Chapter 562
The beauty is really sick and delicate, at first glance it looks like a weakness brought about by the womb.The whole person is as weak as a piece of paper. Although the small face is delicate and small, it has a pale white color that does not last long.

People are like fluffy catkins, trembling with the wind, weak and vulnerable, they are born to arouse people's desire to protect.

"Ning Ning, are you okay? Why don't we rest here for a while before going to Changyang City."

"Okay, Brother Feiyu, I'm the one who dragged you down. If I hadn't insisted on coming with you, you wouldn't have to take care of me so hard." Watching the male scholar beside him slowly calm down his shortness of breath.

"Ning Ning, it's all my fault. If my father insisted on making me perform such a spoiled child, I wouldn't drag you so far. I'm really worried that my body won't be able to bear it. If you have After all, I’m afraid I’m going to go underground with you.”

When the beauty heard the scholar say this, her eyes turned red immediately, and the tears didn't stop, streaming down her cheeks.

"Brother Feiyu is all my fault. If I didn't fall in love with you for a long time, you don't have to be so embarrassing. If I can hold back the heartache and allow you to get married, brother Feiyu won't have to bear the reputation of being an unfilial son." Went far away and divorced.

It's all my fault, and it's all my fault for you. "

The more the beauty talked, the faster her breathing became, as if she was about to faint at any moment.

The scholar couldn't see the whole thing... hurriedly took out a small pill from the beauty's purse, and gave the beauty one.

But for a while, she failed to become a beauty, and in the end she really fainted.

"The sweetheart of you is born with a heart disease. I'm afraid you won't live until the age of 20. I have a elixir here. Although it can't cure her heart disease, it can greatly alleviate her condition. If you take good care of her in the future , at least let her live to be 40 years old." Yang Xianzhi suddenly jumped down from the tree.

Then Dong Ce also jumped down.

"You... who are you?" The scholar hugged the beauty in shock, protecting her tightly.

"You don't even need to know who you are, just tell me, do you want this pill that can cure the beauty in your arms?" Yang Xianzhi asked.

"You... What conditions do you have?" The scholar looked at him sternly and asked.

"Don't worry, I don't want anything else. I want the colorful bead you hang around your neck." Yang Xianzhi said.

"Huh?" The scholar was taken aback. "This one is not good, my father won't let me give it to others."

"You don't want to treat your sweetheart. There is no doctor here, so she might not be able to make it through. Do you want to watch your sweetheart die?" Yang Xianzhi asked persuasively.

The scholar was entangled, so he gave the beads to the other party in exchange for pills.Beauty Ning Ning woke up slowly after taking the pill, and her complexion was no longer completely pale, and there was even a trace of blush on her cheeks.

Yang Xianzhi took the beads with satisfaction and took Dong Ce away. They didn't wait for Ningning to wake up.

On the way to Changyang, Dong Ce asked curiously, "Mr. Lang, why did you suddenly change a bead?"

"This bead is a fantasy bead with a name and a surname among the treasures of the Northwest. There is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it." Yang Xianzhi then wiped some spiritual imprints on the bead.He didn't care at all whether the master of the bead was alive or dead.

Chongbao can't leave the master's sea of ​​consciousness easily, and if he has to leave, he will maintain the spiritual connection with the master.It's just that if this spiritual connection is cut off again, then the master must die.

Chongbao will only have one owner, once this connection is severed, the previous owner will die.

"Is this one of the more than one hundred treasures in the northwest?" Everyone in Dong Ce was startled.It's too fast to start.

"I have seen the power of this fantasy bead before, although I am very familiar with its breath." Yang Xianzhi squeezed the bead and rubbed it, and said happily, "Who knew that there would be such a self-inflicted treasure on the official road?" , I'm so happy."

"Then are there any treasures on those two people just now?" Dong Ce asked suddenly.

Pfft, Yang Xianzhi burst out laughing. "I said, what are you thinking? Why did Chongbao appear together?"

Dong Ce also laughed. "Yes, how is it possible? I also worry about gains and losses for a while, and I lost my composure."

"It's good to get one, but it's a lucky moment for us. The Shentian Pavilion has not been reorganized, and the holders of the treasure are fighting on their own. It is easier to find than before."

Dong Ce also laughed when he heard this. "If we can make great achievements in the northwest, and there is Jiuxing Pavilion on the side of Anxia, ​​then no matter how capable the other gentlemen are, it will be difficult for them to match your achievements, sir."

"This kind of thing, just do your best, maybe they will have adventures. Besides, my mother is not a vegetarian. If anyone has too many adventures, it is probably impossible to go back alive." Yang Xianzhi said calmly.

Dong Ce: "..." He found that once the status was online, Yang Xianzhi was also very scary, much like that lady.

Chu Xi's cemetery is at the foot of Xifeng Mountain.It was not buried in the family cemetery.A lonely deserted tomb, as if no one has visited it for many years.

Yang Xianzhi stood silently in front of the tombstone from early morning to noon.

"Lang Jun?"


"time to go."


Yang Xianzhi turned around, followed Zhu You's footsteps, and walked towards the carriage in the distance.Before getting into the car, he looked back at the cemetery hidden among the trees at the foot of the mountain again, his eyes turned red involuntarily.


Chu Taohua finally reworked the drawings and drew a set.

Then the array masters were called to start repairing the battleship's array and magically modifying part of the array.

A large amount of spiritual materials and spiritual inks have been continuously sent here, and then refined by the refiners into materials, formation disks and other formations, as well as special parts required by the craftsmen.Finally, install them one by one into the battleship.

Battleships are changing every day. More than 500 people worked together, and the progress of the project was very fast.

The first thing to make up was the gaps in the decks of the battleships. A dark blue low-grade cold iron material was supplemented and meshed into the decks of the battleships.

Of course, this kind of low-grade plate is very poor in terms of strength and protection for battleships.It can be said to be very poor.

But this battleship is going to continue to fight, and it will be fine if it can make up the plates without leaking.

Besides, after refining the cold iron material, it is still a good spiritual material at this stage, and it can be regarded as the best ship repairing material that Taohua can find.After the plates of the battleship are completed, the formation is connected. After the formation is connected, various parts of various sizes are constantly repaired by craftsmen referring to those intact places.

If it can't be repaired, create a method of transformation.

Anyway, internally, as long as the main formation and the main function of the battleship are available.Everything else is up to you.

(End of this chapter)

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