The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 499 The same version of Xuezhidan, Yuzhidan

Chapter 499 The same version of Xuezhidan, Yuzhidan
Of course, Samsung Island is really too difficult to repair.Just when the Chu family started to revise, and then built a large array on the bottom of the sea, intending to raise the entire bottom of the sea.The beast side was completely boiling.

They began to charge in clusters like crazy demons, constantly attacking the white crab island and the several monk defense lines built to protect the three-star island.

All of a sudden, the dead sea water in the sea was completely turned into blood.

Whether it was a monster fish, a monster, or a human monk, they were all killed and turned on their backs.Everyone's breath was full of fishy smell.

Because of the escalation of the battle, large-scale naval battles came and went, almost from day to night and then to night to day.Not to mention the ordinary monks of the first and second levels of the Meridian Realm, even the monks of the fifth, sixth, and seventh and eighth levels of the Meridian Realm were terrified.

Many people quit the mission of the Chu family directly, and they will definitely not let the Chu family do it.It's just too scary.The monster fish and monsters are boundless, and people are going crazy.

The Chu family quickly reported back to Chu Shinian.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Shinian sent out a special elixir that the doctors of the Chu family had recently researched to improve the late stage of Tongmai state.First-order Yuzhi Pill!

It is the first-order Yuzhi pill refined by using the first-order spiritual tree Ganoderma lucidum as the main alchemy material.

This is a formula elixir imitating Shenting's first-order Xuezhidan cottage.They are all pills to help practice.The first-rank top-grade Xuezhi Pill even has a [-]% effect of assisting in promotion to the altar realm.

Even the low-grade and middle-grade Xuezhi Dan can help the monks in the late stage of Tongmai Realm to increase their cultivation and practice quickly.

Yuzhidan is the formula elixir of Xuezhidan (modified in the same paragraph).Naturally, the medicinal effect cannot be as strong as that of Xuezhi Dan, because if it is too strong, Shenting will come to trouble them.

Therefore, the effect of Yuzhi Dan is only half of that of the same kind of Xuezhi Dan.But Xuezhidan developed drug resistance after taking three pills, so I can no longer take it.Eating it will not improve your cultivation.But Yuzhidan can only produce drug resistance after eating seven pills.

And Yuzhi Pill, in fact, can also be used at the second level.

However, the Xuezhi Pill only has the first level, and the big pharmacists of the Chu family guessed that the cost of cultivating Xuezhi at the second level may be too high, or that the cultivation of the second level of Xuezhi requires very harsh restrictions, so it is difficult to produce a large number of second-level blood. Chi.

Because of the two reasons on the two sides, the second-order Xuezhi pill was not used in large quantities, so the second-order Xuezhi Dan appeared in Shenting.

But they have refined the second-order Yuzhi pill.

Although they were all made by that kid Chu Moyan, the others still can't make a second-order elixir.But Chu Shinian was very satisfied with the effect of the second-order elixir. He also used Yuzhi elixir himself and ate four of them.The last three are intended to be used to attack the Purple Mansion when the Divine Stage Realm is at its peak.

The second-order Yuzhi Pill still can only eat seven pills before it will be useless.

As soon as Yuzhidan was released, it attracted a large number of casual cultivators to hunt demon fish and sea beasts that night.

Ten second-rank high-grade demon pills, 25 second-rank mid-grade demon pills, and fifty second-rank low-grade demon pills can be exchanged for one Yuzhi pill, and the Yuzhi pills exchanged for second-rank high-grade demon pills are all first-rank middle-grade pills .

One can almost immediately promote you from the sixth level of Tongmai Tongmai that has been stuck for a long time to the seventh level.

Rekindle the flames of your originally desperate altar heart, and the eyes of casual cultivators will turn red.

Especially after three or four days, someone completed the task and got a promotion by exchanging the elixir.

This weird new pill once caused more people than fish off White Crab Island.

One can imagine how powerful this sensation is.

The Chu clan fought hard to build Samsung Island, but the casual cultivators also fought hard to break through their own cultivation.Kill, kill, kill is just one word.

The casual cultivators fought on White Crab Island in order to risk their lives, not to speed up their cultivation resources and cultivation base gains, and then break through the barrier between life and death.

With Yuzhi Pill, as long as you find that your bottleneck is loose during the fight, go back and take a Yuzhi Pill, almost [-]% to [-]% can guarantee a breakthrough.As for the Yuzhi Pill, which has a better effect than the Xuezhi Pill, it takes [-] spirit stones to exchange for one.

Fang Sanxiu hunted and killed monsters for ten years, and they couldn't make up this number of spirit stones in 50 years.

Even if it can be scraped together occasionally, it is impossible to spend on a pill.

In contrast, Yuzhi Dan is simply cheap! !
Of course, everyone has to thank the Chu family for insisting on building Samsung Island.

Taohua heard that Chu Shinian had put a large amount of Yuzhi Dan into White Crab Island, so she couldn't help but go to Longshanfang City to look for him. Chu Shinian usually sits in Longshan when he is fine.It's so important here.

"I heard that one Yuzhi pill needs two spirit stones just for the cost of medicinal materials." Taohua said.

Chu Shinian twitched his lips speechlessly, "Didn't you ask me to build Samsung Island?"

"But Yuzhi Pill is also quite expensive. Just relying on the materials obtained from killing monster fish and monsters, as well as the Yao Pill, even if you flatter a horse, it won't be worth the price of the medicine."

This Chu Shinian can't deny that "and now the alchemists of the family are all refining the first-level Yuzhi Pill. We exchanged more than 5000 Yuzhi Pills, and lost more than 1 spirit stones. But we also gained a lot Less second-order demon pill.

Physicians have been trying to develop new elixirs recently but failed for a while, but they have developed a new elixir.It's called Zishu Lingye.About five or six second-order demon pills can be purified and refined into a Zishu spirit liquid with other elixir.Like Yuzhi Dan, it also has the effect of assisting in advancing to the altar realm.This effect is similar to that of the bodiless pill.But the Embryo Pill has a full [-]% auxiliary promotion effect, and it also has super protection for the human body.

Neither Yuzhi Pill nor Zishu Lingye is so strong and effective. "

"How much is the Bodiless Pill? We have friendship, and Guo Peng will sell us eight thousand spirit stones a piece." Taohua said speechlessly, "You still treat it as before, you can get a piece of food with a few hundred spirit stones. Now Don't you know the price has gone up?" The current prices of pills and elixir have skyrocketed.

"Well, at that time, five or six hundred spirit stones could buy one bodiless pill. If I knew they would rise so fast, I would have stockpiled more bodiless pills."

After hearing Chu Shinian's words, Taohua shook her head directly, "The demand for Bodiless Pills will increase in the future. No one can store much. Who doesn't develop?"

Chu Shinian nodded helplessly.

"There are 28 kinds of main and auxiliary medicines in the bodiless pill. Now we have [-] kinds in our family, and there are still two kinds missing. They are sea soul grass and purple secluded grass. I went out last time and got the seeds of cold soul flower. Sea soul I have talked to Guo Peng about the seeds of grass and purple grass, and he said no. It should be that the gods above do not want us monks from the lower realm to refine bodiless pills in large numbers.

We can refine a large number of bodiless pills, and there will be as many monks in the altar realm. Although their cultivation is higher, they can only run away when there are hundreds of thousands of altar monks working together.

So you secretly asked people to find the seeds of these two spiritual herbs. "

(End of this chapter)

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