The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 510 Reward the Sixth Master Chu with a Reborn Pill

Chapter 510 Reward Chu Liuye with a Reborn Pill
It can be said that in the entire area controlled by the Chu family, no one deliberately distinguishes between male monks and female monks.What happened to the nun?Can plant, breed, and open workshops, where is the difference between you male monks?

After hearing Qingmei's words, both Hongguo and Hongli became happy.

The happy result of Hongguo and Hongli is that they are like the two little tails, wherever Qingmei goes, they follow.

He kept telling Qingmei the stories of the tea trees all over the mountain.

"Sister, sister, come quickly and help me see, is this little mushroom head a phantom mushroom?" Taohua waved to Qingmei from the grass in the distance.The tall tea trees around Peach Blossom have now become big pits.

Taohua and Xiaoling were standing still in the grass beside a big pit.

Qingmei smiled and walked over with the two little girls.

"Your little hands are quite fast. In just a little more time, you have already sealed about forty ancient tea trees, right?"

"Yeah, there are 42 trees." Taohua proudly raised her small chin. "Here, here..."

Qingmei looked towards the grass at her feet, in the deep grass that was as high as her thighs, a few clusters of completely transparent and tall slender mushrooms appeared in Qingmei's eyes.A strange fragrance flew into her nose, causing the mana in her body to move a few times.

Qingmei walked up quickly, checked it carefully, and said with certainty, "This is a phantom mushroom. I didn't expect that we would meet here. I remember that the book that introduced Lingzhi at home said that this kind of mushroom Phantom mushrooms are very rare."

Phantom Spirit Mushroom is a good thing. It not only refines Phantom Spirit Powder, but also strengthens the phantom-attribute spiritual roots of green plums, and is also the main material for refining the God-replenishing Pill.

The God-replenishing Pill can make up for the consumption of spiritual consciousness and repair the damage of the soul.

This is the medicine that monks need.

The most important thing is that phantom spirit mushrooms are also high-grade spirit roots. As long as they are continuously cultivated and the number is sufficient, high-level phantom spirit mushrooms can still appear.

With the high-level Phantom Spirit Mushroom, you can refine the high-level God-replenishing Pill.

Phantom Spirit Mushroom, like Aoki Ganoderma lucidum, belongs to the category of high investment and high return.So when Qingmei saw it, she was actually very pleasantly surprised.

"When the heaven and earth are full of inspiration, everything is rare, and rare things can grow. In the future, when the heaven and earth are scarce, this kind of strange and precious spiritual plant will become rare." Taohua didn't find it strange at all.

In the previous life, all kinds of rare treasures and immortal roots were born by the inspiration of heaven and earth.

Now that the three worlds have re-integrated, and the inspiration of heaven and earth has been reactivated. With the previous experience in the evolution of heaven and earth, this time the fusion of the three worlds will probably evolve more rare and spiritual things than in the previous life.

The reason why the forces in Shenting attach so much importance to this place is not because of the revival of aura in their world, the explosion of inspiration, and the endless emergence of various spiritual things.There are many treasures that are rare or extinct even in the current Shenting.

With such rich resources, it would be really strange to say that they are not tempted.

After all, the world of Shenting has not experienced the evolution of heaven and earth again for a long time.

"Why don't you seal... the phantom mushroom? Ah, you are waiting for me to send down the spiritual rain, and then seal it?" Qingmei suddenly remembered that if the phantom mushroom wants to be transplanted, it must first use the small rain technique to water the spirit rain, to move.

"Little Ganlin Technique." Taohua reminded her speechlessly.

"It's coming, it's coming." Qingmei hurriedly cooperated with her sister to transplant the phantom mushroom.A few boxes were used up quickly, and Taohua asked a few young ladies to help her find the phantom mushroom.Her sister was also assigned by her.

Qingmei smiled and ran away with a group of little fans.

In such a large piece of land planted with ancient tea trees, it took everyone a whole day to pull out more than 100 boxes of phantom mushrooms.

Feeling less peach blossoms, the next morning I went to the village chief of the Cha family, and called a dozen or so girls and young women to help her go up the mountain to find the phantom mushroom.

Everyone searched all the nearby hillsides and valleys in a few days, only to find hundreds of boxes.There are about five or six hundred small clumps of small mushrooms.

For this batch of phantom spirit mushrooms alone, Taohua gave the Jiao family fifty first-grade low-grade Yuzhi pills.

Village head Ming Dagui was so happy that his jaw almost dropped, he praised the little ladies of his clan, and of course he gave some material rewards in the end.After all, if they hadn't brought it with them, the sisters of the Chu family would not have found the phantom mushroom.

Taohua took away the phantom mushroom, and then arrived, and had already started to seal the ancient tea tree and the new tea tree Chu Jialing Zhifu to work together.About ten days later, some tea trees, except for the three female tea trees, were all sealed.

After the seal of the tea tree was completed, Qingmei stayed with the members of the guard team who came later and Chu Dashan to help the family move.The Yu clan is also packing their bags, and they are also planning to leave here.

Taohua is in charge of leading the team back to Chu's territory with Tea Tree and Phantom Mushroom.

After Taohua led the team back, she took them directly to Xintangzhuang.

Xintangzhuang has experienced flooding, relocation of clansmen and other things, and the population of its village has never recovered to [-]% of the past.And recently, although part of the population and various small workshops have returned.

However, the paddy fields and woodlands near the village are limited.

They were all grouped together by Chu Dashan according to the region.

The large number of wild ponds near Xintangzhuang were also used by Chu Liuye. Every time there were too many fish cubs in the small lake, he would have someone fish them out and put them into the water near Xintangzhuang. In the pond.

Then hire people to take care of the feeding, and wait until it's time to harvest before concentrating on fishing.

However, his business has only just started, and he has only fished for a year.

Last year, Yuhuo only earned more than 300 million Lingcoins.

However, Chu Dashan is very optimistic about this business, and after selling Yuhuo last year, he rewarded Sixth Master Chu with a bodiless pill.As long as the Sixth Master of Chu cultivates to the ninth level of Tongmai Tongjing in the future, he can take the bodiless pill to break through.

Of course, this is also because the Sixth Master Chu started practicing at a very young age. Although his aptitude is good and his cultivation speed is quite fast, it is still relatively dangerous when he is promoted to a higher level, and the chance of finally breaking through is not very high. high.

Taohua told Chu Dashan to simply reward the old man with a bodiless pill.How good it is to advance straight to the altar realm!

Chu Dashan thought about it carefully, that's right, just do it like this.

Therefore, Sixth Master Chu had already reserved a quota for the Divine Platform Realm in the Sixth Level of Tongmai Realm.This made the envious eyes of other clansmen and those who worked for the Chu family turn red.

If the Tongmai Realm breaks through to the Divine Stage Realm, if you break through by yourself, except for geniuses, the chance of ordinary people being promoted is only [-]%.That is, one out of ten is promoted.

(End of this chapter)

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