Chapter 389
"Development plan, come here, I'll talk to you carefully." Taohua thought for a while, one person is poor in intelligence, and two people should be able to learn from each other's strengths and make up for their weaknesses when working together, so as to do a better job.Besides, who will she and Xiaopang be with?

After being explained by Taohua, Xiaopang felt confident in his heart, so he let go of Taohua and went to get it himself.

Not to mention, Taohua is still very satisfied with Xiaopang. Although he is the spirit of the birth of the five elements, Xiaopang is very strange. He can always complete tasks with quality and quantity, which is much stronger than other fun and noisy spirits. up.

But Peach Blossom was obviously reassuring too early, Fatty was only born a few years ago, and he had absorbed a lot of Chunlong's broken dragon soul and memory fragments, so he hadn't revealed his true nature yet.When it completely fuses Chunlong's broken dragon soul and memory fragments, it will be a good time for Peach Blossom.

When the spring planting started again in the [-]th year of Yuanwu, the Chu family's first-tier mid-tier and first-tier top-tier Lingzhi had already been resettled.

Last year, what the family grew was ordinary grain, which was basically used for long-term workers and family monks.

In the spring of this year, the family's spiritual array was upgraded. Actually, Chu Dashan already knew that the family's spiritual veins had been promoted a little, which led to more land in the family.The area of ​​the valley directly turned into over 7 mu.The other side of the big depression has also become more than [-] mu.

This does not include that when Chu Dashan was developing Xiaoji Mountain, he purchased a privately owned 20 mu of mountain land for his family.Now it has become [-] mu.

The mountains on the Xiaoji Mountain side were rented out by Chu Dashan under the name of the family's mountains, most of which were rented out to casual cultivators who lived in the Chujia Town and Chujiafang City.The annual rental income alone has 40 Lingcoins.

Although converted into Lingshi, it is less than 40 yuan, which seems pitifully small.But the land over there is also left alone. If you rent it out, someone will open up wasteland and maintain it for you. After renting it out for three years, you can take it back and it will be mature land. You can cultivate it by yourself.

why not?

Anyway, the family has no manpower to open up wasteland for the time being.Putting too much is also a waste.

And 40 spirit coins is actually a lot. If this is arable land outside, no matter how much you rent it out, you won't be able to rent it at this price.After this high price, it is only possible to appear within the scope of the Sutu Spiritual Formation in the eyes of outsiders.

Don't think that casual cultivators are fools!

Renting land within the range of the Sutu Spiritual Formation, if that piece of land has not been graded, it is also a proper spiritual field.I haven't seen so many old Lingzhi in the old Chu's house.

Haven't you seen that all kinds of mortal medicines grown by farmers near Xiantao Village are sold as low-level elixir when they are finally harvested?

These casual cultivators are just learning from others.

After the mortal medicines are grown, they can be sold in batches to the Chu family to buy medicinal materials as low-level panacea.It's blood money!
In addition to the more and more land owned by the Chu family, the members of the Chu family also own more and more land.After all, every time the land is increased, everyone has to re-apply for the land deed.Even if you don't have money on hand to apply for a new land deed, you can go to your relatives and friends' homes to temporarily borrow money to turn around.Just go back and pay it back.

If there is that shameless person who borrows money and refuses to repay it, there are elders in the clan who can uphold justice!

If you dare not pay it back, your house and land will be used to offset the debt.

If there is trouble, then leave the clan directly.To leave the clan is to give you a small sum of money, and the property and land will be taken back to the clan. Your family will leave with the money and money.The key point is that if your branch family here is expelled due to a big mistake, then all your branch families in the Chu family will not be able to join the clan again.

From now on you are a homeless person.

I didn't see those people from the original Changyang Dichu. After the disintegration of their own family, everyone became a wanderer.Now even the shops they opened in Miryang City often have accidents.It's okay to be bullied by some people.

No one even paid attention to the complaints.

Not only them, but those tribesmen who left the old Chuzhuang back then are not doing well now.Some people regretted it, and came back again and again to find someone to make peace, hoping that Chu Dashan would let them move back.But Chu Dashan didn't agree, he left whenever he wanted, and came back whenever he wanted, why?
Even if he took over the scattered branches around him, the poor clansmen who were about to make a living would also take them in.After the poor people moved here, they were grateful to him, and they were very obedient, doing whatever they asked them to do.Not to mention the size of the benefits.

And some people in the old Chuzhuang were more able to toss around now.Some of them moved to Xiantaozhuang, some went to Chujia Town, and some insisted on returning to the current Xintangzhuang to live.He especially loves to find trouble for him, and Chu Dashan annoys them to death.

This time, as soon as Chu Shiluo came home, Chu Dashan handed over these chores to his son.Emma, ​​always dealing with these troublesome things, he might lose ten years of life.It's too annoying.

Chu Shiluo's nature is more flexible than his father's, so he won't get really angry with the clansmen easily.

Especially suitable for family affairs!

In fact, many people in the clan have also had enough of Chu Dashan who always speaks like a knife in a tough manner.

It's better to be Shiluo boy, even if he refuses, he won't slap people in the face.

Chu Shiluo returned to work dumbfounded like this.Chujia Town, Xintangzhuang, Xiantaozhuang, one town and two villages, are responsible for the three places.

Sitting in his father's big study, Chu Shiluo had just finished dealing with a dozen bills for dividends and dividends that had been procrastinating for several months.Let the attendants take it to the long room at home to deliver silver coins, spirit coins.When I looked up, I found that my father was gone again.

"Where's dad?" Chu Shiluo asked Saburo and Shiro who were also busy working beside him.

Saburo and Shiro are now in the inventory, reconciling the accounts, and the correct list is the list of Longshanfang City and other top-grade takeaways last year.They also need to take inventory of several large warehouses at home during the checklist process.

Shiro is even more busy because he still needs to sort out his home's refining workshop, pharmacy refining room, inn, underground fire room and other miscellaneous businesses.

"Father said he's going out to patrol the mountains." Sanlang said speechlessly while making accounts.

"What patrolling the mountain, did you go for a walk?" Shiro said dissatisfied.They were all exhausted, but the old guy ran out to play.

It's just annoying!

"Okay, stop complaining, if you didn't mess up the account books, would I let you settle the accounts?" Chu Shiluo said angrily. "Not to mention anything else, it's just a little over a year, Saburo, look at the account books at Longshan that you've completed, and I've even picked out more than 30 accounts that don't match.

I'll ask Taohua later, if you still can't match up in the end, let me see how I can deal with you. "

Saburo shrank his neck, he was not good at accounting before, okay?

"There shouldn't be any problem. I'm an old accountant over there. He is very experienced and has a good character."

Chu Shiluo nodded and said, "I am also very optimistic about that old man. If he hadn't taken care of you for you, I would have already started to deal with you."

(End of this chapter)

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