Chapter 569
"Why are you holding me back from talking?" Chu Anguo immediately yelled when he reached the residence of the craftsmen.

Chu Guxing drove away the disciples and other craftsmen, closed the door and said with a serious face, "Haven't you seen it? Both the craftsmen and the master craftsmen have great opinions on us. . This is something that has never been done before.”

"So what? It's not my disciples' fault." Chu Anguo said angrily as he shook Chu Guxing's hand.

"I said, are you stupid? No matter what, you represent the family's refiner outside. If the refiner makes a fool of himself, then who cares about your Chu Anguo's face, he will just mock you in person, okay?" Okay? Just like today." Chu Guxing said.

"Then what do you mean? You should know that there are factions among us craftsmen, and we probably can't control others except our own." Chu Anguo said.

"Even so, I'm worried." Chu Guxing said.

"What are you worried about?" Chu Anguo asked puzzled.

"You, all your brains are spent on refining equipment. Let me ask you, do you know that there are people who cut corners and materials, and specialize in refining poor-quality defective products to hand in tasks, and then sell the materials for money?"

Chu Anguo was silent, "Anyway, I didn't do it, and I also restrained my disciples from doing it."

"And then?" Chu Guxing asked.

"What then?"

"What if your master, your senior brother, and your apprentice are all arrested because of unlucky materials? What will you do?" Chu Guxing said seriously.

"How is it possible? I..." He didn't dare to conclude that the masters and brothers who had taught him hadn't done it.Chu Anguo felt very uneasy.

"Do you know? When Chu Jia said that there was something wrong with our craftsman today, my heart skipped a beat. If Chu Jia hadn't been dissatisfied to a certain extent, he would never have said it in front of the real Patriarch. What does this mean?
This is to spread the matter before the Patriarch.

I don't think the Patriarch has said a word, even if she won't pursue it now, she will secretly send someone to investigate.

Besides, after Chu Zhuang, the master craftsman also spoke, and still alluded to the internal problems of our craftsmen.You see, how scary it is.This shows that many people in the family have disliked us.They are dissatisfied with our refiners and our blatant money grabbing. "

"I didn't catch it." Chu Anguo said.

"But who will believe you?" Chu Guxing asked. "If it is found that many refiners are making money, then the owner will believe that you have not?"

Before Chu Anguo could speak, Chu Guxing said, "No, the Patriarch won't believe you. She will ask Chu Shinian to investigate. If it ends up in Chu Shinian's hands, I'm afraid life will be worse than death."

Chu Anguo: "..." Chu Shinian is famous, and he has heard of it a long time ago.

Chu Guxing walked back and forth in the room alone. "For now, the only way to do it is to quickly contact those people in the family, then they will restrain themselves and quickly clean up all the evidence. As long as it is not worse..."

"Go and think that it's too late for you to let them stop now." Chu Anguo looked very openly. "Everyone knows that something is wrong with your craftsman, do you think Chu Shinian doesn't know about it?"

Chu Guxing: "..."

"Chu Shinian is the commander of the dark guard after all, he feels that no matter how busy he is, he will never forget to supervise the whole family." Chu Anguo thought about it.This was the first time he was bothered about things other than refining, so he only told Chu Guxing after thinking about it.

"So if you expect those craftsmen at home to stop, it's better to hope that they haven't been caught yet. If they are really caught, there's nothing you can do. You can only change whatever you want. Anyway, let me beg for mercy. Of course I will. But that’s all, I can’t do anything else.”

"Whether it's the master, the senior brothers, or the disciples?" Chu Guxing gritted his teeth and asked.

"Yes. The moment they choose to make a move, their fate is already doomed. What's the point of paying attention to those reasons? Besides, can you help them make up for the family's deficit?" Chu Anguo asked back.

"No." Chu Guxing gritted his teeth.

"Then it's over. We still have to do what, at most you can write a letter to remind the masters." Chu Anguo said.

"Oh." Chu Guxing sighed.

Chu Guxing sent out the letter at night.His changes had been noticed by the hidden guards long ago, and the secret document was sent to Chu Shinian immediately.

At night, Chu Shinian was still processing a large number of confidential documents.He was busy all day long, and only at night did he have time to deal with many secret documents from all over the dark guards.

"Brother Nian is still busy?" Chu Ziyan walked in with a smile.

Chu Ziyan, the deputy commander of the dark guard, is also a very capable guy who is especially adapted to living in the dark.

"Why did you come here?"

While reviewing a large number of confidential documents, Chu Shinian asked without raising his head.

"Have you finished all the work I entrusted to you?"

"Oh, I said brother Nian, you can't let me take a break. I'm going to become a tool if I do things all day long." Chu Ziyan complained.

Chu Shinian only had two deputy commanders, but each of them was extremely capable.

"What did you say when you were promoted? Please use me as a tool person, and I will definitely complete every job perfectly."

Chu Ziyan's face turned black when he heard this.Back then when he was young and ignorant, he was fooled by the people in front of him, and thought that being a secret guard was a noble and righteous thing, so he said so much. When he said it, he didn't know that there were so many jobs in the secret guard. one.

360 five days a year, go to work every day.

The worst thing is that they don’t even ask for leave. The dark guards are so busy. If you don’t want to work, then drag them to the torture room to let you see how they see blood, and then you can be as energetic as a dog chasing after you. to work.

"Brother Nian, please, please spare me, can I continue to work tomorrow? Just let me rest for a few hours." Chu Ziyan immediately changed his face and begged.That voice was helpless and pathetic.

"Chu Ziyan, don't use the things I gave you on me." Chu Shinian said angrily.

"Ahem, ahem, I made a mistake for a while, so I won't dare next time." Chu Ziyan quickly bowed his head and confessed. "But Brother Nian, I advise you not to develop this bad habit of continuing to work at midnight. You know, your wife won't be happy. Who wants to sleep alone with the quilt in their arms?"

After hearing this, Chu Shinian laughed.

"I don't have a wife yet."

"After all, there are."

"it is good."

"What? You actually agreed?" Chu Ziyan jumped up in fright. "Why did you agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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