Chapter 529

"Will you fight or not?" The monsters communicated mental fluctuations to each other.

The army of one hundred thousand monks is constantly approaching them. "Will we fight?" Countless beasts were asking each other.

Tread, step, step...

The sound of the boots hitting the ground kept coming from the opposite side with an extremely oppressive feeling.

The beasts are still asking.

Many beasts even moved their bodies back in a peek.

Most of the three grotesque beasts in a cave at the rear also silently stared at the approaching army of monks.

"Fight?" A big beast head suddenly looked to the left.

"Follow you," said the one on the left.

"War?" It turned to look to the right again.

"Why don't you try it," said the one on the left.

"Try it then. Let the boys down below call the shots."

It's a pity that before it gave the order, several herds that had been within 100 meters of the monks' battle array suddenly fled without fighting, turned their heads and ran towards the mountain behind them.

They even impacted and disrupted the originally neat herd of beasts behind.

"Bastard, which clan's bastards are those, how can they escape, how can they escape?" a certain triangular beast who had just asked if they wanted to fight roared angrily.

"It's useless for you to scream, hurry up and let other herds fill in. This group of new-generation children has never experienced any real battles, otherwise they wouldn't be scared by 10 monks and go away without a fight." Collapse." Another stag horned beast said.

"You are talking about lightness, why don't you go up, there is an army formation formed by [-] monks, and it is not an ordinary gathering of [-] monks. Our ancestors have eaten the size of this army formation countless times. Fortunately, even that kind of fear is left in our blood, why do you say that, it seems that you can kill a legion of others casually, why don't you go up and try it yourself?" A nine-tailed white cat immediately Said sarcastically.

A certain stag-horned beast immediately fell silent.

"Okay, I'll go down." The Triangle Beast said angrily.

"Let's go down with you too. Otherwise, more herds will escape." The nine-tailed white cat said immediately.

Deerhorns are fine.

So the three started to move.

As soon as they moved, the herd of beasts who wanted to run away didn't dare to move anymore.

When the monks from the army came up, they also rushed up screaming fiercely.

The herd of beasts and the human monks rushed together, like two waves of fighting and colliding. The fierce collision and the high-intensity killing at the beginning were simply dazzling.

Chu Shinian was in the middle of the formation, and he even delegated the command of the formation to his subordinates.

The masters around him even formed a hunting team to hunt and kill the big ones in the herd.

The cultivation base has broken through the existence of the second or third order.

It is said that the combat power of a single body is two rounds, and the second-level beasts are far more terrifying than human monks.But human monks have magic tools, rune weapons, and storage rings, and they may carry anything in them.

From the beginning of the hunt, the team was the main one, and the Chu family dispatched two hundred altar realms in one go.

There are too many altars, a team of ten people, two hundred altars, formed eleven teams, except for one team dedicated to guarding Chu Shinian, the other teams went deep into the battlefield, hunting and killing all kinds of people. monster.

The screams are overwhelming!
Both monsters and human monks are dying.

The faces of some small forces changed drastically, and some medium-sized forces also felt cold. Even some large forces who rushed over watched the battle below condensedly.

The Chu family has reached such a level that they dare to fight a war of attrition with the orcs.

This growth rate is too fast.

The orcs on the battlefield are all strong orcs in Xiongshan, and the monks who fought against them almost lost every one of them.

The combat strength of the Chu Clan's Brotherhood somewhat surpassed their imagination and understanding.

Ordinarily, at this time, it should not be possible to cultivate such a powerful army.

Even Chu Zifei and the others who followed Chu Shinian looked at the battle between the monsters and the monsters, their eyes froze.

"Is it because the army formation is too strong? How could we lose every battle against so many elite herds?" Xun Shijiao didn't leave Miyang City after Mrs. Zhang left.Instead, he stayed and continued to work for Chu Shinian.

The Xun clan had two halves, and the other side was led by the Xun clan leader to leave Miryang with Zhang and his son.Most of the Miryang nobles left Miryang with their families and went to Zhangyu.Just like the Xun family, they took all the main and important clansmen away with the Zhang family, and the remaining unimportant clansmen stayed in Miryang and continued to serve Chu Shinian, which was regarded as leaving a way for the family.In case something happens to them, the family can continue.

Of course, those who are left behind are actually equivalent to being abandoned.They will not be able to control these tribesmen in the future.

Xun Shijia was left in this way. To be honest, he was really happy.

Since he returned to Xun's house, he has not lived a good life.Those people in the empire kept sending messages to the Xun family, and they must make him live a bad life.If the imperial court was forced to go to Ansha and their power would be greatly reduced, it would be even more difficult for him to live in the Xun family.

Just when he was so painfully oppressed by his family and wanted to run away from Miryang, Miryang changed hands.

Chu Shinian was not a person who liked the nobles and rich gentry very much.He has attacked nobles and wealthy gentry more than once.

He ransacked his family and exterminated his family, he could have slipped away.

This is such a character, who gave him a new life in Xun Shi.

Under his command, it is more comfortable than he used to work under Zhang Wei's command.The main reason is that Chu Shinian hardly cares about qualifications and seniority, he only cares about actual ability.It's better to be qualified and senior, but I don't have it and I don't want you to be promoted.

Especially for the young generals in the army who move three times a year, that is definitely not a dream. Only five moves a year will make them feel moved too.

But the problem is that fighting is deadly. You have to have real skills and luck against the sky to be able to break through the avenue that reaches the sky amidst the constant killing and blood.

In fact, Xun Shijia was a little envious of those young generals in the army, but unfortunately he was not good at fighting, so it was nothing to go.It's better to do what he is good at.

For Xun Shijia's misunderstanding, Chu Zifei, who was fighting next to him, felt a little toothache.

"That's not the merit of the light battle array. If you look carefully, the combat power of my human monk army is really outstanding. A single combat power can fight against monsters that are one or two smaller realms stronger than them, and not only One-on-one, with the cooperation of comrades-in-arms, they can also do one-on-two, one-on-three.

And the most important thing is that there are still ten master teams active on the battlefield, specializing in hunting orc masters. "

(End of this chapter)

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