The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 422: Chu Xi Is Not Dead

Chapter 422: Chu Xi Is Not Dead
Chu Zifei is also free and easy, he can sit when he is asked to sit, and eat when he is asked to eat, without being restrained at all.

The two had a big meal and were very satisfied. The dishes were really good.

Especially Chu Zifei, he felt that after eating this meal, the aura in his body became active.

And there is a little more eagerness in the aura, as if he is about to break through a small level.

Chu Shinian looked at the qi mechanism floating on the opponent's body, and asked in surprise, "You haven't taken the elixir?"

"I heard that the elixir has side effects, and the erysipelas accumulates over time, and it is difficult to get rid of it." Chu Zifei said.

"You're right. For those with low cultivation potential, taking pills can help them develop their potential quickly, improve their cultivation, and reach their cultivation bottleneck ahead of time.

But that's it.

Erysipelas will accumulate in their bodies, causing their lifespan to be damaged and they will dissolve in advance.

Erysipelas will also damage their bodies and overdraw their potential in advance, making it difficult for them to reach the peak of their potential talents.For example, a monk who had the potential to be promoted to the Purple Mansion Realm after the Divine Stage Realm, after he used a lot of pills, it would be considered good if he could finally raise his cultivation base to the peak of the Divine Stage Realm. "

Chu Shinian has recently collected a lot of precious books on various experiences, secret records, conjectures, etc. left by the former monks in their mainland.

No matter how busy he is every day, he has to spare some time to read more books and enrich himself.

Chu Shinian, who owns the most abundant commodity circulation and the largest number of squares in the entire Yun'an Continent, is now experiencing its benefits almost all the time.No wonder the Patriarch didn't do anything else, and first got rid of this market.

"In the beginning, I acted out of caution. After all, monks and comprehension, even if they have appeared before, are still too far away from us. So after I heard that pills have side effects, I simply didn't touch them Instead, eat spiritual fruit, eat monster meat, and try your best to polish the spiritual power in your body little by little." Chu Zifei said.

Chu Shinian nodded.

"Do you have any plans for the future?" Chu Shinian suddenly asked again,

"In what capacity are you asking this question, acting as the Patriarch?" Chu Zifei asked back.

Chu Shinian looked like he was going to be amused by him, and a little smile filled his eyes.

"The owner is fine, how dare I replace her."

Chu Zifei was taken aback, "What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is, how can Chu Xi be killed with Chu Da's skills?" Chu Shinian said.

Chu Zifei was stunned again.

All kinds of speculations and deductions in his mind kept appearing, shattering, and then reappearing.

"You mean Chu Xi never died. Then why did she pretend to die suddenly?"

"Because Changyang Dichu has no meaning to exist." Chu Shinian said indifferently.

"What did you say?"

Chu Zifei immediately stood up.

"What does it mean that there is no meaning of existence?" Chu Zifei's eyes shot out a deep coldness.

"As you understand, the Patriarch believes that Li Chu should not exist. Those annoying ghosts should all die."

"Ha, this is a big joke in the world. What is Chuxi? She was born and raised by Dichu. Without Changyang, where did Chuxi come from to show her abilities?"

Chu Shinian saw Chu Zifei's gaffe, but was indifferent. "You know exactly what Changyang Dichu is. It's just a bunch of filthy scum. If it wasn't for those incompetent people who are dragging their feet, the Chu family wouldn't be able to reach where it is today."

"You... you are too cruel, and you are too chilling for us to do so. Changdi Chu not only has those incomprehensible wastes, but also many old and weak women and children, as well as many lovely children.

You are not afraid that we, the sons of Chu Chu, will be disappointed and leave the clan from then on. "Chu Zifei said angrily.

"Then you guys go away." Chu Shinian looked like you guys are doing whatever you like.


"It seems important to be said about yourself, Longshanfang City, you know? In order to investigate its underground waterway, more than [-] clansmen died in our branch. Nineteen proud geologists who have been cultivated for many years Each of them has a bright future.

It takes seven or eight years for each one to study from an early age to become a teacher.But they have no chance to grow little by little from the undangerous geological survey.As soon as they came up, it was the underground exploration of the Wanji Mountains, which can be called the difficulty of ghosts.

They went through all kinds of dangerous surveys and risked their lives to survey the underground waterway of the Wanji Mountains.When we sacrificed our lives, what are you direct sons of the Chu family, including your direct descendants, doing?

They are all eating, drinking and having fun, holding beautiful women and giving birth to sons.

Or play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting at home, and look after friends. "

From Chu Shinian's point of view, these old and young gentlemen of the direct branch are a bunch of useless pigs.

Chu Zifei pursed his lips tightly.What he was most worried about was still coming.

The strategy of strong stems and weak branches set up by the first patriarch of the Chu family really brought bad results after 1000 years of implementation.

In order to ensure the inheritance of the direct branch, the Chu family has been secretly implementing the practice of developing and growing the direct branch, giving preferential treatment to the direct branch, devouring the nutrients brought by the branch, and continuously expanding the real estate of the direct branch.

Branches, side branches, can only do the work of craftsmen, dark guards, farmers, and merchants.

The direct branch is the master of the whole family.Even if the little man who was born is useless except for eating, drinking and having fun, he will be raised for a lifetime, and he will lie in the prostitute for the rest of his life, eating and drinking spicy food.

And the black hand responsible for suppressing all branches and side branches and raising the entire direct branch is naturally the Patriarch.

Therefore, the Patriarch has been born in the direct branch for generations, including Chu Xi himself.

Subbranches never had a patriarch.

It's not that they don't want their own family to be the head of the family, but that the direct branch will not give them the opportunity.

So no matter how strong the branches are, they will not show themselves, for fear of being slaughtered by the future Patriarch as fat pigs.This kind of thing has not happened.

But since Chu Xi became the Patriarch, the situation has changed year after year.

Even though Chu Xi has never recruited any branches or offshoots, with her foresight and foresight, she has developed various ways to lead everyone to make money together.The Chu Clan, a subsidiary branch of each powerful branch, began to hint frequently, expressly marrying her.

This is also the place where the first great elder was very afraid of Chu Xi.

Because Chu Xi has never expressed his suppression and exploitation of branches and offshoots, because when Chu Xi treats his clansmen, he always distinguishes between talents and learning rather than status.

If the sudden death was not the real Chuxi, then the real Chuxi would have taken advantage of the support of most of the offshoots and branches of the family.

(End of this chapter)

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