The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 580 Big Profit

Chapter 580 Big Profit
"I'm afraid that if you take a trip, you will get hundreds of thousands of spirit stones." Said the bow of the ship with a longing face.

His words immediately excited the sailors one by one, and some of their eyes turned red.

For mortals and low-level monks like them, hundreds or thousands of spirit stones may not be enough for them to earn a few lifetimes.

"Then if we have been in this land transportation business for ten years, maybe we can also start a family." A sailor said ambitiously.

"If you want to establish a family, you should do it as early as possible. When there are more families in the future, it will be difficult for you to establish a family." Hearing what he said, the bow nodded in agreement and said, "Don't talk about the distance, let's say that our neighborhood is the most representative. The Chu family in the Chu family had many branches in the early days, but there were only dozens of branches in total. The branches are in various villages and towns near Changyang. Occasionally, some shops go to other cities, and the shops are also small and weak. How outstanding.

But now the Chu family has achieved great development, and their branches have suddenly become more than 100.The original large branches have established small branches one after another, and recently dozens of branches have been branched out every year.Why, why did people come up with so many branches?
It's not because seeing that there are too many resources now, but there are few forces and people occupying resources, they want to eat more and occupy more.

Besides, they also have that advantage. I heard that there is a red shrimp island near Yanbo Island. It is about ten miles in size and is very inconspicuous. However, the island is rich in a rare aquatic product, a small shrimp that is only as long as a palm. , red shrimp.

Although the red shrimp may be small, it has an excellent taste, and it is the only first-order spirit shrimp nearby.

Moreover, there is a small spiritual vein extending from Yanbo Island under the Red Shrimp Island. Originally, the main line of the Chu family planned to develop the Red Shrimp Island into a family red shrimp breeding base.Later, one branch of them gave birth to a capable person who was particularly good at raising shrimp, and he made the red shrimp industry bigger and bigger.

Now the red shrimps have been flooded in the two large lakes on the Red Shrimp Island. In the shallow sea area of ​​the Red Shrimp Island, there are still a large number of red shrimps constantly multiplying their children and grandchildren.

Because of his great achievements, Chu Shinian of the Chu family directly granted Hongxia Island to him as a fief.

In the future, the production on Red Shrimp Island will be divided into [-]%.[-]% of the family, he and his family will share [-]% of the permanent income.

The lord accepted the gift, went home and separated directly from the clan, and established a branch on an equal footing with his original family. "

"My God, is it true? The Chu family is so powerful? Is it really a fief?" The sailors were all stunned.

"Red Shrimp Island is not the first, nor will it be the last. Of course, from these small details, you can imagine how rich the Chu family is and how rich the resources are." Envious, it's a pity that his reincarnation skills are not good enough, and he has not been reincarnated into the belly of any female family member of the Chu family.

"Speaking of which, the Chu family is strong, powerful, and enviable. The only scary thing is that the Patriarch is too vicious, which is a bit scary." A sailor said grinningly.

"Speak carefully." The bow looked at him directly with cold eyes. "This is the territory of the Chu family. What do you say about the Patriarch of the Chu family? You are tired of living. Don't say similar things in the future, or you will get out of my team immediately. I don't want to die so wrongly."

Damn, the head of the Chu family is a poisonous widow, who doesn't know that among the upper class of the Chu family?But who will say it.When everyone talks about the main line, they only mention Chu Sinian.Although Chu Shinian was irritable, he was a little violent.But it's better than that woman who even attacked her blood relatives.

In fact, Chu Shinian was not less troublesome.But Chu Shinian was a man, and the world was very tolerant of men.But think about women.

So Chu Xi became a taboo in the eyes of outsiders.

But what about taboos, whoever dares not to treat Chu Xi as a dish, she can directly serve others as a dish.

For several days, a large amount of precious aquatic products were put into the water tank of the big ship.

Every time they go hunting in the sea, they can accurately capture very valuable prey, and the bow and sailors are naturally responsible for leading the way.Now even a fool knows what's going on.

Chu Shiluo was very satisfied with the person he invited this time, and when he disembarked on the return journey, he specially wrapped a big red envelope, [-] spirit coins, in the bow of the boat.

The bow of the boat was not covered immediately, and the boss opened his mouth. He was so happy that he earned [-] spirit coins for nothing in five or six days.

Wow Kaka.

"Mr. Xiao Lang will still look for us next time you charter a boat." The bow of the boat said happily.

"Yes, we will charter a boat next time in about eight or nine days. If we can still see you then, we will definitely look for you." Chu Shiluo also said happily.

"Don't worry, Xiao Lang, you will definitely be able to see us in eight or nine days." The bow immediately said, what a joke, he still can't do such a small thing, he might as well not be the bow.

"Okay, see you next time." Chu Shiluo happily took Yuhuo Shuichan and his colleagues away.

"Senior brother Chu, where can we buy our fish to make more money?" The juniors who helped pack the fish these days and participated in hunting and fighting under the sea enthusiastically came over.

Chu Shiluo laughed directly. "In the entire White Crab Island, only Chu's boats collect all kinds of aquatic products, and the prices are high. The only troublesome thing is that they only accept fresh products. I don't even have the sympathy for this.

Fortunately, this time I hired a boat of sailors to help us take care of the fish and various aquatic products.Or just help us deal with the freezing.

Otherwise, it can only be disposed of at a low price to those garbage collectors.The prices they give are so low that picking up the cheap ones makes you want to hack them to death. "

"So that's the case?" The new juniors seemed to be listening to a story.

Chu Shiluo didn't care either. When they fully adapted to the life on White Crab Island, they would know how bitter he said.

When he first arrived at White Crab Island, he was often tricked.

It's not like he hasn't done anything about a good first-order big demon fish, weighing several hundred catties, without even buying a single spirit stone in the end.

When I took the seafood to the building and settled the settlement, five thousand spirit stones came into the account, and the spirit stones of the clattering almost blinded the eyes of many fellow students.

How many points did they earn by doing missions before?More than a hundred sect points can be exchanged for a piece of Lingshi.

It's terrible, five thousand spirit stones, that's five thousand spirit stones.

"Senior brother Chu, can we earn so many spirit stones every time?" A new junior brother asked.

"No, this time it was the bows and the sailors who took us to the place where there were a lot of fish. So I wrapped them a big red envelope when I came back. Besides, the new boat we bought, only the water tank of the new boat is clean , it’s not easy to catch dead fish, and we hired a boatload of sailors, and we need a commission of three thousand spirit coins a day.”

(End of this chapter)

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