The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 519 Affiliated Wood Attribute Spirit Mountain

Chapter 519 Affiliated Wood Attribute Spirit Mountain

"We need help." The arrogant voice of Zhaotiantao's little boy resounded along with Xiaotaohua's culture.

"You won't come to me if you don't need help, tell me, what do you need me to do?" Xiao Taohua said speechlessly.

"Last time, your family's spiritual veins suddenly advanced from the mainland-level pan-spirit, and we didn't catch up. This time we are going to be promoted to the first-level immortal root. Maybe the movement is a bit big." Zhao Tiantao said hesitantly.

"What do you mean? What's happening?" Taohua asked puzzled.

"Thunder Jie." Xue Yutao rubbed her tender little voice and said.

"What?" Taohua was taken aback. "What are you guys? Lei Jie? No way, isn't this fatal? My family's spiritual roots are all planted here. If you come to a thunder robbery to wash the ground at this time, will my family's spiritual roots still survive?"

"Didn't we tell you in advance?" Zhao Tiantao said speechlessly.

"What's the use of telling me now? How else can I move you?" Tao Hua said anxiously.

"Actually, you'd better move us away." Zhao Tiantao said. "I heard that your family has an island in the outer sea, and there is a large spiritual vein under the sea passing through the island. If you want me to say, it's best to send us there."

"You mean Yanbo Island? Yanbo Island is a good place, but if you move there, will my island still be there?" Tao Hua said with her heart aching.

Zhao Tiantao: "..."

Xue Yutao: "... What if Huahua hadn't been told by you? We have to advance."

"How about this, did you see that thing I raised in the veins here?" Tao Hua asked.

Xue Yutao immediately said, "I see, it is the small world that has repaired the original."

"That's right, that's it. Although it hasn't been completely repaired, I don't think it's okay to use it to save you from tribulation." Taohua said.

Xue Yutao said with comprehension, "Do you want us to enrich the foundation of that small world through advanced feeding back?"

Taohua pushed forward and said, "It is best to strengthen it into a small world like the Green Sea World."

Xue Yutao said with a headache, "That's a bit difficult. Calculate the celestial spirit that we unintentionally overflowed during the thunder calamity. But the original level of that small world seems to be only the third level. Now you use a fifth-level broken source to To make up for it, at most, let it mutate into a fourth-order small world.

It absorbs our celestial roots and is estimated to be able to return to the fifth order. It is a bit difficult to become a sixth-order virtual element-level small world. "

"Then it should be possible to become a fifth-order super-grade small world." Taohua didn't expect the sixth-order Xuyuan-level small world to be realized in advance.

That's right, she always felt that before the Lingshan Mountain she built by herself was promoted to the sixth level, the subsidiary small world owned by her family could basically reach the sixth level.But she still wants to fight for the fifth-level super small world.

"That's enough, maybe there is a slight possibility when we advance to the second-level immortal root." Xue Yutao said.But even they themselves are not sure when they will be able to advance to the second-level immortal root.

From the awakening of ordinary immortal roots to first-order immortal roots, how many times have they borrowed the great spiritual tide, the development of spiritual veins and the continent-level pan-psychic have such opportunities, and they still need to survive the thunder disaster and survive safely to have Maybe in the future there is a possibility of peeking into the second order.

It is very possible that the peach blossoms have cultivated sixth-order spiritual mountains, and they are still first-order immortal roots.

"In short, don't expect too much, in short, we will do our best." Xue Yutao said.

Zhao Tiantao also said, "You'd better put us in the seabed under Yanbo Island. Although the vein deep underground here is not small, it is already very tiring to raise a small world. You still have to take care of it." You have to be responsible for nurturing the Five Elements Spirit Vein in your hand, I think it can't bear it anymore."

"The great undersea spiritual vein over there hasn't fully formed yet, it's just an undersea spiritual vein for the time being." Tao Hua said.

After hearing her words, Zhao Tiantao sounded a little disappointed. "Then what to do?"

"Naturally, it's better to move you and the small world in Yunyang to there." Tao Hua thought carefully before saying.Originally, the two fairy roots were not in her original plan, which was an added surprise.

But these two are pleasantly surprised, and up to now they have not shown the legendary abilities of being immortal roots.

This disappointed Taohua.

The five-element spirit veins here are the most important thing for peach blossoms to build Lingshan. Keeping the immortal roots here and increasing the proportion of wood-type spirit veins all the year round has caused the five-element spirit veins here to continue to be out of balance, which is not worth the gain.

It's better to send the small world and fairy roots directly to Yanbo Island, and directly cultivate Yanbo Island into a wood-type subsidiary spirit mountain.

Although in this way, the resources invested in the future will be even larger and more terrifying, and it will even drag down the Chu family.But it's better than throwing it away now, after all, she has almost cultivated the celestial root to the first level.

If it really doesn't work, if she meets a suitable wealthy force in the future, she can exchange this wood attribute spirit mountain with a strong foundation and occupying two immortal roots.

Presumably there will be a lot of money at that time.

"This is naturally the best." Zhao Tiantao almost laughed out loud. "By the way, let's forget about the Xuanhuang gas well under our feet, can we take the skeleton of the spring dragon away?"

"Don't even think about it." Peach Blossom Qi knot, "Then I specially cultivated the guardian of the wood-type spiritual veins. You take root in it every day and absorb its origin. Go on and continue to absorb, I said you have passed it too."

"Ha, it's just a corpse dragon. What do you want to be like? It's better to take it away with us." Zhao Tiantao said incoherently.

"No way, don't dream. The Spring Dragon's Bone has long since recovered. It now has both vitality and death energy, and can freely transform between life, death, withering, and prosperity. I can't find a second one in the whole world for this kind of natural guardian of wood-type spiritual veins. You still want to take it away and eat it, it's so beautiful. Let me tell you, it's absolutely impossible."

Ang...someone in the ground let out a miserable cry, as if to say, Master, please get me out of here quickly.

Obviously, Xiao Chunlong is not willing to be a nanny for Xiangen anymore, after so long, why would he want me to continue to nurse him! !
God is annoying!

Taohua saw a lump of dirt in the ground swell up, and was suppressed again.It roused again, and was suppressed again...

The corners of his mouth twitched in a very speechless manner.

What a fool, without those two celestial roots, you would not be what you are now.

People absorbed the innate Yimu Qi from your body, so why didn't you use the infinite vitality of the immortal root to reborn spiritual wisdom?
(End of this chapter)

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