The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 550 Peach Blossom's Regret

Chapter 550 Peach Blossom's Regret

How does it feel to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot, just like her!
Chu Shinian in his previous life didn't dare to harass her!

That's right, the Chu Shinian in the previous life did not reach the status of the current Chu Shinian! !

The problem is that this thing exploded so suddenly, it was difficult for her to think about how to deal with it for a while.

Chu Shinian probably also knew how heavy his blow was to the little Patriarch, so he accepted it as soon as it was good.A long-cherished wish for many years, once he expressed it made his eyes shine.

"Patriarch, don't worry, I won't do anything harmful to the family. I just want to show you my heart. I just hope that Patriarch will consider me when you want to marry."

If Taohua had a brick in her hand at this time, she would designate it to be able to breathe on the opponent's head.

Seeing that his sweetheart's eyes were not friendly, and he was ready to strike at any time, Chu Shinian hurriedly fled.

Although he secretly felt that he seemed to be very talented in cultivation, he never underestimated the ability and talent of his Patriarch. She is the daughter of the will of the real world, and she can do whatever she wants!
Besides, he is not in good condition now, if he is really beaten, he may really lose his life.

But when he was about to leave, there was a particularly yearning smile on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as Chu Shinian left, Ling Yanshu and Feng Rushan all paid homage to the Patriarch.

After Taohua washed and changed her clothes, she let them in.Chu Shinian didn't tell Ling Yanshu and Feng Rushan about his breaking into Peach Blossom's bedroom, so they thought he left after resting.

"Patriarch, Chu Shinian, the commander of the dark guards, came over yesterday. He led people into the interior of the battleship, fought fiercely all night, narrowly escaped death, and was seriously injured. A fourth-order requiem tree seedling with top-grade spiritual roots was obtained from the battleship."

Feng Rushan's words made the corners of Taohua's mouth twitch uncontrollably.

He said in his heart that Chu Shinian was indeed Chu Shinian, and he was ruthless enough.Not only is he ruthless to outsiders, but he is also ruthless to himself.In order to please her, he dared to do anything desperately.She owns the Taiyin Stone Tower herself, and she can protect her own safety even if she enters the battleship.

Chu Shinian was able to enter the interior of the battleship and come out safely, so he must have had his own adventures.

Taohua has never felt that adventures can only happen to her, and she has her own destiny.

"Why did Chu Shinian come here? Isn't he dealing with the affairs of Xiongshan?"

Faced with the Patriarch's doubts, Feng Rushan hurriedly said, "Chu Shinian, the Commander of the Secret Guards, has been paying attention to the progress of the Patriarch. Besides, he is the Commander of the Secret Guards of the family. Basically, no one can stop him from knowing what he wants to know." .”

"So he cleared the battleship before I went down?" Taohua twitched even more.

This is robbery!

"Patriarch, it's too dangerous for you to go down." Ling Yanshu said with a sigh.

In fact, it would not be good for Chu Shinian to go down. If something happened to Chu Shinian, the Chu family would transform from a big boss into a huge piece of fat almost instantly.

By this time, the people of insight within the Chu family had already realized the great prestige of Chu Shinian!

Chu Shinian had actually grown to the point where he could suppress the clan's fortunes. His tacit understanding with the Patriarch, who cooperated openly and secretly, brought the Chu family an infinitely bright future.

"What's the loss this time?" Taohua sighed and asked again.

"Out of the more than 100 altar realms, only eleven came up, including Chu Shinian, the commander of the hidden guards," Feng Rushan said.

"This battle loss is too crazy. If I had known, I would have waited to open up this small battleship." Taohua frowned slightly, this time the loss was a bit big.The loss of Shentai Realm is more than 100 people, which is really painful.

"Although the loss is a bit big this time, the profit is completely worth the loss. Patriarch, look, this is the map of the internal situation of the battleship that Commander Chu Shinian asked me to give you. It also includes various detailed descriptions of his personal experience." In Ling Yanshu's view, Chu Shinian was a bit reckless this time, but the effect was excellent.After all, it is much better than the Patriarch going down by himself.

In his heart, although the Patriarch is not a weak scum, he is not a person with a strong record.

Of course, he himself is a weak scum who has not yet reached the altar level!
So if he goes down to replace the Patriarch, there will be an extra intact corpse inside.

For this kind of thing, when the head of the family can't go down, Chu Shilai has to go to thunder.I have to say that Chu Shinian did a really good job.

He really deserves to be recognized by many principals within the family as one of the most outstanding leaders of the dark guards in the family since 1000 years ago.

You know, this evaluation is already quite high!

The last person to receive this honor was the one four or five hundred years ago!

The blueprints and instructions sent by Ling Yanshu continued, "The family members of the Death God Terrace asked the clan to find someone to deal with them. They participated in the reclamation of ancient ruins, and even if they died in battle, they should take care of their relatives and descendants. .”

Ling Yanshu nodded in approval.

Without their sacrifices, Chu Shinian might not be able to complete the task at all.

"If there are relatives or younger generations in the family who need the bodiless pill, you can give me one." The bodiless pill that is bestowed is free.There is no need to accumulate meritorious deeds to exchange, this kind of good deed can make relatives and younger generations boil.

You must know that now the family needs to accumulate [-] meritorious deeds to redeem the Reborn Pill.

How many times has the family monk who obtained the Rebirth Pill gone through life and death for the family?

Ling Yanshu was stunned, he really didn't expect the Patriarch to give such a big reward this time.

"This time, let's open up this small battleship. When I sort it out thoroughly, you will know its value." After Taohua finished speaking, she began to seriously read the map and instructions left by Chu Shinian.

It has to be said that the resource background of this small warship is still good.

There are many usable places in the body of a warship that is more than ten kilometers long, and there is also a small world with a large spiritual vein inside.It is a pity that the small world has not had spiritual energy input for too long, and the spiritual energy inside the large spiritual vein has been consumed, so the originally vast small world collapsed into a small world with a radius of less than a hundred miles.

However, the spiritual energy inside is still much richer than the world where their spiritual energy has been revived now.

There are only plants and no animals in the small world.But there are many bones of animals.

Presumably, before the high-ranking monk died, he directly cleaned up the hidden safety hazards in the small world.

Chu Shinian also drew a road map, which is the road map to the main control center inside the battleship.Where did he get the third-order soul-eating cat cubs and the fourth-order requiem tree seedlings.

These two little things have been confronting each other inside, and even beat each other to death.Otherwise, Chu Shinian would not have succeeded in cleaning them up in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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