Chapter 564
Ji Feiyu and Zhao Ningning were directly thrown into the deserted pavilion on the official road and stayed there until the sun went down, and then they waited for Ji's steward who hurriedly received a letter to come to pick them up.

"What's the matter? Why are you so slow? I'm going to starve to death." Ji Feiyu is the only child in the family. Although he has the gentle temperament of a scholar, it doesn't mean he has no temper.

"Mr. Dalang, we just got the news this morning. This place is six hundred miles away from Pengcheng. We rushed all the way here without even drinking our saliva." The steward of the Ji family said.

Ji Feiyu was immediately astonished. "How come it's only [-] miles away from Pengcheng, and we were still in Chu Family Xiantao Village in Miyang last night." One must know that Pengcheng is [-] miles away from Miyang.He and Ning Ning took boats and carriages over land, and it took nearly a month to get there.

But overnight, they were sent hundreds of miles away. Did they go directly out of Chu's territory?
It's too scary, isn't it?
After listening to Ji Feiyu's words and then looking at the horrified expressions on Ji Feiyu and Zhao Ningning's faces, what else does the steward of Ji's family not know?
I was kicked out.

"Mr. Dalang, the Chu clan has developed rapidly in recent years. You are good at crafting vehicles and boats. It must be that a monk with a high level of cultivation in the clan directly drives the magic weapon speeding car pulled by monsters, and sent you out overnight. Hundreds of miles." This is to make it clear that you are not welcome to go back.

What the hell did you do, Mr. Dalang, to let people drive you out directly.

Probably because the steward's eyes were too sharp and hot, Ji Feiyu hurriedly said in embarrassment, "Anyway, you know, we will have no engagement with the Chu family in the future. No, we didn't engage in any engagement from the beginning."

The steward of the Ji family looked at Zhao Ningning next to Ji Feiyu, and thought clearly, it seems that the elders in this family are very optimistic about the marriage between the two families in Huangpu.

Now he thought Da Langjun from home was really crazy.

How could the daughter of the branch of the Chu family be unworthy of him?

Their Ji family's development in Pengcheng is not as good as a small branch of the Chu family.

Besides, the Chu Dashan lineage is also a branch that the Patriarch of the Chu family valued, and it holds a very important position in the Chu family.

For Zhao Ningning, the concubine daughter born to a concubine of a prince's mansion, Mr. Dalang's mind was struck by lightning, and he couldn't turn around?
Ji Feiyu was watched by the manager and wanted to scold him, "Hurry up and leave."

Having just ridden in the Chu family's carriage, his own car is in all kinds of ruins.

Ji Feiyu and Zhao Ningning encouraged each other and reluctantly accepted.What else can I do if I don't accept it, the Chu family can't send them home.

Not only was the car broken, but it was also bumping. In order to get back to Pengcheng as soon as possible, the driver of Ji's family whipped his whip, and several big dogs galloped quickly on the official road.That's right, Ji's family uses a dog cart!
It is completely different from the carriage used by the Chu family.

Sometimes the size of monsters is directly proportional to their strength and speed.

For example, those mutated ordinary demon horses, and those demon dogs.

Ahem, although people of the Chu clan pull carts and monsters in different ways, there are still some who directly ride ducks without using carts.

However, Chu Dashan's family has recently arranged some monster carriages for themselves.

The main reason is that someone from the Monster Beast Carriage Workshop recommended to him how good the carriages in his workshop are.

Chu Dashan really couldn't save face, so he ordered one.

As a result, these monster carriages are all from the monster carriage workshop of the main line of the Chu family. Regardless of whether they are oversized or extremely handsome, they are basically solid-colored horses.After loading the spirit stones, some spiritual arrays at the bottom of the car are automatically launched, and the high-speed magic carriage with functions such as shock absorption and weight reduction are superimposed on the carriage, which makes Chu Dashan and others very satisfied.

Overjoyed, Chu Dashan directly ordered another seven or eight vehicles, and placed them at home for family members and temporary guests to use.

Who would have thought that Ji Feiyu and his pair of young people would use this kind of welfare before their own family had tasted it.

Along the way, Ji Feiyu and Zhao Ningning grabbed hold of the handrails beside the carriage.It was too bumpy, Zhao Ningning felt that his internal organs were about to be bumped out, and his head was dizzy.But if she faints at this time, it is bound to delay the trip again, making Ji's family look down on her even more.

Besides, in the wilderness, there is not even a doctor, and she can't find a doctor when she is sick.

"Slow down, slow down, I'm going to throw up because of the bumps, can you slow down?" Ji Feiyu yelled loudly, which was finally heard by the driver outside.The driver quickly reduced the speed of the car.After all, if something went wrong with the little master, he would really be doomed.

"Mr. Da Lang, what's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?" The steward hurriedly rushed over from riding the big dog, stuck to the edge of the dog cart and asked aloud.

"I've never noticed that our dog cart is so bumpy before my eyes. If it goes faster, I feel like I'm going to be thrown." Across the curtain, Ji Feiyu added drama to herself.

"Our dog carriage used to look like this. Mr. Dalang, you must have ridden in the big monster carriage that the Chu family is equipped with now. Their carriages are all high-quality magic weapons. When they are sports cars, the carriages are actually Flying close to the ground.

Naturally, there is no feeling of bumps at all. Our family does not have that kind of car. "The steward directly revealed the truth about his family's incompetence.

Ji Feiyu's expression froze upon hearing this.

When he and Zhao Ningning came back, they did ride in their monster carriage.

"Why don't we also order a few of those big monster carriages, I think those carriages are really good, much better than our dog carriages."

After hearing Ji Feiyu's words, disdain flashed in the manager's eyes.

That car is good, but the beast horse is so difficult to raise, just feeding it with various spiritual things and monster meat every day is a huge expense.A monster carriage can hold at least fifteen to twenty dog ​​carriages.

What is the capacity of fifteen to twenty dog ​​carts?
Sure enough, he is a pampered young man who doesn't know how to save the family's resources at all.

"This kind of thing has to be decided by the head of the family, and we can't decide. Xiaolang, you insist on it, and you will go back soon."

After hearing this, Ji Feiyu and the two continued to persevere reluctantly, but this was too fast, and they didn't walk half of the way until dawn.It was easy to reach a pier, and the people on the boat felt comfortable.

"You can be home in the afternoon."

"It took you a whole day to find us yesterday, but it took more than a day when you returned."

"Mr. Dalang, you forgot that you were the one who didn't let you speed up. When we rushed to find you, we never slowed down. We always drove at the highest speed." The steward said innocently.

"It's more than 300 miles, and people walked more than 700 miles in less than one night. As for us, it took more than a day to walk [-] miles."

To be precise, it took seven hours.

(End of this chapter)

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