The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 469 Spring Shrine accepts half-demon

Chapter 469 Spring Shrine accepts half-demon

Unless it is necessary, Taohua really doesn't like to deal with people in Shenhai Palace, mainly because Taohua thinks that people in Shenhai Palace are really crazy clusters, acting overbearing and distorted, and despise land humans, thinking that humans who stay on land are inferior kind.

Who is inferior is not sure.

A group of humans who can turn into fish monsters are not considered pure humans, not even subhumans.Who is inferior, she hehehe.

What's more, she clearly felt the pressure from Shenting!Spirit grass seeds have been banned from sale so early.

Whether it is Sea Soul Grass, Purple Serenity Grass, or Cold Soul Flower, after cultivating to a certain age and level, it will become the main material of the Broken Mirror Elixir for the human race to break through to a higher level in the future.

Shenting started to block these resources so early, obviously because it didn't intend to let too many high-level monks appear in the hands of the natives.

The problem is that they don't want to, but it doesn't mean Taohua doesn't want to.

Besides, this big world is not an ordinary world, and those guys in Shenting took it for granted.

However, it will take some years to wait until it is possible to dig out that secret realm.Tao Hua thought about it, she actually had another way to get these spirit grass seeds.

Chu Changhua looked at Xiao Taohua who was sitting opposite him speechlessly, "I said, why is your face so big? When I asked you to help me help the half-demon, you just came up with ideas, and pushed me to do other things." !
I'm so busy here that it's a mess, do you still have the nerve to come and ask me to help you get the seeds?

I owe you, owe you? "

"Didn't I give you all the ideas about the half-demon thing. And I told you, try to keep it as little as possible. People use you as a gunman, but you are still happy, and you will go as soon as they call you." Taohua rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Chu Changhua smiled helplessly, "I'm also a half-demon."

"But who has a family and a business, and who has status, still manages a group of half-demons who are ambitious and calculate the chassis and resources of the two races?" Taohua complained.

"It doesn't mean that they also want to struggle to survive." Chu Changhua said.

Taohua finally knew that this guy was not welcome by the foxes on the other side of Fox Mountain.Although he is the biological son of the fox empress.

This dude is so sympathetic that his ass gets crooked.

"How about this, you split the half-demons, those who are ambitious, you let them go out to fight on their own, and those who are old, weak, sick, and disabled, help me find a way to live in peace. What do you think?" Taohua decided to change tactics She didn't help at all, she was afraid that Chu Changhua would go astray.At that time, when his mother wakes up, he might come to her to settle the score, thinking that she didn't take good care of the child.

After all, counting from the fox side, Chu Changhua, who looks like an adult, is actually a baby fox with young teeth.

"Of course it couldn't be better." Chu Changhua said pleasantly. "As long as you take action, I believe that the situation of the half-demons can be improved."

"That depends on whether you are decisive enough. You know what kind of guys are some of the half-demons. Those guys who are rebellious are designated to be kicked out. I can't let me support them with various resources. , while still planning to rebel against me at any time.

If you don't do it, don't blame me for being cruel in the future.

As long as I find a half-demon conspirator, I will slaughter all the villages, towns, and cities where he and his accomplices live.

At that time, I don't care who has a good relationship with whom, who is innocent, who has no involvement at all.

You should understand that even if I can't solve the problem of the half-demon clan's rebellion in the end, I can still ruthlessly solve the entire half-demon clan. "

It doesn't matter that I can't fix the problem because I can fix the person who caused it.

Chu Changhua could tell that Taohua was very serious this time.

In fact, he also thought of it, or Taohua would not intervene.If you don't intervene, you will not be involved in the self-reliance of the half-monster clan, and you will also offend the two clans of humans and monsters in the future.Intervene, then take full control, as long as the half-monster clan shows signs of rebellion, she will raise the butcher knife without hesitation!

The problem now is that it is Chu Changhua's turn to choose.

To help those poor people among the half-demons, clinging to the Taohua and Chu family's wings, or to find another gentle guardian.

"What kind of seeds do you need? Give me the list, and I'll get in touch with you." Chu Changhua didn't answer right away, obviously he needed to think about the pros and cons for a long time.Is there a better solution.

Chu Changhua actually trusted Chu Taohua's personal ability very much, but he didn't really believe that Chu Taohua would treat the Chu clan, human race and half-demons equally.

Chu Changhua went away for a few days and then came back.

After returning, he brought back seven or eight kinds of seeds she needed for Taohua.But among the three kinds of seeds she specially wrote at the top, only the seed of Han Po Flower was brought back by Chu Changhua.

And there are only twenty or thirty grains.

Well, in fact, the seeds that Chu Changhua brought back this time were at most twenty or thirty seeds, at least seven or eight.

"They promised to help me find the remaining seeds on your list." Chu Changhua said with a relaxed face at this time. "By the way, those half-demons have a place to go. Those old and weak, and those half-demons who want to stand on their own and occupy a piece of their own chassis also have a place to go."

Taohua carefully looked at the smile on Chu Changhua's eyebrows, fell silent for a while, and then asked, "Did the people from Chunshen Palace take in those half-demons?"

Chu Changhua couldn't help being taken aback, "How did you guess that?"

"You have forgotten that people from the Four Seasons Palace also appeared in the previous life. They specially recruited elites with extraordinary potential among the human races. As long as the other adults are human races, they don't care whether they have the blood of the demon race. Besides, the Four Seasons Gods Among the monks in the palace, there are particularly many mixed races." Tao Hua said.

"You are too good to have guessed the Four Seasons Palace. But why are you not surprised? Don't you think that the people from the Four Seasons Palace appeared too early?" Chu Changhua asked in astonishment.

"The Four Seasons Shrine also has an inner palace and an outer palace. The inner palace is in a small world, and the outer palace has always had people walking in the world. The spiritual energy has recovered, and they are also constantly recovering their strength. Now it is normal to run out to recruit troops. In the previous life We don't know, maybe they don't know how to publicize their identities. If they didn't want to win over these half-demons this time, they probably wouldn't be known as Chunshen Palace, right?"

Chu Changhua was very convinced and said, "You are right."

"The aura has dissipated for 1000 years. In fact, there are not many half-demon clansmen left. Most of them are unable to continue to practice because of the lack of aura, so they died of old age. Now the half-demons are only young and strong in the early [-]s, and the rest are not angry. Young and old, I never thought that the people of Chunshen Palace would accept them all." Chu Changhua said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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