The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 387 Place the Qianyuan Jujug

Chapter 387 Place the Qianyuan Jujug

But the problem of the imbalance of the five elements cannot be solved once she knows about it.If you want to solve the problem completely, you need to do more preparations.

After understanding the imbalance of the five elements, Taohua's consciousness planned to separate from Xiaopang and return to her body.But Xiaopang still clung to her, holding onto her consciousness while continuing to fine-tune the circulation of the aura in the five elements spiritual realm.

It took a few days to complete the large passageway and the small passageway, layer by layer, and almost exhausted Taohua's spiritual consciousness.

When Taohua's consciousness returned to her body, she felt her head was about to burst from the pain.

Taohua's two little paws weakly supported her head, feeling like she was about to die.

But at this time, she can't rest yet, and she has to solve the mess Xiaopang left her as soon as possible.The first thing to be solved is the promotion of the family's Lingzhi.There are too many spiritual plants in the Peach Blossom Family, whether it is spiritual fruit trees or various spiritual medicines, the number is huge.

But this time, Xiaopang's promotion is only a small promotion, so the feedback during the promotion is limited, and it is impossible to be as strong as the previous big promotion that condensed into spiritual veins, and can be promoted in batches. plant.

So this time, whether the Lingzhis can advance is the talent potential.

There are tens of thousands of Qingyang spiritual peach trees in the Peach Blossom Family, but this time the Qingyang spiritual peach trees that have been promoted from the first-level spiritual plant to the first-level middle-grade Qingyang spiritual peach trees only account for one percent of the total number.And the Qingyang spiritual peach tree that has advanced to the first rank is only one in ten thousand.

There are more than [-] spiritual peach trees, and only the two oldest peach trees have been promoted to the first rank.

As for the golden glazed jujube tree, Zhixia mulberry, Xuexiantao and Longchi green plum, I don't know if the planting time is relatively short, or there is no reason why not a first-grade fruit tree appeared.As a result, the fruit trees that have transformed into first-tier middle-grade fruit trees are only slightly less than Qingyang spiritual peach trees.

However, the red fruit and ginkgo trees that were planted for a short period of time did not know whether it was because the fruit trees were short, and it was easy to advance after absorbing spiritual energy. 30 small trees successfully gave birth to [-] first-level top-grade fruit trees.

This is amazing, this is a promotion rate of one in a thousand.

The Yuye fruit tree, which is a dwarf tree like vermilion fruit and ginkgo fruit, has only been promoted to three of the [-] trees.

Therefore, the promotion rate of Zhu Guo and Bai Guo is really confusing.

But if it is said that the vermilion fruit and ginkgo fruit in the family are born with many high-level spiritual plants, then the spiritual ginseng in the family is even more terrifying.

So far, the Chu family has planted a total of 500 acres of ginseng, about 500 million roots. 150 million spiritual ginseng actually gave birth to 30.00 first-order top-grade spiritual ginseng.One percent birth rate!There are a total of [-] million first-grade middle-grade spiritual ginseng. [-]% birth rate!

This is kind of scary.

This shows that the spirit plant with the most potential for evolution in the Chu family is actually a spirit ginseng raised at home! ! !
It is precisely because the evolution potential of the spiritual ginseng at home is too high, so even if Taohua knew that more than 300 of the 3000 million snake saliva trees in the family had been promoted to the first level, she was not too surprised, and was completely numb by her spiritual ginseng up.The first-tier high-grade birth rate of snake saliva fruit is only one in a thousand, and there is really nothing to be proud of.

Well, after all, they are much stronger than those large spiritual fruit trees.

But the essence of snake fruit is also grass!
In addition to these astonishing promotions, only more than 100 of the [-] Panlong peaches in the family have transformed into spiritual plants this time.There is still a long way to go to the first-order spiritual plant!

As for Qingmu Caozhi, only one in a million of Caozhi has transformed into a spiritual plant.

Although the number of grass lucidum is really large, they all grow in clusters and flakes, but only a very small part of them eventually become spiritual plants.

But no matter how little it is, it means that the family finally has Aoki Ganoderma lucidum.

Moisturized by the innate Yimu aura in the valley for a long time, the tallest ones of Qingmu Caozhi grew up to the size of a one-meter large pot lid in the farmhouse, more than half a person tall.

The smallest Caozhi cub is as tall as the belly of a finger, but the largest is half a person tall.

Because we do not have such a large demand for green wood grass mushrooms in Longshanfang City, the family will only choose a small piece of grass mushrooms to harvest every one or two months.Mainly in order not to drop the price.If a large amount of green wood grass mushrooms enter the market at once, the price of green wood grass mushrooms in Longshanfang City will suddenly fall to the bottom.

Chu Dashan is not stupid, why would he do such a thing of self-destructive family business.

Anyway, if you don't pick the Cyanwood Grass Mushroom, it won't die, it will grow slowly.Maybe at some point, Fan Yao will directly transform into a spiritual plant.

There are a lot of spiritual plants promoted in the family, but there are actually many things.For example, how to take care of it in the future, how to fertilize it, what more things need attention after Lingzhi is promoted, etc., are all things.

Taohua first went to visit all the promoted Lingzhi, and then found the new plan that Chu Dashan and his father had discussed for a long time.Finally, it was announced to the long-term workers and Ling Zhifu in the family.

Of course, both mortals and monks in the Chu family have actually noticed the new changes.At least the air here is cleaner and more suitable for growing plants.

If it weren't for the fact that spring has just started and nothing has been planted in the ground, it is estimated that those ordinary mortal species, whether it is vegetables or grains, will have large-scale mature and fruitful scenes.

However, there were no large-scale abnormalities in the fields of the common people. Some wild fruit trees and fruit vines on the nearby mountains were blooming and bearing fruit.

When the people discovered this situation, they called their friends to go to the nearby mountains to pick mountain products.

Hands fast, people can earn a few taels of silver in a few days of hard work.

But this kind of money and peach blossoms are not to be looked down on. After Xiaopang woke up, the spirit master began to practice to install the core of the spirit formation at the bottom of the ground in the big depression, adjust it, and start the operation of the formation.

Because of Taohua's previous urging, the underground palace formation in the big concave land over there has been completed, and it is almost time to enter the formation.

Originally, Taohua didn't intend to open the formation in the underground palace so quickly, but who made her own cold spirit spring so powerful?

In order to bring back the deviating water spirit vein of the first level, Taohua was forced to prepare two sets of formations in the third underground floor and the second underground palace before the ground formation was completed.

With Xiaopang's help, the formations on the third underground floor were combined with other Sutu spirit formations, and linked to the formations in the underground palace on the second underground floor, which had not yet been activated. Taohua walked into the underground palace formation The heart of the law.

She placed the Qianyuan jug and four small cups into the card slot one by one.

After the last small cup landed with a click, the formation table began to rotate slowly, and a small table was raised among the large tables.

On the small table, the Qianyuan Ju Kettle is slightly tilted up, with the spout facing a specially made water groove.

(End of this chapter)

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