The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 489 The Mutated Terrain of Xiantao Village

Chapter 489 The Mutated Terrain of Xiantao Village
"I understand the small secret realm, why is there such a small cave? What's the matter with the blessed land?" Chu Shiluo always heard about the blessed land and the like, and knew that they were similar to the small secret realm and the small world.But I really don't know how they are formed.

In fact, Chu Shiluo can be regarded as a person who knows a lot of common sense in the cultivation world. After all, he has worshiped the master of an ancient hermit sect.

However, secrets such as the cause of the formation of the cave, not every sect force will popularize it to the low-level disciples.

"Dongtian Blessed Land is actually a place where spiritual energy gathers, a place of rich luck. First there is spiritual energy gathering, and then blessings come by themselves.

The blessed place is completely a place where spirits and blessings are gathered, and the cave is a special small space where the spiritual veins absorb spiritual energy and luck, and the earth energy of the earth veins is born.

You can also understand it as the prototype of a small secret realm and a small world.

Small secrets and small worlds are its evolutionary versions. "Taohua explained to her elder brother.

"Are they all born from the ground veins and spiritual veins? Then why did I hear that some people carry small secret realms and small worlds with them? And refine them into rings, covers, pagodas, etc.? By the way, what else? Is there a tripod or something?" Chu Shiluo asked curiously.

In fact, he also knows that he is very busy every day. Compared with his younger sister who often goes to Longshanfang City to collect all kinds of secret skills in the cultivation world, he is really shallow.But there is no way, he is the eldest son, and he is naturally responsible for the future of the family, so what he has learned must be different from his younger sister.

Taohua went to Longshan when she had time, and I heard that she had a very good relationship with Chu Shinian's people.

But he can't do it anymore, he can't keep up with his own cultivation.

Khan, I don't have time to help my father manage the family affairs. Fortunately, my uncle came out to help.

"Small secret realms and small caves, if the earth veins and spiritual veins are stripped, they can't exist for a long time. They must have loads. There are special void stones, and space-type earth-type treasures can preserve them.

However, the small secret realms and small caves that have been stripped away in this way will no longer grow, they are going to perish.Even if the master continues to add spiritual veins and spirit stones to help it maintain the richness of the spiritual energy in the future, it is only delaying its complete collapse. "

The small secrets and small worlds that have been stripped will not grow any more. The small secrets and small worlds are too big, and many times they have existed for many years when they are discovered by people. Their original accumulation particularly rich.

That's why it can be preserved for thousands of years after the stripping.

But only going out and not going in will eventually exhaust the source.

"It turned out to be like this. I see that my master has a small ring space in his hand. I heard that he can plant some low-level elixir or something? Is that a small cave?" Chu Shiluo said.

"That's not called Xiaodongtian, it's called Fragment Space. It's a magic weapon refined from the captured collapsed small world and the fragments of Xiaodongtian. Although it can also plant some things, those magic weapons have no origin and can only be maintained by spirit stones or spirit veins .Once the spirit stones and spirit veins are exhausted, they will collapse automatically."

"What is the origin?" Chu Shiluo asked curiously.

"You'll know it once you've seen it. In short, if you see it, it will tell you that it is the source." Taohua said mysteriously.

"What?" Chu Shiluo's eyes widened.

"Really, when you see it, you know it's the source." Taohua said with a smile.

"Is something like Yuan Yuan very precious?" Chu Shiluo asked.

"Yes, if your cultivation base is high enough, your physical body is strong enough, and you absorb a ray of origin, you can completely change your aptitude and become a super-talented cultivator. But if your cultivation base is not high enough, and your physical body is not strong enough, then Once you absorb a ray of origin, it will explode into a fleshy pulp. There will not even be a soul left." Taohua said.

"Benyuan can be so dangerous?" Chu Shiluo asked in shock.

"That's natural. The origin is something that only big monks can absorb and refine." Tao Hua said very seriously.

"Why do I feel that I have to cultivate this physical body in the future?" Chu Shiluo frowned.

"Of course, the physical body is a treasure raft to pass through the world. Without the cultivation of the physical body, there will be shortcomings. If you want to go higher and farther, you lack the most essential guarantee. So brother, you must not give up the cultivation of the physical body."

"Well, I will." Chu Shiluo solemnly promised.

I made an appointment with my elder brother to search for the small cave and the small secret realm when the spirit veins of White Crab Island were unsealed, and Taohua returned to Xiantaozhuang.

The land area of ​​Xiantao Village has increased significantly again.

The main increase is the area of ​​the valley and the height of the surrounding peaks and hills, as well as the land area.Originally, the entire valley near Xiantaozhuang and the surrounding mountains had a total of 1 mu of land.Now, according to the Chu family's painstaking survey, the land area has become a valley, and the expansion is very obvious, and it has become an irregular contiguous oval-shaped small basin.From the original 1 mu to a full [-] mu.An increase of more than [-] mu.

Xiantaozhuang has completely become a small village in the central hinterland of the small basin.

Surrounded by mountains, the two main small peaks facing Zhuangzi on the left and right already have the miniature shape of the main mountain range, and the shape is rugged and powerful!The rest of the small hills surrounding the small basin in a ring shape have gradually acquired their own shape, and are no longer small mounds that look very low and casual.

The total area of ​​these peaks and hills has also changed from the original 5 mu to the current 3 mu, an increase of more than [-] mu.

In this way, the total spiritual land area of ​​Chu Family Xiantao Village has increased by nearly 5 mu.The Taohua family's Mingyue Palace and Xiantaozhuang's developed and undeveloped spiritual fields add up to over [-] mu.

If all of them are developed, the annual output of spiritual objects will be terrifying.

After Taohua came back, she found that both the peaks and the hills had been repaired and perfected by the monks of the Chu family.

It looks tidy and imposing.

It's too tidy and imposing. When Taohua went home and asked, it turned out that a friend of her father's geologist had moved to Chujia Town, and recently opened a geology hall.The family brought three or five apprentices, and invited two brothers to come over to help, and the business of land masters in Chujia Town flourished.

"Your uncle and grandpa's spiritual iron mine has some problems recently, and it was my old friend who helped me see it."

Uncle's grandpa's family actually refers to the Ming Dao clan's family, and the uncle's family is the family of Uncle Qi, the eldest brother of the Chu Qi family.Both families have a good relationship with the Chu family.

"I heard that when my uncle and grandpa's family opened the spiritual mine, they invited my uncle?" Taohua asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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