Chapter 567

It was Taohua who took advantage of the opportunity of her father being punished every day for ignoring her, and went overseas again.

The battleship has been dragged to the seabed mountains above the cold iron veins on the seabed.There is a small plateau on top of this growing seamount.The battleship is parked here.

The area of ​​the small plateau is about four hundred miles.It is no problem to put down a warship that is only more than ten miles long.

The place where the warship stops is not chosen in vain, but a large node on the entire mountain.

When this undersea mountain was moved here, Taohua specially adjusted its position, and selected and recorded some leyline nodes that might be able to be used in the future. The adjustment was only for the convenience of continuing to cultivate them.

The battleship plunged into the seabed, and plunged its whale-absorbing metal pillars deep into the ground veins.

These [-] whale-absorbing pillars belonged to the original battleship. Taohua and the others couldn't refine this kind of metal pillars that could penetrate into the earth's veins and not be corroded into slag by the violent energy explosion in the earth's veins.

The earliest whale suction column was made of special stone, and a large number of formations were engraved on it.But the stone is really not forbidden, and a batch must be changed every few hundred years.The problem is that the special stone is used less and less, and everyone finally worried that there is no stone available, so they tried a way to refine the current whale suction column.

It is said that in the era when the ancient monks existed, the Whale Suction Pillar had a very wide range of functions, and its simplified version is called the Spirit Gathering Array.

The spiritual fruit tree can also gather spiritual energy, and its quality is very high, which is very suitable for monks to use.But they are not as large and full as the whale suction pillars. Any large ancient sect cannot lack the whale suction pillars.

The Whale Suction Pillar can continuously extract the earth qi of the earth veins and various high-level energies in other cosmic voids, and transform them into aura for monks to use.This is also the confidence that monks can walk freely in the void of the universe.

Peach Blossom came here actually for this set of whale suction pillars.

She and other refiners, formation masters, and master craftsmen gathered together to display the operation of the set of eighteen whale suction columns under the battleship through the formation mirror.

"Everyone has seen it, this is the famous whale suction column in ancient times. If we can install such a set of whale suction columns in all our strongholds..."

"That's all right." Chu Anguo said immediately.

"Installing a small set, in our refining area, using the fourth-level refining furnace, I can refine fourth-level magic weapons and become a fourth-level refining master." Chu Guxing said.

"You haven't broken through to the third-tier high-rank yet." Chu Anguo directly demolished it.

"Haven't you just broken through to the third-tier mid-tier?" Chu Guxing retorted angrily.

"Let's install the important city facilities for the family first. Cough cough cough" The leader of the master is a very prestigious old man.But his surname is not Chu.However, his master's surname is Chu, and he was recruited as his son-in-law, so he is also his own.

The old man started coughing after he finished speaking, obviously sick.

"If you are sick recently, you should take a good rest. Let your disciples and grandchildren decide what they should use." Chu Guxing said, he probably knew how the old man was sick, and he was too excited to take care of his own body for a while, so Tired and sick.

This kind of minor illness is nothing to eat some pills, and it will be fine after a few days of recuperation.

"I'm fine..." The old man said with a posture that he could not get out of the line of fire with minor injuries.

"Rest when it's time to rest, or I will force you to rest." Tao Hua immediately followed suit.

"Okay, okay, I'll hand over the work to my boss when I turn back." A middle-aged man beside him stepped forward and smiled very calmly.

This is also a great craftsman, and with an inexplicable aura, it seems that he is also a master of cultivation.

Tao Hua nodded at him. It has to be said that the Chu family is indeed full of talents.

On the side of the formation master, a middle-aged woman is acting as the main character.The long one is really good-looking, even in middle age, it gives people a beautiful and delicate feeling.In addition, she has a strong bookish look on her body, and the traces of elegance and orchid that have been refined over the years make her even more attractive.

This is the only unmarriageist in their Chu family.

"Aunt Frame." Taohua called softly.

"Don't worry, I will cooperate with you as much as possible."

Chu frame, 30 years old, determined not to marry since she was a child, and vowed to become the daughter of a master of calligraphy and painting.An important offshoot of the Chu family, a painter.Later, after the spiritual energy revived, this vein was embedded in the formation master's vein as a whole.

Originally, the formation master learned it and basically couldn't use it.It can only be passed down from generation to generation through pictures.Later, when the aura was revived, the family's secret library of formations became available again.

Chu frame's own father is the head of the formation master and painter lineage.However, cough cough cough he is not like his several younger brothers have been court painters, and have gone through many circles in the Vanity Fair of Song Dynasty.He is a top illustrator of Fengyue storybook in mainland China.

Ahem, it's the kind of Fengyue storybook, the kind of illustrator specially used to provide pre-marital education for young men and women.

He is also a master engraver.

Many engraving blocks of Fengyue novels were engraved by himself.The key is that Chu frame himself also inherited his father's business, and he is particularly talented in this regard.He also found another way to set aside his father and created the aesthetic genre of Fengyue storybook illustrations.

When Chu Xi was the head of the family, selling scriptures was one of the big incomes secretly, and Chu Xi bought them all over the entire Yun'an Continent.

Because the income is quite high, almost all of Chu Jia and his branch were dragged down. Whoever has not drawn a few small books of Fengyue is not in the group.Of course, it is also because of the problem of income and the secret of the story book illustrations that this branch also likes Chuxi very much and supports her very much.

Chu Xi: Mutual benefit and reciprocity, I lost my old nose in order to find something that could be sold for money.The result was finally discovered by me, hehehe.

The black market follows the script, this business has been going on until now, but the original trading location has been changed to Jackie Chanfang City.How easy it is to go where the book is, there are warehouses and hotels.To discuss business, you can also go to the secret courtyard.

Ahem, of course Chu Jia didn't rely on color pictures to make other formation masters happy.Chu frame convinced many formation masters by relying on a pair of natural eyes.Chu frame's spiritual eyes can see through the direction of the formation, the combination of runes, the movement of spiritual energy and so on.

Even spiritual materials can't stop her from spying.

After silently watching for a while, Chu framed and said, "There are too many combinations of formations and runes involved in it. I need time."

"I have received some remnants of these pictures before, and I happened to do some research on them, so let's talk about them later, Auntie Frame." Tao Hua immediately said happily when she heard that there was a door.

(End of this chapter)

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