Chapter 382
Even though everyone thinks that the Chu Clan, the Continental-level hegemony, is a bit of a bully, but he stepped into the Continental-level, right? !

The terrifying Chu Shinian, the terrifying Chu Shinian, his kid's rise is too fast, it's like the rise of a comet.

At the whole time, even Emperor Song had to compromise.

"You tell Chen He, agree to Chu Shinian's conditions, let him send me 60 spirit stones a year." Song Huang sat on the throne and closed his eyes, opened them again.If he hadn't caught up with such a period, he would have cracked Chu Shinian to the bone!

"Do we really want to compromise with him? They attacked White Crab Island, causing us to lose 10,000+ shipbuilders, including nearly 5000 master craftsmen. This does not include the various shipbuilding timbers we hoarded on White Crab Island. and other supplies. There are more than 5000 merchant ships and large and small warships." The prince especially said unwillingly. "And they also released news that there are medium-level spiritual veins under the White Crab Island, which made it impossible for us to regain the White Crab Island."

It is impossible for the huge Song Dynasty to have only one White Crab Island.But there are not many places similar to White Crab Island.There are only three forces in the entire Song Dynasty at sea.

The Chu family took White Crab Island, which was equivalent to weakening Song's sea power by one-third.

This is too harsh.

Song Huangdao: "Without Chen He, how could they want to snatch our White Crab Island. When Chen He specified that he was negotiating terms with them, he took the initiative to sell the White Crab Island to them. We can only suffer this loss, and turn around." We can't punish Chen He yet. He is also wholeheartedly for our father and son." Song Huang said with a sigh.

Chen He had already said in the secret letter that as soon as Chu Shinian saw him, he wanted a craftsman.You must also be a master shipbuilder, and you must have at least three thousand master craftsmen.Otherwise, don't talk about any conditions.

Chen He had no choice but to sell White Crab Island.

Anyway, White Crab Island is just a dark force cultivated by the royal family outside, and it is not the only one.If you sell it, you sell it.

The prince actually read the secret letter, and his face turned purple with anger.

This Chen He really doesn't feel bad about selling royal things, he is simply a traitor.But his father still trusts him very much, and he will believe anything even if he talks nonsense.

Thinking of his father's jealous thoughts towards him, the prince would not be angry with Chen He in front of his father.

"Is Chen He's body sure that he won't have any heirs?" Prince Hu'er asked.

Song Huang pointed his finger at his face and said, "You, you. You are just too worried. Do you think your father and I will really trust him without any precautions? I have been with his father and his brother for a long time. The drug was given to make their family die from all children and grandchildren.

Don't tell me about this matter, I still want to use Chen He.Others are not as useful as him. "

The prince was stunned.

He looked back at his own father in disbelief, "Father, when did you do it?"

"Just after Chen Dazhi threw Chen He out of the house." Song Huang said. "Although your father and I are not very shrewd, we don't trust anyone casually. Remember, if the emperor trusts anyone, he will die early."

What Emperor Song didn't say was that your uncle died because he trusted me.

"This is the emperor's mind, you can learn it later. Don't think that what your master taught you is the real thing. Some skills still need experience and experience to learn."

What Emperor Song didn't say was, for example, me.If that person hadn't come to me back then, I would have never thought of killing my own elder brother.

Prince Song suddenly discovered that his own father had also become a stranger.

The father who he thought was very low-intelligence in the past, unexpectedly also had such precise and ruthless ways to cut off other people's backs.It is conceivable that when Chen He later found out that all three male members of the Chen family had lost their sons and grandchildren, all his efforts were in vain in the end, without a single orthodox heir, and all great achievements were in vain.I don't know how he will feel when the time comes? !
What a joy!
Prince Song laughed softly.

Song Huang looked at Prince Song and smiled lowly, with a faint expression on his face.

If it weren't for this one among all his sons, he had two methods, and he designated that he would not keep this ambitious son.

It's a pity that Da Song can't afford to deal with it anymore. His other sons are either too young, or they are more sloppy and stupid.

So his future successor has to be the present prince.

"To be an emperor, you need to be ruthless and ruthless. You must also learn to be decisive and do the right thing at the right time. When I decided to use Chen He, I decided not to let Chen Dazhi's family have any descendants. They have no descendants. There will be no more government offices.

The Chen family can only have one duke's mansion.That's why I did it.Now it seems that Chen He is still very useful, so don't always target him in the future. "

"Father, don't worry, I understand." Prince Song said happily.

The conversation between Emperor Song and Crown Prince Song was quickly transmitted to a certain woman wearing a veil. The woman wrote a note after thinking about it, and the note was transmitted to Tao Hua within a few days.

Tao Hua stared at the note in a daze.She recalled it carefully, it seemed that the Chen family really had no heirs in the end.In the end, Chen Gong didn't marry Chu Qingmei, and it seemed that he didn't get married either. He left with the princess.

Tao Hua thought about it, and then passed the whole news to Feng Er, so that Feng Er could pass it on to Chen Dazhi whenever he had the chance.

Feng Er took the note in his hand and changed color.

"Fortunately, I was on guard. But Chen Gong..." Feng Er sighed.The most ruthless emperor's family, maybe he really shouldn't take the whole family to the imperial capital for the eldest son.If he didn't go, maybe the youngest son wouldn't be tricked either.I don't know if it can be cured in the future.

In addition to this note, there is also a secret letter from Tianming to him, telling him that he can reorganize the Tower of Heaven.And informed of restructuring proposals.

Feng Er thinks that this new reorganization proposal is quite good, but the name of Cantian Pavilion can no longer be used.

After all, the name in the previous life was too resounding.

After thinking about it, Feng Er returned the few names he had circled to Tianming, asking her to give her the name of the new organization at most.

Tao Hua looked at the name Feng Er sent, all kinds of corners of her mouth and eyes twitched.

Feng Er is a bad name, right?Tao Hua thought to herself.

Just when Taohua decided to think of a good name for herself, another change came from Xiaopang's side.

Crack, click, there was a constant sound of cracking something huge shaking from the ground.This vibration is very deep underground, so it has little effect on the people and buildings on the ground, but the vibration is slightly felt.But that clicking sound was still weird.

Fortunately, the clicking sound disappeared after a few sounds.

(End of this chapter)

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