The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 405 1 Grandpa

Chapter 405 Eleventh Grandpa
"You can come and play with me when you are free." Chu Biyue smiled.


Taohua readily agreed.When he turned around and saw his own father, he told the whole thing.After hearing this, Chu Dashan frowned and said, "Recently, families with monks are really noisy. There are a lot of things like divorce, divorce, and divorce. Especially when the marriage of the two families is married with a foreign race, such Things happen more.

It is rare for those who marry within their own clan to dare to do so. "

"In our own family, almost every family has monks, who dares to bully people like this casually? Could it be that you are tired of living?" Tao Hua said jokingly.

There are more than five generations of blood relationship, and there are also marriages of the same family.

The husband and wife's family name is Chu, and it is more likely that the child has the talent to become a monk.Marrying a female monk with a foreign surname does not necessarily mean that the offspring will have a child with a monk's talent. There are many women with the surname Chu.

Puchi laughed, Chu Dashan still nodded and agreed, "Alright, I'll take care of this matter."

Chu Dashan said that he took care of it himself, but in fact he still asked Dalang to come forward and tell the clan to meet similar people in the future, whoever abandons their children will no longer enjoy the benefits provided by the clan in the future.

For example, a certain person, Chu Shiluo, focused on the one who abandoned his wife, and he will not have a share in the clan welfare in the future.

When Chu Changfeng and other clan elders heard this, their hearts were darkened.The welfare of the clan is fine on the surface, but in fact everyone knows it.They were able to buy houses cheaply in Chujia Town and shops in Chujiafang City because they were members of the Chu clan.

Haven't seen those in-laws who say I'm from the Chu clan when they walk outside? !
But this is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that it is said that the patriarch has built a city outside, and it is said that part of the dividends will be distributed to the clan.This part of the bonus will be used on the tribe in the future.

So losing the benefits given to them by the clan would be a big loss.

"This kind of mess should be beaten. If you beat him honestly, he still dare not abandon his wife?"

"Brother Eleven, I remember that kid belongs to your room, don't you care?"

"I can't control it, the boy was stunned for a while, and his parents said they didn't have it, let alone us."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, whoever has a life."

Chu Shiluo frowned when he heard this.

"In the future, in addition to helping the old and the young, the clan's welfare will not only benefit the old and the young, but also serious illnesses. Children's progress, family harmony, and respect for the elderly should also be taken into consideration. If there are monks in the family, and they also take care of the affairs of the family, they will share more benefits. On the contrary, Little or no points."

The clan elders immediately widened their eyes.

Chu Shiluo secretly laughed in his heart: I told you not to take care of things! !

"In the future, all houses will be aggregated and sorted before the end of the year. All bonuses for the top three will be increased by [-]% in the next year, and all bonuses for the next three years will be reduced by [-]%."

The elders of the clan cursed in their hearts one by one, brat, you are cruel!From now on, I will have work to do.

Just after the small meeting this time, a skinny old man in high spirits rushed into the yard where Taohua was watching the fun yesterday.

"Where's your Da Lang?" The little old man asked a gray-haired couple as soon as he came in.

"Go pick up his sweetheart."

"Do you want to leave the clan with your Dalang?" The little old man asked suddenly in a cold tone.

"Uncle Eleven, why did you come out of the clan? I didn't do anything wrong." Upon hearing this, the gray-haired man ran up to the little old man in a panic.

"Then why don't you care about your son abandoning his wife?" asked the little old man.

"Why don't you care, it's a pity you can't control him."

"Then let him leave the clan by himself," said the little old man.


"Ah, what are you? Hurry up and find your daughter-in-law and grandchildren with your wife. If your Dalang doesn't want to think about it, just give him to the clan. The two of you can still guard your grandchildren." We live.

If his wife is not willing to guard her, she can remarry and leave.In short, the children of our Chu family must stay in the Chu family. "The little old man continued.

"This... can this work?"

"Are you reluctant to part with your eldest son? How about all three of your family leave?" The little old man fixed his menacing eyes on the man in front of him.

The other party flinched, not daring to look him in the eye.

"Hurry up and do it." The little old man urged.

"But, but my Dalang is a monk."

"How many monks are there? Am I proud of how many monks there are in my family? Have I committed suicide? Your Dalang just became a monk less than two years ago, and the master made trouble for me. Let me tell you, this matter must be dealt with." If you don't handle it well, I'll kick your whole family out." The little old man said harshly.

There are a hundred or so people in their house, and they absolutely can't lose [-]% of the bonus next year because of this idiot.

In fact, since Chu Dashan took over as the patriarch, the clan has often shared some benefits.Sometimes it’s fish, sometimes game, sometimes it’s all kinds of farm tools.

Later, even spirit fruit and panacea were released.

Although they are all things, isn't it money if they can't be bought?It's just that how many people are willing to buy the various benefits they get?

This is not counting the various commissions earned by the members of the family for Chu Dashan's work at home.

When a certain monk returned to the family with a fair-skinned and beautiful lady, he saw the wife and child who had just left yesterday came back.

"Aren't you leaving?"

The little old man suddenly showed his head, "Whoever you want to go, you have to go. If you insist on driving away your wife and children, and insist on marrying her, then you two go together." The little old man pointed with his dry old fingers. A certain little beauty said.

"Grandfather Eleven, why are you here?" The monk and the little beauty looked at him in shock.

"How can I not come, if I don't come, you will not be overwhelmed?

In the past, the clan didn't care about your crap, but now the clan does.The main reason is that when you throw away their orphans and widows, you take advantage of it yourself and lose nothing, but the clan has to pick it up and clean up the mess for you.

How shameful do you think you are to let the clan keep raising a wife and children for you? ! "

The little old man jumped up and sprayed him angrily.

"If you want to marry a new wife and don't want children, that's fine, that's fine. You just have to come from the clan yourself. Anyway, your family's real estate and land production are enough to support your children and parents."

Now the two of them were dumbfounded.

"What's the matter?" the little beauty said in panic.

"This is on the site of my Bibo Lake Chu family. I am the elder of the clan. I say yes. I say it must be done. No one dares to buy his family's real estate and land. Do you know?" The little old man examined Looking at the strange little beauty with a sneer.

The male monk's expression turned ugly. If the little old man tried to stop him, he would not be able to sell the house or the land.

"Why, Grandpa Eleven, why did you treat me like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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