Chapter 413
"Xiao Liu, do you mean that our Yun'an Continent will also usher in a continent-level animism?" Chu Dashan was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly asked.

Why did he feel as if something big was about to happen all of a sudden?
"That's right, the Yunzhou mainland is so close to us, and they have already started the continent-level animism over there, so we will be there soon, probably in a few months." Taohua said after a while.

"Where will there be spiritual lands in the whole continent after that?" Chu Dashan asked blankly.


"After that, everyone can plant spiritual medicine, spiritual fruit, and spiritual food?" Chu Dashan asked again.


"No wonder you asked me to invest in the sea, and even built a small town. Did you start worrying that our family's elixir and fruit would lose money?" Chu Dashan asked.

(⊙ o ⊙) Ah!Taohua said in astonishment, "When will our spiritual fruit and elixir lose money? It can only make more and more money."

"Why?" Chu Dashan was puzzled.

"Because Dad, I have seen all the seeds you chose at the beginning. If you have the potential to cultivate, I will not discourage you. If you choose to plant any seed, I will discourage you long ago." Taohua said.

"The spiritual fruits we plant are basically high-grade spiritual roots, what are high-grade spiritual roots, and they are born to be promoted to spiritual plants above the sixth level.

This is a catastrophe.

Spiritual fruits and medicines that can be promoted to at least the third level are called middle-grade spiritual roots.There are many kinds of spirit fruits and medicines of this level.

In the end, at least the spiritual fruits and medicines that can be promoted to the first rank or above, and below the third rank, are called low-grade spiritual roots.

Low-grade spiritual roots don't have much potential for planting, at most they can be planted with hard money.

Elixirs that only contain spiritual energy and are not advanced are also called elixir, but they are not spiritual roots.For such an elixir, the seeds are not necessarily elixir, but may be mortal seeds. "

"Wait, let me take it easy." Chu Dashan patted his head and said, "You mean to say that you have already planned what to plant in our family. Only pick good ones, don't you?"

Peach nodded.

Chu Dashan laughed immediately, and he simply stretched out his big paws and stroked Peach Blossom's hairy head. "It's really clever. No wonder you didn't mention Mercury Grass or something later."

I used to plant all kinds of grass ginseng at home, and the peach blossoms never talked. Sure enough, after transforming into spiritual ginseng, the value increased greatly, and even the seeds could be sold for sky-high prices.

Qingyang Spirit Peach is, Vermillion Fruit and White Fruit is, and Snake Saliva Fruit is... From this point of view, the things in his family should basically be good things with great potential in the future.

"However, if our family can grow these good things, other people can grow them too. Will it still affect our family's business?" Chu Dashan asked.

Taohua nodded. "Everyone has a spiritual land, so they can spend some spiritual coins to set up a spirit-gathering array or something, and then they can be used as an elementary first-level spiritual field. When the time comes, low-level spiritual food, spiritual fruit, etc. will not be used. It’s worth the money, so it must be dropped. The price of elixirs picked in the wild will also drop.”

"Those medicinal materials hoarded at home?"

"We need to sell it as soon as possible, and it doesn't matter if the price is low. Anyway, we will earn as much as we sell."

After listening to Xiao Liu's words, Chu Dashan thought about it, that's right, the alchemy workshop has been making money anyway.Even if the last bit of mortal medicine and elixir were not sold, they would not be compensated.At most, I earn less.

"What about our family's seeds?" Saburo asked at this time.

"The elixir seeds are sold at a high price. Anyway, our family has a lot of seeds." Taohua said. "Try to buy as many mortal medicine seeds as possible. It doesn't need too many, at least enough for our family to plant a crop. After the continent-level earth animism, the accumulation of spiritual energy in the soil will become deeper and deeper, which can also play a role in the growth and transformation of mortal medicine. Great effect."

"That's okay. I will try my best to collect the common medicines that I don't have, and I will sell the surplus. I will also try my best to sell the elixir seeds." Sanlang said.After hearing what his father and sister said, San Lang decided to study the book on the cultivation method of Ling Tian when he went back.

At least one needs to figure out what kind of spiritual land, spiritual fields, and how spiritual veins are cultivated.

"By the way, there is one more thing that I think I should tell you about." Saburo said.

"Tell me." Chu Dashan said.

"The sea cockroaches on the white crab island were suddenly replaced by red sea crabs. Each one was as big as two or three millstones, and the crab claws were as long as half a person's height. The two big pincers were extremely fierce. The most important thing is , These red sea crabs also know how to explode their demon cores. They exploded if they disagreed with each other, killing and injuring many monks."

"The red sea crab can't speak human language, so where did the disagreement come from?" Tao Hua giggled after hearing this.

Pfft, Chu Dashan was also amused by him.

"I'm not repeating what those monks who went to Longshan said. Recently, all kinds of trauma medicines and medicines for internal injuries in our family are the best sellers. The market is out of stock. The medicine refining workshop has to sell these two kinds of medicines and three medicines. Work harder." Sanlang smiled embarrassingly.

"This is no problem." Chu Dashan replied.

The three chatted and laughed for a while, Chu Dashan sent the two children away, and then he sat on the chair by himself blankly, staring at the sky outside the window, letting go a little bit.

Although it doesn't matter what you often say to the child, it's okay, but in fact he is still under a lot of pressure.

He shouldered the fate of their family and the whole family behind him.Just a few years ago, he was just a farmer, and he suddenly had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. In this ever-changing era, he felt like being bumped up and down on the rough sea. A sense of crisis that might subvert almost wrapped him tightly.

Just like just now, although Taohua said something good, he still knew that he was deeply worried.

Continental-level earth animism, then the spiritual land will become a very common thing. Whether it is the elixir in the wild or the elixir grown in the spiritual land, how can such a large number not affect the entire mainland market?

For the Chu family, maybe their family's life may be just a little bit worse, but for those clansmen, I'm afraid it will cause a very huge impact.

It seems that he still has to make some arrangements in advance.

Not long after, there was a new secret in the Chu clan.It's the rumors about the omnipotence of the earth, and the benefits of planting elixir in the future will not be as high as before.

This caused many clansmen to change the varieties of spiritual fruit trees and elixir that were originally planted in the fields.

Except for those who want to make some quick money, everyone has started to plant some more precious and rare elixir.

The snake saliva was originally the main medicinal plant for everyone.However, there are very few cases where snake salivary grass turns into snake salivary fruit. Up to now, only the [-] mu of Taohua's family has been untouched, and none of the others have turned into snake salivary fruit.

And the price given by Fanyao's snake saliva is too low.

The income gap between planting a crop of snake saliva and other elixir is getting bigger and bigger, which makes everyone want to exchange the snake saliva in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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