The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 457 Crispy Silver Bone Shark Bone

Chapter 457 Crispy Silver Bone Shark Bone

"It can be considered that my Chu family has some luck. Since the recovery of spiritual energy, many families have come and gone in the Miyang area near our home. The aristocratic families in the past are now lingering. Create a family.

It is really unpredictable, and the day is unpredictable. "

Chu Shiluo said.

"But in the great world, the human race is full of arrogance, and outstanding people come forth in large numbers." Yang Xiao also sighed.

As the few people were talking, they saw a large number of sea boats full of mountain scars dragging the corpses of various big sea beasts back.

The monks on the ship seemed to have experienced a long and bitter battle, and they came back with many scars and blood stains in their tattered clothes.

They cheered when they came ashore, and made all kinds of weird howls, sobering themselves and finally returned to the island.

"Now the battle on White Crab Island has gradually extended to the nearby waters." Yang Qi sighed.

Fortunately, on the island, the human monks had the upper hand.But once entering the sea, the sea beasts are the real overlords.

In the sea, even in shallow seas, it is very difficult for human monks to drive sea ships to hunt sea beasts.It's just that with the blood, bones and grease of some giant beasts becoming popular.Those rogue cultivators with super fighting power rented sea boats one by one, and formed a team to hunt sea beasts in the offshore.

Yang Qi and the others looked at the tails of those sea boats, dragging one or two huge silver-skinned monsters like giant Macs, and they really admired the spirit of hard work among them.

"What is that giant silver sea beast? It looks like a shark?" Chu Shiluo asked in surprise.

"That's the famous silver bone shark!" Yang Qi said, "Have you heard of it?"

Ahhh, Chu Shiluo said in shock, "Just the super expensive crispy silver bone shark bone that you treated us to eat that night when I came here?"

"That's the one, that silver-bone shark bone that may be born in our human body if we eat it often." Yang Qi said. "It's such a good fish, it can actually help us give birth to a little supernatural power."

Even Yang Xiao deliberately focused his attention on the corpses of those big silver bone sharks. "Recently, let's go to the Lingshan ship a few more times."

Speaking of the Lingshan boat, one has to consider another Chu family.

It was Chu Shinian's Chu family, ever since the war started.Chu Shinian sent many big boats over.There are those who sell magic tools, medicine pills, robes, spirit wine, and spirit meal, all of which are presided over by monks from various logistics and life departments.

This guy dispatched 480 ships from the Lingshan building alone, which is simply insane.

In particular, people cook and sell now, and have also developed various special menus.This kind of crispy silver bone shark bone is a different way of eating that they have developed by themselves.

Ever since this eating method was discovered, Emma and the silver bone sharks in the surrounding waters have suffered bad luck.

Fortunately, the population of silver-bone sharks in the sea is very large. Otherwise, with their fleet coming back every day, forty or fifty silver-bone sharks are dragged ashore every day, and the silver-bone sharks are probably going to die out. .

Moreover, this is a unique business, the kind that makes a lot of money, and a large amount of spiritual coins flow into Chu Shinian's pocket every day.

Seeing that Chu Shinian's fleet of big buildings makes money every day, there are also desperadoes who are jealous of them, but every time they board the big boat, they are killed by the monks in the big boat.

The corpse was thrown bloody to the shore of White Crab Island, waiting to be devoured by sea beasts.

It's not that there are no sea ships to attract their attention, but Chu Shinian specially arranged a sea formation of [-] warships to station beside his own building ships.

You come to grab a try?

Probably because he killed too many desperadoes, and killed a lot of robbery ships at sea, and he completely earned the name of the tyrant Chu Shinian on White Crab Island.

Chu Shiluo and his small building boats are rented from others, and they have to pay a lot of rent every month.But compared to the earning power of Lou Chuan, ahem, it's still okay.

Chu Shiluo and his family's building boats also wandered around the entire sea area where the Chu family's building boats were entrenched.

With a thigh to lean on, who is willing to go out and fight to death?

"When we went to eat last time, big brother, you didn't say that this silver-bone shark bone actually has the ability to inspire small magical powers." Chu Shiluo asked in astonishment.

Yang Qi immediately smiled wryly, "Who will tell you this kind of thing? You don't even think about how big this white crab island is, and how many monks there are on it. The silver-bone shark bones are only enough to feed a few. But everyone I want to stimulate my little supernatural power earlier."

Lu Meimei said, "Yes, that is a small supernatural power. Gold inscription silver bones are not ordinary small supernatural powers. Gold inscriptions and silver bones can strengthen the body of our monks. In the past, when monks encountered the impact of such a giant sea beast, it was just a matter of ignorance. But there are Although it hurts to put it on, as long as it is not hit on the front, it will basically hurt for a while, and people are absolutely fine. Based on this alone, it is definitely a life-saving magic power."

Chu Shiluo opened his mouth in surprise.

"I heard that with the spiritual meal of crispy silver bones, the Chu family's spiritual meal building is always full whenever there is food." Yang Qi followed. "Your Chu family really has too many talents who can do business."

"However, your Chu family has to be careful recently. I heard that some people have already learned the spiritual meal of crispy silver bones, and they are also preparing to open the spiritual meal building boat. At that time, there will be even more silver bones and shark bones. It will probably affect your Lou Chuan's spiritual food business, right?" Lu Meimei said.

"It's a small matter, anyway, the main line doesn't use Lingshan to make money."

Chu Shiluo, if you talk so lightly and irritate people, you will definitely lose us brothers and sisters.

Everyone rolled his eyes at him.

Who doesn't know how the Changyang Chu family started?
People are relying on the opening of Fangshi. If you don’t know, you can go to Longshan Fangshi to find out.

"Longshanfang City is really well opened," even Lu Meimei said in admiration without holding back.Standing beside her was a young man, who was her cousin, Gu Hanting.Gu Hanting is also Yang Xiao's disciple, and he is a relatively strong one among his disciples.Since the recovery of aura, he often went out to practice and sharpen his swordsmanship. "Not only is Longshanfang City open well, but you also need to see the energy of others. Nine out of ten, Longshanfang City started surveying and selecting the site long before the spiritual energy recovered.

Being able to do this before the spiritual energy was revived meant that they were able to open Longshanfang City without reviving the spiritual energy, and they planned to do maritime trade. "

When Yang Xiao heard this, he couldn't help but feel a shudder in his heart.

"Of course, it's also possible that people have known about the recovery of the spirit energy for a long time, so they made preparations in advance." Gu Hanting said.

"Everyone knows that there will be spiritual recovery, but no one knows the exact date." Yang Qi said at this time, "We don't know, and it is even more impossible for a small mortal family in a place like the Chu family to know.

I guess the other party may have long had the idea of ​​doing maritime trade. "

(End of this chapter)

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