Chapter 516
How much do you care about the affairs of the separated brother's family?
It's really too wide!

Yuan Feihu rolled his eyes angrily at his own Saburo.

Saburo was a little puzzled, his second elder brother obviously didn't manage to do a good job in a workshop, and even sold the real estate in Ziyang that he could live on in the future, why is his father so calm?

"Father, what if the second elder brother's family is too poor to eat in the future?"

"I'm hungry. Didn't you see that the two younger brothers of Chu Dashan's family, Chu Lao San and Chu Lao Si have been farming poorly at home? I don't want to earn money to live a good life, and my own father can't control it." Yuan Fei Tiger way.

Saburo was speechless.

Chu Dashan has five brothers, except for the eldest, the second and fifth, the third and the fourth are also farming at home.

"Okay, don't worry about it so much, whether it's good or bad is someone else's business. After all, the second child has already separated." Now that the family has been separated, Yuan Feihu is not happy to rub his son's tail in everything.

He raised him until he got married and had children.

"I don't care about anything when you separate out in the future. Except for your elder brother's family, I don't care about your brothers and sisters in the future."

After hearing this, Saburo couldn't hold back his sadness. "The feeling is that my elder brother is your own son?"

"If it weren't for your own son, who would care about you marrying wives and having children?" Yuan Feihu complained angrily. "If it wasn't for my own son, even if you were dead in front of my eyes, I wouldn't even look at you. The family is separated, and you should take care of the wife and children on your shoulders. Are you still counting on your father? It is enough for your father to worry about your generation, do you want me to take care of your grandson's generation? Do you want to exhaust your father to death?"

"Then how do you manage my elder brother?" San Lang said.

"Your elder brother is going to provide for your parents, and your elder brother's lineage is also going to pass on our family's incense. My plan for him is not entirely for him, it is also for the descendants of my Yuan family. You are a branch, When the time comes, live your own life well and plan well for your parents, children and grandchildren."

After hearing this, Saburo's nose was almost crooked.

He has already discovered that his father's words can piss people off.

"Well, when you grow up and have children, you will know how unlucky your father and I are."

No, don't talk about being in a bad mood. If you want to say that you are really sad and depressed, it is definitely me.Yuan Sanlang thought with a sullen expression.

"By the way, how did you and your elder brother run to open a workshop with Mrs. Mo?"

Dalang and Sanlang took the capital to cooperate with the people of the Jia family this time, and it is said that it has nothing to do with the current Yuan family, so Yuan Feihu never asked.Asking at this time is just a casual question.

"It's all done, and it will open tomorrow. By the way, the people of the Qi family have a lot of seeds of the spiritual tea tree. Brother asked me to ask you, can we get some?"

"It's okay to get some. Doesn't our family have a hundred acres of slope land in Xintangzhuang? Just use that to plant spiritual tea trees." Yuan Feihu said.

"Should we only plant a hundred acres? Dong Chu's family has thousands of acres of one species."

"There are still millions of light spirit stones. Do you have any? The spirit tea tree is so easy to plant? If the seeds you get back are not seeds, our family can use the spirit land to raise them slowly until they grow up. Now, wait for them to slowly transform into spiritual tea trees, stretch the transformation process of tea trees from a few years to decades to hundreds of years, do you think I dare to plant them?
There are no spirit stones, and all good tea trees will die. "

Saburo slapped his head and suddenly realized.

"I forgot that a tea tree needs to transform into a spiritual tea tree."

"What else can you remember?" Yuan Feihu complained to his son.

In fact, as soon as the Ji family came over, they used tea tree seeds to open the way. Whether they were members of the Chu clan, Yuan clan, or casual cultivators living here, each person could sell a few seeds.Anyway, you can’t afford to buy too much.

A plant like Yuan Feihu plans to plant a hundred acres.That's a lot of courage.

Everyone has seen the same courage in Chu Dashan.

Therefore, Yuan Feihu's [-]-acre tea grove had already gained a reputation before it was planted.Many people saw Yuan Feihu planting so many tea forests and planned to plant more tea forests in their own homes.

Even Chu Dashan wondered if there should be more tea trees. After all, tea trees were a big money-making project before they became spiritual plants.

But after his little girl Taohua knew his thoughts, she immediately spoke to dispel his thoughts.

"Father, there are too many types of spiritual tea trees, and we don't need to grow gray mist tea at home. Our family does not lack the seeds of spiritual tea trees now. After all, those tea trees will produce a batch of seeds every year or every few years after transformation. But we There is a limited amount of spiritual land, so we will arrange more and more valuable spiritual plants in the future."

Chu Dashan made some calculations in his mind, and the girl was right, so he let go of continuing to grow spiritual tea.

Even his eldest brother, Chu Dachuan, bought a hundred acres of land directly from Chu Dashan.Like Yuan Feihu, tea trees were also planted.As soon as he made a move, Chu Zheng thought about it and followed suit.Take out all your family property and plant a hundred acres of tea forest, which is also in Xintangzhuang.

Chu Dashan was speechless. My family planted spiritual tea in Xintang because there was no room for fairy peaches. Even though the space for fairy peaches grew later, my family still had other spiritual plants to grow.So Chu Dashan and Chu Taohua thought of Xintang at the same time.

But why are you also planting tea trees in Xintang?

You can plant tea forests in other places.

The problem was that with Chu Dachuan and Chu Zheng competing, people from the clan came to beg Chu Dashan to buy land again.

Chu Dashan directly expelled the current market price, buying land?All right, give me more money, there are all kinds of places.

The clansmen with little money in their pockets came one by one with high spirits, and left dejectedly, each of them scolded Chu Dashan at home.

Even Chu Dashan doesn't care about someone scolding behind his back at all, motherfucker, it's not enough to take advantage, who always spoils you?

It's fine to plant a few trees in the front and back yards of the house, and I plan to plant a hundred acres of trees.I also don't want to know if you have so many spirit stones in your hands that can transform the ordinary tree into a spirit tree.

Of course, the most important thing is that when Chu Dashan made his fortune, he gave the tribe a lot of conveniences, allowing everyone to make a fortune together.But neither Chu Dachuan nor Chu Zheng followed suit.

So now Chu Dashan gave them some compensation for the sake of brothers.

The elders in the clan can understand that only those who are not greedy scold the streets everywhere.

Chu Dashan had already seen it through. Was it a time when everyone was poor? At that time, he was able to bring greater benefits to everyone, and naturally he had a good reputation.But now the clan has a lot of money, at least there is no problem with food and clothing.It is also able to have a surplus every year.

As a result, more and more people were dazzled by greed, and his reputation became worse and worse.

(End of this chapter)

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