Chapter 571
"Trash." Chu Shenghua looked at the old disciple, feeling so angry.Even if you drag so many people, it's not like everyone died together.Could Chu Shinian let you go?
It's better not to admit it, at least there are still a few shallow ones who may be able to save their lives.

"Come on, tell me everything you know, and I'll keep you alive. If you make a good report and provide me with stronger evidence, I can keep your whole family alive." Chu Ziyan said with a smile.

This is simply the danger of the devil, betraying the teacher is not counted, but to report the brothers and other refiners.

The old disciple didn't dare to look at the eyes of the surrounding craftsmen looking at him.

"I... I said."

"Drag away." Chu Ziyan said deliberately and slowly.

The two hidden guards quickly took the man away.

"I also reported it. I know a lot of evidence of their corruption. I am really heartbroken. I have been advising them not to continue to be corrupt, but they just don't listen." Another [-]-year-old craftsman stood up.

Chu Shenghua's face turned pale in an instant.That is another huge corruption among the corruption of the refiner.He is now going to bail out for himself.

Chu Ziyan waved again, and two more guards dragged him away.

"Don't delay me, don't delay me, I'm willing to explain everything."

"Go on, everyone, whoever wants to report, stand up." Chu Ziyan said.

As a result... one, two, three... Dozens of refiners all stood up.

Some of them were former proud disciples of Chu Shenghua, and some were craftsmen who were recruited by Chu Shenghua.

Some are refiners who he forcibly stuffed corrupt resources...

These refiners all stood up.

Chu Shenghua suddenly felt that the situation was over.

It’s over.

"Master, I'm sorry for you, I'm an outsider I contacted, and I organized corruption. Master, you shouldn't give this student a reputation of corruption. In the next life, I will repay you after being a ox and a horse." A disciple beside Chu Shenghua He clapped Yipao violently, wanting to explode himself.

A hidden guard walked behind him like a ghost, and his fingers tapped one after another.Pfft, the sound of some kind of balloon leaking suddenly came out.

That disciple was also depressed to the end all of a sudden.

"Want to die? After falling into our brother's hands, he is really ignorant, innocent and cute. Come and drag him out to let him see our methods." Chu Ziyan turned disgusted at the man who lay on the ground. With one glance, someone dragged him away.

Chu Shenghua felt so distressed that he wanted to cry, but that was his favorite disciple brought up by himself.

It's all his fault, it's all his fault.

"It's my fault. I didn't control the people at home and let them owe a lot of spirit stones outside. I can't pay for such a large amount of spirit stones. They caught my family and threatened me. I There is really no way to go down this road.”

"You play so big, you probably never thought about a good death, so who did you drag down so many craftsmen to take revenge on the family? Do you think the family didn't even rescue your relatives, and let them threaten you?" You stole and sold so many family materials?

If you want to die by yourself, you also want to take your family to death, don't you? "

Chu Ziyan sneered, telling the other party's dark heart one by one.

The craftsmen who were still kneeling below all gasped, and they all looked at Chu Shenghua in shock.It is only now that everyone knows why the other party is crazily corrupt.

It turned out that the root cause was that the family tried to kill them, and they were taken advantage of by outsiders.

"You know that you are so big that almost everyone in the family knows about it. Why does the elder treat you like he didn't see it and ignore you all the time?" Chu Ziyan said.

"You... you really know."

Chu Shenghua said in pain.

"Because you have taught several good disciples. They knelt in front of our elders, begging hard to give you a chance, and give you another chance. But you can't repeat it again and again. Your chance is gone. "

Chu Shenghua burst into tears for a moment.

He said why he can do so big?

It turned out that his disciples gave him a plea.Thinking about it again in the past few months, disciples outside have frequently written letters to him, urging him to stop, what else does he not understand?
Unfortunately, he couldn't hold back after all.

"As long as you deliberately go astray and return, your family members and those who threaten you will be dealt with by the elders. But you haven't. You have been greedy for so many spirit stones, and you are completely intoxicated on Lingbao Mountain, right?" Chu Zi Yan said with a sneer.

What is there to say, when he held a whole warehouse of spirit stones in his hands, the old man was completely intoxicated, and spent every day in the warehouse drunk and dreaming, even abandoning the most basic love of a craftsman for crafts.

If he hadn't been too busy recently, he would have been bald a long time ago.

"Not only are you finished by yourself, but you also made all your disciples bear a stigma. In the future, when people talk about those disciples of your direct line, they will say that their group of craftsmen all have criminal records, and the claws of corruption just can't be stopped. living.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. With such a master, what kind of good apprentice can there be. "

A young disciple who had been in Chu Shenghua's court for only two years kowtowed to the ground and began to cry.

It's over... From now on, he will carry this stain on his back for the rest of his life.

Except for him, all of Chu Shenghua's disciples had sad faces. They didn't know if they could survive the corruption, and if they survived, they didn't know if they would be able to walk with their heads up in the future with their stains on their backs.

Those who were not deeply involved in the corruption incident, all of them became active, and it seemed that they had to change their minds.

The big tree Chu Shenghua has completely fallen down.

Chu Ziyan quickly blocked Tishan Town, and then up and down Tishan Town, all the refiners and apprentices involved in the incident, as well as servants, handymen, fire cookers, temporary hires, sorters, miners, The transportation and so on are all taken away by Yiwang.

All the big and small ones were dealt with according to the depth of involvement.

Small fish and shrimp are expelled, whether to use it or not.The punishment within the family ranges from one to three years of hard labor.No wages, just enough to guarantee meals.

The refining masters and apprentices above were also punished one by one.

Because of the bad situation, Chu Shenghua not only organized corruption, but also planned to drag other craftsmen into the water, so the whole family was ordered to die directly.His loyal adopted son and several direct disciples who were brought up by his own hands were all bestowed to death by the whole family.

In addition, other participating organizations were involved in corruption, and in serious cases, they either died or the whole family died.

All property was confiscated.

By the time Chu Guxing and Chu Anguo heard the news, Chu Shenghua had already died for several days.

The number of craftsmen in Tishan Town suddenly decreased by nearly one-sixth.

Of course, there are also many craftsmen who are either forced to stuff things, or forced to work.So basically nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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