The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 521 Changes in the small world brought about by Xiangen

Chapter 521 Changes in the small world brought about by Xiangen

Chu Moyan himself is the strongest alchemist of the Chu family, so he is naturally familiar with all kinds of elixir and immortal roots. At least the people around him think that what he said is right.

After all, every alchemist who can produce hundreds or thousands of pills at a time is worthy of respect.

Although I don't know why the family has been hiding Chu Moyan's name and strength!

Chu Taohua, the only one who didn't quite agree with his statement, didn't bother to explain.

In fact, immortal roots also have ranks, the worst rank nine, the strongest rank one.Whether it is Zhaotian peach or Xueyu peach, they belong to the third rank of immortal roots.

However, the natives of this continent in front of them, how can they have the eyesight to discover the grade of the immortal root? This is the first time they have even seen a living immortal root.

This is the legendary fairy root. When everyone heard that they were coming to protect the fairy root from the catastrophe, they almost broke their heads!

Everyone who has seen the fairy root with their own eyes raised their chests and raised their heads unconsciously.

This is really something to be proud of.

Besides Peach Blossom, if she hadn't possessed Qi Tianjian in this life, she would have been able to automatically show her the rank of the immortal root in front of her eyes.

She also doesn't know what is the immortal root of the third grade.

In her previous life, she knew that Zhaotian Tao was a fairy root!

Although according to the information she received in her previous life, any spiritual mountain in the Shenting is proud to have a fairy root.But in fact, having fairy roots is not necessarily a good thing.

It's a trivial matter to attract outsiders to covet and scramble for it. The fairy root you get doesn't match your own Lingshan, and it's a big deal to damage the foundation of your own Lingshan.

However, many owners of Lingshan do not have a clear understanding of celestial roots. They get carried away with joy when they get a celestial root, and it is not uncommon for them to regret it until something goes wrong in their own Lingshan.

Chu Taohua had wanted to have her own spiritual mountain since her previous life, so she collected a lot of rumors and miscellaneous notes about Shenting Lingshan, story books and so on.In fact, ever since the major forces of Shenting came down to take advantage of various opportunities in the mainland, the legend about Lingshan began to spread throughout the entire continent, and even the entire world.

Back then, there were too many influencers and people who collected Lingshan rumors, miscellaneous notes, and story books, so Taohua collected so many various books back then, but none of them attracted any attention.

"It's about to start, everyone should spread out."

After Taohua finished speaking, she walked away from a certain transparent bead.He also told the clansmen to let go, and also told the monk fleet outside who were in charge of defending against the bad things from the monsters to increase their vigilance, let's start.

After a few breaths, I saw that the sky was covered with dark clouds, black and dense like a huge ink cloud condensed on the sky.

Thundercloud appears!
Immediately after the ink cloud opened its teeth and danced its claws and twisted, countless white light arcs directly came out from the cloud layer, then rushed down with a whoosh, and then disappeared inside the bead.The fog inside the bead was instantly dispersed by the lightning, completely exposing the miniature mountains and rivers inside the bead, it really is a small world.

Thick thunderbolts pierced into the beads continuously, and then landed on two certain celestial root fruit trees.

The crackling thunder light penetrated the fruit tree, and all the leaves on the fruit tree were thundered off.

The two bare fruit trees tried their best to absorb the origin of the small world, with a soft green light visible to the naked eye flowing on their bodies, desperately resisting the baptism of thunder.

"Hey, why didn't you hear the loud sound of the thunderbolt hitting the fruit tree?" Zhu Kangnian leaned closer to Taohua and asked. "Isn't thunder calamity always a huge movement?"

"Two worlds apart, the sound of thunder is below." Tao Hua pointed to the transparent beads. "If it weren't for the protection of the small world, the two celestial roots would probably have to endure an even more terrifying thunder calamity. But the protection of them by the small world is not in vain." Not counting the return of the two celestial root fruit trees after the success of the tribulation, Even this lightning calamity will bring great benefits to the small world.

Similar to the celestial root thunder calamity, the thunder has the power of vitality and good fortune.

The fusion of the new world where their family is located has a strong origin, and the power of life and creation brought out by the thunder calamity is even more intense.

The thunder directly smashed into the small world through Thunder Tribulation, directly refined the small world's body, and strengthened the small world's origin.

It didn't take more than a minute for Lei Ting to refine the small world, and the small world directly thickened a layer of body, and even the original source directly increased by a large amount.

The ink cloud persisted for about a quarter of an hour before dissipating.

The big opportunities of the small world are gone.Sure enough, good things cannot be enjoyed all the time!
After the lightning calamity that lasted for a quarter of an hour, the two fairy roots were bald and turned into two tree stumps.

The image is simply miserable.

However, it has survived the thunder disaster safely, and new branches and leaves have grown from the bare tree stump one by one.The first-order immortal root is not only twice as big as the original crown.The tree has also grown a lot taller.

The origin of the fairy roots also increased rapidly during their growth, even overflowing the fairy roots themselves, and part of them was directly fed back to the origin of the small world.

The origin of the overflowing fairy root itself was sucked and swallowed by the clever small world, but a very small part of it was still spilled into the land around the small world.

One after another, the immature seedlings pushed out of the soil layer, and they stretched out two leaves vigorously.With the root of Liangke as the axis, it grows continuously around the highest mountain in a certain small world.

Several tender green seedlings appeared densely at once.

"Those are……"

"The secondary spiritual roots Chiyantao and Xuexiantao that were originally spawned after absorbing the fairy roots. Good thing, after the fairy roots have finished feeding back, we can transfer those seedlings out. Plant them directly in the nearby mountains and in the valley.

The secondary spiritual roots born from the evolution of fairy roots will not grow well if they are too close to the fairy roots. "Chu Moyan was born and explained to everyone.

"I remember that there used to be Xuexiantao in the Patriarch's house, and it was also mutated by Xueyutao." Chu Shinian mused.

"The aptitude of that kind of peach is slightly inferior. The secondary spiritual root born from the root of the immortal root is more likely to give birth to a ninth-level spiritual peach." Chu Mo said.

"What beautiful things are you thinking about? If you can grow to the sixth level, you will be laughing." Tao Hua said speechlessly.

The celestial root is still rapidly growing its origin, and it also brings about great changes in the small world.

Originally, the main ground vein running through the underground of the small world, the original stimulus of this fairy root is constantly getting bigger and stronger.It's like a giant dragon stretching its hands and feet with all its teeth and claws.The origin of the small world was originally ups and downs in the center of the main vein.

With the growth of the main leylines, the origin of the small world is gradually adjusting the external terrain through the leylines.

One after another, more than a dozen large and small spiritual veins were born.

The most powerful one is crawling under the highest mountain in a small world.Breathing in and out together with the fairy roots above absorbing and storing the wood-attribute spiritual energy, this largest spiritual vein has already transformed into the characteristics of a wood-attributed first-order spiritual vein.

(End of this chapter)

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