The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 374 Qingxu Jianzong intends to White Crab Island

Chapter 374 Qingxu Jianzong intends to White Crab Island

"In the past two years, because of you, our family has sold spiritual fruits to the Qingxu Sword Sect. Are they still so short of spiritual fruits? How many people does your Sword Sect have?" Chu Dashan asked suspiciously.

"More than [-] people." Chu Shiluo said calmly.

"There are only so few people?" Chu Dashan said indescribably, "When your master was here, I heard what he said about this and that. I thought the Qingxu Sword Sect was so old, but it turned out to be only [-] people." The old man in the village said that the total number of the Chu family, the direct branch and the side branch, has a population of over one million.

"At the beginning when the spiritual energy was lost, they were not real elite inheritance disciples. They were basically abandoned by the sect. Only these elite inheritance disciples were allowed to enter the small secret realm of the sect. I have entered the small secret realm before, and it is really not that big. It is said that there is a large spiritual vein sealed inside, but I feel that the spiritual energy in it is not as strong as ours."

After listening to his son's words, Chu Dashan was thoughtful.

"And my master said that after they re-opened the small secret realm, they will continue to recall the former disciples and their descendants. However, it has been so many years, and those disciples who were once abandoned have long been turned into a piece of loess. They His descendants have almost become mortals who don't know what cultivation is.

Therefore, Jianzong now chooses disciples among mortals and brings them back to the sect for training.

When I arrived at the sect, there were only 8000 people in the Qingxu Sword Sect. In just over a year, there are more than [-] people.It is also developing rapidly. "

"What is this? Our family is just a Chu family town, and there are a total of [-] casual cultivators living in it."

After hearing what his father said, Chu Shiluo clicked his tongue, "There are still so many people?"

"That's not true. Most of the monks are concentrated in Chujia Town and Chujiafang City in the middle of the mountain. Especially Chujiafang City, it is simply the favorite place for casual cultivators." Chu Dashan told his son Tell the truth. "Now the total population of the Chu family town has exceeded 16, and even Xiantao Village has more than 20 people. Our Chu family now has a population of nearly [-]. Now that Zhang Wei, the order of Miyang, has met me, his attitude is very different. Very warm and solemn.

But I think he has no good intentions for our family. "

"This is not normal. Our family is a big piece of fat. No one wants to take a bite. I heard gossip from some brothers in the sect, saying that our Chu family is very famous in the northwest and southwest, and even in the entire Song Dynasty.

The key is that Yelai's development is getting better and better, and the industry is getting stronger and stronger.However, the ability to protect oneself is almost non-existent.So there are so many people who are staring at our family.But why didn't those forces take action against our family for the time being?
One is that everyone feels that Miryang is Zhang Wei's territory, and it is not easy to pass him.Because Zhang Wei is not a vegetarian either.On the other hand, it is because Changyang Chu Shinian has nothing to do with our Chu family.

Changyang Chu Shinian has a Quanxiu soldier regiment under his command, whose strength is unfathomable. "

When Chu Dashan heard this, the expression on his face was tangled and full of changes, "I didn't expect that in the end, I would still be protected by others."

"Chu Shinian is becoming more and more powerful now. Just borrowing a name can deter the Chu family from many forces that secretly attack our attention." Chu Shiluo said in a complicated tone.

"It's okay, it's a big deal, let's change places and start over." Chu Dashan said carelessly.

Chu Shiluo nodded.

As long as people are there, it's a big deal to start all over again.

When Taohua heard that Chu Shiluo was back, she also ran to see him.As a result, her brother and her father drank too much, and both of them went to bed.

It was not until the next day that Taohua met Chu Shiluo who had made great progress.

After running Qingxu Jianzong for a walk, Chu Shiluo unexpectedly reached the eighth level of the Tongmai Realm, and this speed has already equaled Qingmei.

You must know that the accident of cheating on her re-cultivation was thrown out, the fastest cultivation speed in their family was the second sister Chu Qingmei.

The siblings had just sat down, and the symposium hadn't started yet, when the second sister, Chu Qingmei, also came over.

"Brother, your cultivation is not good enough, you are actually the same as me squatting at home. I thought you were already at the altar level." As soon as Chu Qingmei sat down firmly, she began to complain about her elder brother.

"I can't do anything about it. What I study over there are all kinds of swordsmanship and various cultivation methods for sharpening the body and will. But the Qingxu Sword Sect is short of resources. After they have resources, the various high-level and core disciples Once you are divided, there will not be much when you are in my hands, big brother. Fortunately, before I left home, my father gave me a lot of resources.

Otherwise, I would have to cry, at least there is no way to complete the part of laying the foundation so quickly.

The cultivation method of Qingxu Sword Sect is still very good. "Chu Shiluo said sincerely.

"As long as the foundation is good, it will be fine to go home and make up for resources. Presumably, the elder brother will be promoted to the god stage soon." Tao Hua said full of expectation.

Chu Shiluo thought for a while and said, "Don't worry about this. I still want to polish myself a bit more, before we talk about it."

The current state of their family seems to be in dire straits, but in fact it is restrained by all parties, especially Chu Shinian's ambiguous attitude.So even Zhang Wei from Miyang didn't dare to completely tear himself apart from the Chu family.

What if Chu Dashan was angered and he was completely thrown into Chu Shinian's arms?
So Chu Shiluo didn't have a sense of urgency to practice desperately.

Although he is also anxious, he still feels that some things should be done step by step, and it will be a matter of course.

"That's all right, you continue to polish. I think maybe I might be able to advance to the god stage ahead of you."

"Steady." Chu Shiluo said to the elder sister.

"I know, I know. By the way, brother, do you know about the White Crab Island? Recently, this story has been spread from Longshanfang City to our Chujiafang City. I think many casual cultivators in Fangshi are about to move."

Qing Mei's words caused Chu Shiluo to cough. "Actually, we came back this time because of it. My master means, let me stop by to find out. Is there really a sleeping medium spirit vein under the island?"

"There really is, but that spirit vein is not sleeping, but is sealed. The methods used by the monster clan are very difficult to deal with.

If you want to reactivate the spirit vein, you must first unseal the spirit vein.

I heard that many forces in the casual cultivator have tried it, but until now I haven't heard of anyone who has unsealed the spirit vein.I also heard that a large number of casual cultivators have gathered on White Crab Island, hoping to get a share of the pie after the spirit veins are unsealed there. "Qing Mei said, "There are a lot of latest news about White Crab Island in Fangshi recently, and I will tell you only those reliable news. "

"Our master intends to occupy White Crab Island." Chu Shiluo thought for a while and said proactively.

"Is this crazy? There are too many disciples who dislike her alive?" Qingmei complained indescribably.

(End of this chapter)

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