The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 420 The Warrior from the Small World

Chapter 420 The Warrior from the Small World
Zhang Wei was so angry that he almost fell back, "Chu Shinian, don't you want to take Miyang City from me with empty teeth, and don't even think about slandering me as an anti-king. I, Zhang Wei, have been an official of the Song Dynasty for decades. Loyal to the imperial court.

If you fight side by side and want to seize the city, then you can do it according to your ability. "

After Zhang Wei said this, he turned around and left with his son.

The defense of the city is done by General Zhang, and he can go to the observation hall on the tower to wait for the results of the battle.

Chu Shinian's eyes were filled with coldness.

"I knew you wouldn't compromise like this. It's a pity that what you're doing is just a fearless struggle. Arrange for the next battle formation to attack the city. Whoever attacks the city wall last time will be rewarded with [-] spirit coins. The first to attack Miryang City The team will be rewarded with [-] spirit coins. Zhang Wei’s team will be rewarded with a million spirit coins.”

As soon as Chu Shinian's order was issued.

Some battle formations were completely exclaimed and noisy.Everyone looked at the city wall of Miryang for a while, but they couldn't see anything else, they were all spirit coins.

100 spiritual coins, converted into silver, is [-] taels.

They have a square battle formation, that is, 1000 people.How much does that person have to take?Ten spirit coins, 1000 taels of silver.

This is really a fight, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle, a fight, a happy family.

At the whole time, regardless of the mortal warriors who have not yet become monks, or the monks who have become monks, everyone's eyes are fixed on Miryang City.

A large amount of ordnance was transported to the rear of the battlefield by one truck after another.

Subsequent troops in need can apply for supplements.

As soon as the black siege flag fell, ahhhhhhhh, the soldiers shouted frantically, mixed with their crazy attack formation, and swept towards the entire city gate area like a wave.

In front of the long city of Miryang, there were also tens of layers of defenders standing densely.

The army formation below the eyes lined up with more than a dozen phalanxes and rushed towards the city wall together.

The young fighters all had fear on their faces.

"Don't worry, everyone is ready to shoot with bows and arrows."

Layers of arrows rained down from the holes in the city wall like money.

The fighters who just ran into the range of the arrow rain began to suffer from the merciless baptism of arrows.

Some were directly shot into the head by an arrow, and fell down to death.

Some were shot in the chest, and fell to the ground slowly with regret on their faces.

Some were shot in the arms and thighs, and those who were fierce in the abdomen pulled out the arrows directly, and continued to charge in the rain of arrows.Some carried their shoulders and held their shields while avoiding the rain of arrows, while jumping forward cleverly.

It's amazing, without a shield to block it, people jump forward, and can easily avoid the arrows that shoot around them.

The rain of arrows became more and more dense, and more and more human bodies fell.

But the soldiers behind them would rather pick up the corpses of their fellow robes and block them in front of them than retreat.

All of them were full of fighting spirit, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm.

Before Arrow Rain had fired a few rounds, soldiers had already arrived under the city wall.

One by one, they were throwing claw hooks, those who were building ladders were driving ladders, and those who were pushing siege vehicles were pushing siege vehicles. The densely packed people like little ants kept climbing up against the wall.

Even if the sergeants above kept cutting off some grapples, pushing some ladders, and igniting some siege engines.

After waiting for more than an hour, there was the first place that was captured by the enemy on the city wall.

The defenders on the city wall ran to support as desperately as possible, and they just used their lives to kill the attacking soldiers.

But I don't know what happened, suddenly there was a loud roar in the camp behind the enemy.

There are more enemy soldiers rushing up frantically.

Facing the less dense arrow rain without fear, they quickly merged into the siege team.They quickly replaced their tired former colleagues, and informed some of them to go back to receive the reward and rest.

Then go up to the top and continue to attack the city.

Those terrifying fighting spirits would almost burn the defenders on the tower.

The colleagues who were replaced immediately returned to the camp, and the spirit coins rewarding them for breaking into the city wall had already been issued.Three times the pension for those who died in battle.But the living people were rewarded with a lot of spiritual coins.On average, a person gets more than 30 spiritual coins, and those officers get more spiritual coins.

Ten thousand spirit coins were issued on the spot.

It was too exciting.

That piece of body was full of dirty blood, and the wounded area was still bleeding. A group of soldiers who had just left the battlefield happily started a battle dance to celebrate their harvest.

In fact, these fighters were all hired by Chu Shinian from various tribes in a certain secret realm.

The gems, brocades, porcelain, elixir, armor, weapons, etc. that their tribal leaders like are all tossed in by Chu Shinian to buy them off, win over the upper-level rules of these tribes to be friends with him, and hire them. warrior.

Brainwash these fighters and give them better treatment and living conditions.He also taught them how to practice self-cultivation.

This made these mortal warriors who had been in the closed small world for a long time have a special affection for Chu Shinian.Where they are, the monks are all high-ranking adults. They are rare in number and enjoy various privileges in the small world.Possessing mysterious power, one word can decide their life and death.

But outside, monks are too common.The instructors in their camp are monks.

The instructors not only have a kind attitude and give them a good life, but also give them the ability to read and write, and teach them all to practice exercises, trying to make them all become monks.

Even if they fail to become monks, the instructors encourage everyone to learn some more powerful martial arts skills, so that they can support their families after they have learned all their skills and go back.

They stayed in the Chu family's barracks for a few months, and the one with the least harvest also strengthened their muscles and bones, and became a strong man who could carry two three hundred catties of stone locks at will.

These fighters eat well, sleep well, and can learn skills at will.Everyone is simple and happy, and they regard the members of the Chu family as their relatives.

The upper echelons of the tribe and the respected seniors of the tribe are no longer in their minds.

Many people even volunteered that they don't want to go back to the tribe in the future, but want to stay in the Chu clan and be a member of the Chu clan.

Chu Shinian asked someone to tell them, yes.

In fact, he hired them here because he wanted them to help him build a city. As long as the city was conquered, they could choose a large amount of spoils from the city.They will also be rewarded with a large amount of food, cloth and houses.They can settle in the new city and become members of their Chu family.

The hired soldiers immediately said, "Leader, tell me, who are we going to fight, shall we start tonight?"

Chu Shinian immediately thought in his mind: The army's morale is available, so it's time to act.

So he secretly reported his situation to the Patriarch, and within a few days, the Patriarch let him act.

(End of this chapter)

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