The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 378 Battle of White Crab Island

Chapter 378 Battle of White Crab Island

Chu Dashan thought for a while, then called his wife again, and told the news about Taohua.

"He has a big business, so let's just follow him and invest in the sea, okay?" Chu Qi didn't think about anything else, the first thing he thought of was, is this appropriate?

"It's because they have a big family and a big business, so they don't like our things. Don't say anything, you can see that our family has nearly [-] mu of spiritual plants, which seems to be a lot. But they are used in Longshanfang City, and they have spiritual fruits every day. The trading volume of spiritual medicines is more than the total amount of spiritual fruits newly harvested by our family." Chu Dashan said exaggeratedly.

In fact, the daily trading volume of spiritual fruits in Longshanfang City is not as large as the total amount of spiritual fruits newly harvested by the Chu family.

Although Longshan is a mainland-level trading market, don't forget that the spiritual energy has only recovered now, and many spiritual fruits were eaten by people and beasts as soon as they were born.There are really not many spiritual fruits that can be sold.

Another ten years or so, and looking at Longshan again, the daily throughput of spiritual fruits and medicines can really be considered huge.

Besides, the Chu family has cultivated too many spiritual fruit trees.

Chu Qi was speechless at what he said, and after careful consideration, he said, "Then we have to invest 90 spirit stones at the beginning, and we will continue to invest in the future. Immigration is money, building houses is money, and repairing Zhuangzi to develop land is still a lot of money." money.

The plate is a little too big. "

"No problem, our family even built Xiaoji Mountain, and built Chujia Town and Chujiafang City respectively. Peach Blossom, let's be safe this time, and build it slowly, do you think it will work?"

"That's right. Otherwise, people will first build the main body and important cities. Then they will start to build other surrounding small cities, towns, villages and so on. Even if they build these, they must first build the hinterland of the island, and finally build outside the island. marginal.

If we want to build the city, we will probably have to wait for others to finish the big work before they can think of us when building Zhuangzi. "

"The Zhuangzi and Xiaocheng in the hinterland of the island..." Chu Dashan asked.

"It didn't let go over there. It let go of the surrounding small towns and land." Taohua said.

"That's normal. The cities, towns, and Zhuangzi in the hinterland are the foundation of the family. How could they open them up to us? They eat meat in Chu Shinian, so we can just drink the soup. A small town can't hold it." You?" Chu Qi asked angrily.

What is the use of many spirit stones?

Lingshi, who has no soldiers or generals in his hand, can't protect himself.

Besides, the taxation of Song Dynasty is really weird.They all started to collect taxes in advance. It is said that thousands of years ago, the dynasty before the Song Dynasty began to collect various exorbitant taxes in advance before the kingdom, which made it impossible for everyone to live.

If they followed Chu Shinian and that Chu family to own a small city on the sea, at least they would have arranged a way out, right?

Although Longshan can also be used as a retreat, Longshan is not very suitable for them.That's too many people, too complicated.

"Then do it like this." Chu Dashan finally made a decision.

So later Chu Shiluo told his father that the sect had sent people to borrow spirit stones three times, maybe his master would come out to borrow spirit stones next time.

Chu Dashan just laughed, "Our family has no spirit stones anymore, and your father and I have invested the spirit stones in the sea. Our family owns a small town on Yanbo Island and 30 mu of arable land around it." .

So even if your master comes, there is no spirit stone to borrow at home. "

Chu Shiluo was stunned.

"How did our family get to the Chu family in Changyang? I heard that Chu Shinian is not easy to get along with."

"In addition to the original Di Chu, the current Changyang Chu family is also a family with us. Besides, whether Chu Shinian has a good temper has nothing to do with us, and we can't see him." Chu Dashan said with a particularly self-aware appearance. .

"There are a total of [-] small towns on the edge of Yanbo Island, all of which are invested and established by branches like ours.

These twelve small cities surround Yanbo Island.It belongs to the outermost defensive circle.

The Chu family is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. I thought our family had planted spiritual plants for a few years, and they could be regarded as a figure in our Chu family. Unexpectedly, it was only one of the twelve small towns. "Chu Dashan sighed.

"Father, how do you know so clearly?" Chu Shiluo asked in surprise.

"I went to the island. Just a few days ago, I used the teleportation array to teleport there directly. Emma, ​​with three hundred spirit stones alone, is extremely expensive. But I happened to meet another one over there who also went to investigate the location of the small town and The eldest brother of Wu Chan, we chatted and realized that we are one-twelfth of that." I thought I was a big brother, but I turned out to be a younger brother.

Chu Dashan and others share the same disease and pity each other, and they cherish each other.

After hearing this, Chu Shiluo was also very speechless.

The cultivation of spiritual plants in his own family is really brilliant. Chu Shiluo believes that there is no family or sect around him that is as good as his family.Besides, apart from the new Changyang Chu clan newly established by Chu Shinian, he had never heard of any branch of the Chu clan in the Northwest region, or a branch sect that could rival his own in terms of financial resources.

But listening to his father's tone, the outermost circle of small towns on Yanbo Island were all established by other branches, which were established by sub-clan shares. That's really interesting.

Where the hell are these guys coming from?

At the end of the year when the snow was all over the sky, when the whole Northwest was looking forward to the annual festivals of various families and ethnic groups, the battle broke out on White Crab Island.

A huge number of mutated sea cockroaches crawled out of the deep sea, and began to attack and devour the casual cultivators on White Crab Island and the forces that had established temporary camps on White Crab Island.

The sea cockroaches are almost inexhaustible, and they climb up the white crab island every day at the first sunrise of the sun.After the night, they automatically return to the deep sea.

When he left, he even took away the corpses or broken pieces of our companions.

It's so annoying, so hard to kill.

Especially now that White Crab Island is very cold, but it is affected, and the only people who are hunted down all day long are humans whose movements are getting slower and slower due to the cold.On the contrary, the sea cockroaches are quick-moving, and humans can only see afterimages of their movement when they move fast.

Moreover, these heads are full of sea cockroaches the size of large dogs on land, and they are omnivorous.

Whatever is edible, they will eat it all as soon as it comes up.

The various camps built by the monks with great difficulty, when the sea cockroaches crawled over, came back and saw that they were all ruins.

And there are too many of them, low-level monks can't cope with such a huge population of mutated sea beasts, and they pour their hatred into their mouths one by one.

Just at the beginning of the new year, the battle on White Crab Island was spread throughout the northwest region.

Just based on the number of deaths that are doubling every day, let those moderately weak forces and small forces plan to give up White Crab Island.

(End of this chapter)

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