The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 460 The Sword Master

Chapter 460 The Sword Master

"This is... the heart of a gloomy tree in the seabed of thousands of years?" Yang Qi asked in surprise. "Where did you get it from? Do you have any more ingredients?"

Chu Shiluo looked at his elder brother speechlessly and asked back weakly, "How big can a tree heart be? Where can I get you big ingredients?"

Cough cough, Yang Qi coughed twice in embarrassment and said, "Brother is wrong, I mean, do you still have this kind of wood that has been gloomy on the seabed for thousands of years?"

"What do you want?" Chu Shiluo looked suspiciously at his elder brother.

"Ahem, if you still have connections, can you help me buy some big ingredients. I've always wanted to build a flying boat, but I haven't found the right boat materials yet."

When Chu Shiluo heard it, he immediately patted his chest and said, "This is no problem, do you need a lot? Ten thousand square meters?"

"Ahem, I don't need that much. I only need hundreds of square meters of this kind of gloomy wood. I will build a flying dharma boat that I can stand alone. If this kind of wood is not easy to get, junior brother, you can get it for me." A small Fazhou can be assembled even if it is tens of square meters.”

"It's okay, the main line got a lot of seabed gloomy wood from somewhere, and they used it to build ships. Only this kind of more precious wood cores will be collected and stored in warehouses to be sold later." Chu Shiluo explained.

"Eh... ah... I said how can your building boat float so steadily on the sea, even if you are in a big storm, you are still very stable when you sit in the building boat. So your building boats are all French boats?" Yang Qi Suddenly he said with a look of surprise and sudden realization.

"I said that those building boats look a little wrong. Sometimes the draft is too deep, but sometimes the draft is very shallow. I thought you put ballast stones under your building boats. It turned out that it was not ballast stones, but The main structure such as the core keel of the building ship is made of dark wood.

The weight of this gloomy wood itself is terrible. No wonder your building has such a high floor, and there is no problem at all with sea beasts frequently harassing it. "

"Those pavilions on the deck of the building are made of other spiritual woods, and their defensive properties are good. Although they are not as good as gloomy wood, they are cheaper. Besides, compared to the heavy-lifting gloomy wood that hates people, They are much lighter on the whole." Chu Shiluo still has a little understanding of this matter.

His family also bought some boats from the main line.

"However, you have obtained so many seabed gloomy woods from the main line and designated them for the construction of Dharma ships. Can they sell this rare spiritual material?"

"Elder brother, why don't you spend a little more money and just use Mu Xin to build a flying dharma boat. The gloomy wood can probably be sold, but if you really don't want to sell it, then Mu Xin. We can buy as many wood hearts as we want."

Chu Shiluo's words made Yang Qi couldn't help but fantasize that his flying dharma boats were all made of gloomy wooden hearts...

Ahem, it's too extravagant, I can't bear it.

What a loser.

"It's something else, Mu Xin can't do it, he doesn't have that much money." Yang Qi said bitterly.

Chu Shiluo couldn't help it.

After all, a wooden heart can almost refine a spiritual flying sword.It can allow him to fly around in the sky, and it can also allow him to encounter sharp weapons that attack enemies within a hundred feet.

For low-level sword cultivators like them, the spiritual flying sword is the main force.

"Oh, by the way, the heart of the first-order spirit wood in your hand is just right for you now. After refining it into a flying sword, it will definitely increase your combat power." Yang Qi said. "By the way, when do you plan to forge the sword?"

"I have to wait. I'm not good at making swords. Recently, I spent a lot of materials and successfully refined a crude magic sword that is not good. I was almost laughed at by the master who invited me to teach me how to make weapons. Die." Chu Shiluo said in a dejected tone.

"Ahem, you've just started making swords, so you have to take your time. Anyway, we don't want to be some kind of craftsman, so let's concentrate on learning one kind of sword. Being a swordsmith, it's still easy to get started. .”

The swordsmith is actually a branch of the craftsman.

This branch is mainly forging swords.

"Why don't I find you a swordsmith in the sect and ask him to teach you?"

"It would be the best if I could have a serious swordsmith to teach me. My father would find me a craftsman, and the old master who asked me to forge swords would spend eight spirit stones a day. I would pay for the materials myself. , he just needs to wait until I learn how to forge a sword." Chu Shiluo said.

Yang Qi's eyes widened immediately.Emma, ​​he forgot the status of the local tyrant of the Chu family for a moment.If he introduces his old friend to Chu Shiluo, maybe he can make a lot of Lingshi for him.

"Let me tell you, I will introduce this person to you. He is my good friend. He is also an official swordsmith. He has already forged a second-order spirit sword."

"So powerful?" Chu Shiluo said in surprise.He has only been out of Qingxu Sword Sect for a few days, so he naturally knows how powerful the swordsmith of Qingxu Sword Sect is.In fact, it is rare for a sword repairer to have only one sword. Usually, he forges a main battle sword himself, and then there are many special battle swords bought from outside.

Therefore, swordsmiths are very popular in the circle of sword repairers, and they are very sought after.Especially those swordsmiths with high technical level are almost all not short of money.

"Then can I give him ten spirit stones for a day's tuition? I will pay for the materials myself. Then I will directly ask how to make a spirit sword with a gloomy tree heart. I will buy more tree hearts for later use, and I won't believe me." I can't refine a good-looking wood-type spirit sword."

So it's still a question of looks, right?

Yang Qi complained secretly in his heart.But he said in his mouth, "Okay, I will contact you first. After the connection is completed, you can go back to the sect to learn how to make flying swords for him."

"Okay, okay." Chu Shiluo almost smiled happily.

Yang Qi and his senior brothers had just returned to the camp when they found their residence empty of luggage.

Fortunately, when Yang Xiao was about to leave, he knew that he had left a letter for Yang Qi and the others, which allowed Yang Qi and the others to find the master and others who had moved to the Chu family's dormitory building again.

The Chu family's lodging ship is still the building ship formation under Chu Shinian's command.

It is to provide accommodation.

Yang Xiao deeply felt that he was rich recently, and every time his disciples came back from hunting, they respected his spirit stones.

The accumulation of little makes more, and he has accumulated a lot of spirit stones in his hand.

After all, he is not a disciple.

So Yang Xiao simply went to the accommodation building provided by the Chu family to order a VIP room on the first floor for everyone, and took the disciples to enjoy it together.

When Yang Qi and the others found their master and a few younger brothers and sisters who stayed behind, they found that these people had already fallen into the delicacies provided by Lou Chuan and couldn't extricate themselves.

It turns out that although Louchuan does not provide spiritual meals, there are many kinds of delicious food. No wonder those who have lived in Louchuan say that living outside is like living in a kennel and eating pig food.

too delicious……

(End of this chapter)

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