The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 560 I Don't Know She Will Die Too

Chapter 560 I Don't Know She Will Die Too
Unless the other party has already married a wife and had children before succeeding as the commander of the dark guard.Otherwise, the commander of the dark guard is like a curse. The commander of the dark guard in the past is all alone, or dies in battle, or is dealt with because of a crime, or dies alone.

This is a high-risk occupation, but when Chu Shinian was 16 years old, under his own operation, he took over this position from the leader of the previous dark guard.

That leader committed a crime, and it was Chu Shinian himself who executed him.

It's not easy to think about Chu Shinian in this way.

After sending Chu Shinian away, Tao Hua finally let go, and it can be regarded as leaving.

Without Chu Shinian around to obstruct her eyes, Taohua's work speed was further accelerated.Thinking about it, she will be able to start repairing in a few days.

Besides, Xiaopang is still waiting to go home! !

So she speeds up her work outside as soon as possible.


Just as she was trying to toss the formation map, it was on the main street of Changyang.

A tall guard followed behind a young man in his early twenties.The little man, dressed in a low-key luxurious brocade robe, looked at the unusually bustling market with great interest, while teasing the guards behind him.

"This place really deserves to be the stronghold of the Chu family. They did a good job when they came down last time, and this time it's even better than before."

The tall, indifferent guard said nothing.

"You, you, you are really not as considerate as Dong Ce." Xiao Langjun turned around and complained about his guard angrily.

"I'm here to protect your husband's safety, as long as your husband is safe." The implication is that if you want to find someone to hang out with, you can find someone else.

Mr. Xiao Lang gave him an annoyed look.

"Is there no news from Shentian Pavilion?" Xiao Langjun asked casually.

"No, after we took full control of the Jiuxing Pavilion, we contacted the Cantian Pavilion several times according to the method you provided, but we didn't get any response from them. After we sent people to investigate, we found that the Cantian Pavilion had not been reorganized."

Hearing what the guard said, Mr. Xiao Lang rarely frowned and said, "It's strange, the Jiuxing Pavilion has been reorganized this time, why is the Cantian Pavilion not reorganized? Are they worried that we will take the opportunity to infiltrate people?"

"The fate of Shentian Pavilion has always been mysterious. Many people think that she should have mastered such treasures as fate, which can predict good or bad. She probably sensed that we have controlled Jiuxing Pavilion, and several other similar organizations have mastered it, so she simply There will be no reorganization of the Tower of Heaven."

After hearing this, Mr. Xiao Lang sighed and said, "Destiny is really a big trouble. The holders of the treasures in the northwest are indeed the most difficult holders of the treasures."

"Yes, Destiny will probably affect the speed at which you complete the task."

Mr. Xiaolang shook his head after hearing this, "When I came down this time, my family gave me the task of collecting ten heavy treasures. With Jiuxing Pavilion, we just wait in silence, and the heavy treasures will fall into our hands one by one. .”

"Having said that, but my lord's sons are in the lower realms, what Madam means is that you should collect more treasures. After all, the better your grades, the more your lord values ​​you. In the future, all kinds of resources will be devoted to you."

"Zhu You, why are you talking more and more like my mother?" Xiao Langjun said directly, rolling his eyes.

"Xiao Langjun..." Zhu You's complexion began to change.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore." Xiao Langjun smiled willfully. "By the way, I asked you to check Chu Xi, have you checked?"

"I've already explained it, but I haven't received any reports from my subordinates yet." Zhu You said with a flat face, "But Mr. Xiaolang, Madam asked you to come down to do business. You'd better not be like the last time." He lost his caution for a while, and was directly poisoned to death, thus losing the qualification to continue to compete for world power."

Cough cough cough. "Can you forget about my black history last time?"

"Then can you stop paying attention to that Chu Xi?" Zhu You also asked.

"She...cough cough cough she... You don't understand after all." Xiao Langjun sighed with his hands behind his back.Alas, I finally liked a little lady, and even married her back home.As a result, he was careless for a moment, and the little lady discovered his true face as a monk in the upper realm.

It's fine if it's just a monk from the upper realm. She found out that she tortured a monk from this realm and forcibly stripped a monk's body of a heavy treasure.

If it weren't for Chuxi himself being the chosen Dao Ding, and the one who chose her was not an ordinary person.Chu Xi was afraid that his subordinates around him would have silenced him long ago.But he didn't kill Chu Xi's mouth, but was poisoned to death by Chu Xi.

Alas, thinking about how self-willed and stubborn he was back then, he just wanted to know if Chu Xi would really attack him, but Chu Xi did.

Now that I think about it, I was so stupid at the time. Why did he test Chuxi in that situation? It would be better if he didn’t test her, but slowly softened her, touched her, and made her fall in love with him completely. ?
If Chu Xi really liked him back then, he thought he might be crazy enough to help her get rid of the Dao Ding mark on her body.Let her no longer exist as that Dao Ding.

The two of them crossed the street and alley, and were walking slowly towards the mansion they had sold.

But two girls appeared in front of them. The badges on their bodies were engraved with the emblem of the Chu family. One of the girls had a basket of incense candles hanging on her arm.

"Miss, are we really going to sacrifice outside the city?"

"That's right, my cousin Chuxi has passed away. No one will remember her except me. Besides, I burn some paper money for her every year. I only hope that she will live better in another world."

The two girls walked past the two men one after the other, and then left quickly.

Xiao Langjun's body was as stiff as a zombie, and he turned around bit by bit.He lost his mind and asked the guard behind him, "Is Chu Xi dead?"

The guard said nothing.

"Is Chu Xi really dead?"

"Dead. Seven years ago, when the Three Realms began to merge again, Chu Xi's half-sister poisoned her to death in order to seize power." The guard didn't say what the wife did in it.

Otherwise, how could Chu Da be so courageous, and directly poisoned her eldest sister whom she had always feared and hated as soon as she was reborn? !

Tears fell silently from the boy's eyes and down his cheeks.

"Xiao Langjun, my condolences."

"So for so many years, I asked you to track down the news about Chu Xi, but you never went, did you know that she died long ago?" Xiao Lang asked.

"Xiao Langjun, when the Three Realms started to merge again, many people were reborn and did a lot of bad things. You know it."

"I didn't know she would die too." Xiao Langjun suddenly roared.

"Xiao Langjun!!" Zhu You's tone suddenly became severe.

Mr. Xiaolang: "..."

"Sorry, I need to be quiet by myself." After saying this, Xiao Langjun ran out as if to escape.

Zhu You sighed faintly.

 These two young ladies are members of the clan who were exiled from Chu Chu, and they are not close to Chu Zifei, so they don't know that Chu Xi is still alive.They all thought that Chu Xi was already dead.The badges on them also belonged to Yuan Dichu.

  I just wanted to write a blunder, but everyone misunderstood me...

(End of this chapter)

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