Chapter 531
Thinking of Xiaopang, the girl's head hurts.

The little things are becoming more and more clever, and they are not as easy to fool as they were a few years ago.Especially after having the little brother Chunlong, its destructive power has risen in a straight line.

Chunlong itself is both life and death, and ordinary spiritual plants can't bear its approach at all.So Xiaopang took Chunlong to brush the blood-origin fruit tree brought back by Lin Changge last time.That brushed that tree, shivering every day.

Taohua deeply felt that if the tree had grown legs, it would have already run away.

It's a pity that it only has roots and can only stand in the ground, so it is dusted every day.

Of course, their play also made Taohua witness a miracle.

She never thought that such a strange species of blood fruit tree could withstand the power of the corpse spring dragon and keep washing it.What is rare is that it has not mutated at all except for the increase in fruit.

In Taohua's view, not mutating is also a very powerful ability.

It seems that she will pay more attention to the blood fruit tree in the future. This tree may provide her with a surprise in the future.

"Then how can we get better results now?" Chu Shinian poured tea for Taohua himself, and asked earnestly.

"What advice do you have?"

"My suggestion is to occupy the entire ground eye area and develop it into our Chu family's territory." Chu Shinian narrowed his long and narrow phoenix eyes slightly.

"It is possible. But if you occupy this place, you will have to deal with various sects in the northwest land. They are very troublesome. And once you get entangled, it will be endless. Are you ready? ?”

"Northwest land is our basic territory, and it is impossible for our Chu family to stay in the small territory of Song State all the time. I heard that there are many forces coming down from above to stir up troubles in several other big countries. Some people even He ran to Anxia's side to the Emperor Song.

Maybe if I don't deal with them, they have already started to deal with me.Why should I make the first move? "Chu Shinian said.

"Okay, as long as you are ready, you are done. Anyway, as you said, you will always bump into them in the future. In addition, the monsters on the land and the monsters in the sea may have returned. They The temptation is probably about to start. You are in the limelight in Yun'an Continent, and I think I will come to test you in advance." Taohua pointed out.

"Then where is Chu Changhua from?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Of course it's from our family. He is the blood of our Chu family. What's wrong with the half-demon? Isn't the half-demon a human?" Tao Hua said extremely firmly.

In her previous life, she didn't keep a sister from the clan, but because she was a half-demon, she was forced to be executed by those old men in the clan, which was simply wicked.

After hearing this, Chu Shinian frowned and said, "Her mother is a little troublesome."

"That one is more open than us. As long as we continue to accept him, that one will treat him as if he never gave birth to Chu Changhua's son." Taohua said with a smile.

After hearing this, Chu Shinian was taken aback and said, "Why do you say that, that person is the Fox Emperor!"

"Because she is the fox emperor, she knows better that the fox clan is actually more xenophobic than our human race. As long as her son does not change blood, it is absolutely impossible for her son to be sincerely loved by the fox clan. Even if the blood is changed, I guess It's too bad. It is absolutely impossible to become the next Fox Emperor.

Besides, she herself has begun to train her eldest brother's niece to be the next empress.

But I don't think she will succeed. "

"(⊙o⊙) Oh? Why is that?" Chu Shinian asked in astonishment.

"The son of luck like us was born in the fox mountain over there. What do you think? The next female emperor, hehe, there are some battles. Whether it is the female emperor or the male emperor depends on the final result of the battle."

Chu Shinian was still stunned when he heard this, "You also arranged a dark line there?"

"There are not many people, and it is not in the same system as yours. You should know that the hidden guards cannot be connected. If they are completely connected, they will be uprooted." Taohua said seriously.

Chu Shinian said indifferently, "Isn't it my first day as a secret guard?"

"It's good that you know." Taohua smiled immediately.

"But I'm relieved to hear that the monster race is just as messy as the human race." Chu Shinian said joyfully. "Everyone can't spare their hands, so our Chu family can develop with peace of mind."

Peach Blossom is speechless, although this is true, but you don't have to say it.

"Although everyone is in a dilemma, these will not affect their fight with you for this fire-attributed land of the eye of the earth. In the future, this place will not only be able to absorb the energy of the earth veins from afar, but also be able to expel it within a few years. A large fire-attributed spiritual vein, because the earth eye just appeared, this fire-attributed spiritual vein can even form a special shape under the influence of the formation we arranged.

For example, in the shape of a flaming mountain.Layers of clouds of spiritual energy of the said attribute are released from the spiritual veins and formations, and it looks like a mountain burning with raging fire from a distance. " Tao Hua described it to Chu Shinian.

"Then this Huoyan Mountain might be of greater benefit?" Chu Shinian immediately asked with a smile. He actually heard the reason from Tao Hua's story.

"Of course, after this flaming mountain is formed, not only will it condense a special flame spiritual land in the mountain, so that we can breed spiritual things and plant spiritual plants at will, but also form a special practice site for monks with fire attributes. It will even form a special secret realm, allowing people to have supernatural powers like flames.

Do you think it's great or not? "

Chu Shinian rose to his feet in an instant, yet he could still comprehend the supernatural power of flames?
"If we don't have the Earth's Eye, we will never be able to get it out, but if we have the Earth's Eye, then everything is possible." Tao Hua said.

In her previous life, she had been to the naturally formed Tingfeng Valley, where she could help monks comprehend the supernatural powers of the wind attribute. She had painstakingly studied the natural formation there.First of all, you still have to have an eye that vents out the energy of the earth veins.

The Valley of Listening to the Wind is also the place where a wind-attribute leyline and earth eye vent.

Now there is an opening for the earth's eye next to her house, and she just uses it to practice her hands and try out her previous ideas.

"Then let's do it. I'll make a reservation for this fire attribute supernatural power." There was a special smile and anticipation in Chu Shinian's eyes.

"You should first study how you can snatch food from so many northwest forces, or the great sects and great forces that come from farther away, and take this place."

It should be said that there are so many large and small earth eyes in Xiongshan, including the Chu family.But the eyes of the earth are different from the eyes of the earth.The other big and small earth eyes are the circulation nodes of the earth veins, and they are also the places where the energy of the earth veins of various attributes gathers.

But the earth eye here is really different, it is the place where the earth veins and earth energy vent.

(End of this chapter)

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