, I don't think Da Song should have too many. "

What Da Wu said was dry, and he didn't provide any strong evidence. Da Wu's father and Xiao Wu didn't believe him very much.

However, the three of them are just small people, and the development of power and the disturbance of the times are still too far away from them.The most important thing for you to naturalize their family is to open up wasteland.

The family was divided into [-] mu of land according to the head of the family.

Some of them can be directly reclaimed into good fields, and some are hillside land, but the hills are relatively low, but according to the requirements of the new village chief, medicinal materials and fruit trees must be planted on the hillside.Slopes are not allowed to be rebuilt into flat fertile fields by digging and filling.

It is said that a large formation is still being built on the island, and it is said that it will cover the entire island.

The main change is that since they came to the island, the island that should have entered the hot summer has become warmer like spring.Moreover, the climate is humid and not dry, the water is sweet and the mountains are beautiful, which makes the people who settle here more and more satisfied with the environment here.

Xiao Wu especially likes to eat fish, so he goes outside the village to catch some when he has nothing to do. In order to keep more fish alive, there are live fish to cook when he wants to eat.He also took the initiative to dig a small fish pond of about [-] square meters beside the vegetable field in the backyard of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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