Chapter 427

"Besides, we also came here in the first place." Taohua said.

Chu Shinian nodded.

When Chu Xi first took over the direct line and contacted the branch, it was also a mess.All kinds of hindrances make a lot of stumbling blocks.At the beginning, they didn't make this foundation bit by bit.

Didn't Chu Zifei say that his nephew could do it?If you can do it, what are you afraid of?
"Some of the soldiers hired by the small world have made outstanding achievements. I plan to take them in and place them in Miryang." Chu Shinian said.

"It's not suitable, I'll be resettled in Xifeng City. Compared with their better living conditions, those outstanding fighters in the small world will continue to drag their families and settle down in Xifeng City like grass in their hearts, and become soldiers under your command. .

You can continue to recruit casual cultivators and transfer a large number of Changyang guards to Miyang City.You can ask people to take half of the remaining Miryang guards and throw them to Changyang or Xifeng City.In addition, the new construction plan of Fengyang City can start.Even those with Chengyang can act. "Peach Blossom said.

After hearing this, Chu Shinian spread his hands helplessly. "Patriarch, didn't you calculate that we don't have enough craftsmen to build the city? You figure it out, the three islands on the sea. And the big concave formation on your side has not yet been completed.

The ever-increasing number of workshops under construction in Changyang, and the further strengthening of the defensive formation system in Xifeng City.

Miryang still needs to renovate the city defense formation and the messy city magistrate's mansion that has been mastered and transformed.

Do the math, do the math, where do I have craftsmen to build new Fengyang City and Chengyang City? "

"Recruiting people." Taohua said weakly. "Can Longshan recruit craftsmen?"

"That's enough. With the revival of the spiritual energy, there are many surprises on the side of Longlin Land. A dozen or so spiritual springs have spewed out one after another. Three of the spiritual springs have reached the level of the first-order spiritual spring. There are several spiritual springs gushing out. And the Zhuangzi who came out, the owner was almost happy.

They all frantically increased their investment to build a better village and a better defensive formation over there.It looks like he is determined to take root in his family there.Nowadays, craftsmen are in short supply in Longshan.

As soon as it appeared, someone was immediately hired away, and they were all hired at super high prices.

Many casual practitioners have directly transferred to architecture for their livelihood. "

Tao Hua felt speechless after hearing this.

"Now Longlin Land is very prosperous. There is a small Zhuangzi three to five miles away. It is very populated, and many mortals from the Great Northwest Wilderness are running to find work."

"Then have you converted the few garrisons purposely reserved by Longlin Land into towns?" Tao Hua asked.

"Is there anyone? No one, what can I do? I can't afford to dig by myself." Chu Shinian said with a helpless expression.

"It's okay to have no one to do the work." Tao Hua thought for a while, then lowered her voice and told Chu Shinian.The more Chu Shinian listened, the brighter his eyes became. "The Patriarch deserves to be the Patriarch."

"This is also a helpless solution." Tao Hua's expression was very depressed.

Not long after, the Chu family led by Chu Shinian started to make big moves again.

New Fengyang city and new Chengyang city will be built.

Newly built three pin-shaped garrison towns in the Dragon Scale Land.

Tens of thousands of craftsmen were also transferred to the sea to build three islands.

The Chu family employed more than 20 craftsmen at one time this time, although a large number of them were mortals.But as long as the Chu family is well trained, a large number of monk craftsmen will emerge after these construction craftsmen complete several major projects.

It depends on whether the Chu family dares to invest a lot of resources in training.

Although the various tribes in the small world lost a large number of fighters to death, the people of Chu Shinian brought a lot of treasures and luxury goods.

Especially all kinds of smooth silk and transparent gauze, shining jewelry and all kinds of exquisite porcelain, etc., completely fascinated the men and women of the upper class of the tribe.So more, more in-depth cooperation, continue to expand.

Chu Shinian basically used the entire small world as his own resource bank.

In addition to the small world, he also often sent troops to clear the monsters on the mountain road from the small world to the eyeliner of Xifeng City.

The group of monsters are like leeks, no matter how they are harvested, they will never be harvested.

Especially as the aura became more intense, the size of the monsters became larger and larger.Bison monsters can grow to a weight of more than three or four tons.It looks like a super huge thing.Such a big bull can't be dragged back without a monk.

It was only at this time that everyone was pleasantly surprised that it was no wonder that the walls of Xifeng City had to be built hundreds of feet high.

As long as Xiu is short, there may be a huge monster over there, and he can step over as soon as he stretches his legs.

At this time, everyone compared them. Compared with the tall and safe Xifeng City, the nearby Changyang City's city wall is like a low fence wall.

Too insecure.

As a result, many people who are permanently stationed in Changyang sent letters to see Mr. Chengwei. It doesn't matter if you don't see anyone, but you have to accept our letters.We don't ask for anything else, just build the city wall higher.

Chu Shinian asked someone to reply to them directly. If you want a high city wall, you can pay for it yourself.Anyway, my money has already been used elsewhere, and I have no money to repair the city wall.

So everyone was entangled again, should the high city wall be repaired or not?

Why don't you procrastinate for a while, if you really don't need it, then don't fix it.If you really need it, I'll fix it when the time comes.

So Changyang continued to develop horizontally, and Xifeng City continued to grow vertically.

Just after Miryang changed hands, when Chu Shinian started various major construction projects, Zhuang Zihan finally returned with his fleet.

It was already the early summer of the tenth year of Yuanwu.

The main city and ten small cities on Yanbo Island have already begun to see their scale.

Many sea dwellers near Yanbo Island also came to settle here.Because the island is sparsely populated, ten mu of land will be given away even if the sea dwellers settle down.And no tax for three years.But the house is gone, let's repair the thatched cottage by ourselves.Why don't you dig a hole in the ground and build a shack?

In short, this kind of sporadic settlement does not have the various preferential treatment given when a large number of settlements are given.

But there are still many sea people who are willing to settle on the island.

How difficult it is to fish and catch shrimps in the sea all day long. Now the fish grow, and the shrimps grow too. If they don’t grow, the net is getting weaker and weaker. Once the net is lowered, even the prawns can catch the net. Poke a few holes, what else are you fishing for?

Or go ashore to farm.

Many new types of fishing nets have appeared on Yanbo Island, and there are fishing nets of various materials and sizes.But everyone planted the land, repaired the house, and bought a better small fishing boat. Wouldn’t it be better to go fishing in the sea?

Don't think that ordinary people are fools, life has endowed them with infinite wisdom in dealing with life.

On the eighth day when Zhuang Zihan was resting on Yanbo Island, he saw Chu Moyan who had come late.

"Why are you? Where's Chu Shinian?"


(End of this chapter)

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