Chapter 584
Not to mention that he used to be the commander of the dark guards who commanded the dark forces of the entire Chu family, even in his original body he was once the commander of the black wolf guards.What job is that?
That is the strong army among the strong troops of the Great Song Dynasty, the top guard army among the guards, and the Black Wolf Guard where the soul of the whole army is located.

It is said that there are only black wolves who died in battle, and there are no defeated black wolf guards.

Great Song Dynasty is just a small country on the edge, and the country's economy is not doing well, and its overall national strength is very poor. There is only one thing that can be obtained, and that is herbal medicine! !

Among the countries in the middle of the mainland, Great Song Dynasty is just a small country that grows herbs.

The Black Wolf Guard contributed a lot to allowing the Song Dynasty to stand on the northwestern part of the Yun'an Continent for more than 1000 years.

Lin Changge has worked in the Black Wolf Guard since he was a child, and he is known as the most powerful leader of the Black Wolf Guard in history. It is conceivable how talented he is.

So he went back to work for Chu Shinian?

What beautiful things do you want?
He might not be as good at fighting in the dark as Chu Shinian, but on the frontal battlefield, when soldiers faced soldiers and generals, Lin Changge really didn't pay much attention to Chu Shinian's skill.

Besides, Lin Changge believed that he might not lose to Chu Shinian in the dark battle. After all, he also grew up among the horse thieves who were buried in human nature and wild in nature.

Later, he grew up to be the leader of the horse thieves. If he hadn't been betrayed by his close brothers... Ahem, maybe he was worse than Chu Shinian in grasping human nature. He had never heard anyone say that anyone under Chu Shinian betrayed him. Pass.

This is great.

Besides, Chu Shinian's continuous selection and integration of the hidden guards also made him a little dazzled.

There's still something real in this guy's hands.

Chu Shiluo often came into contact with piles of monks on White Crab Island. After some experience, he could see the disdain in Lin Changge's eyes.

Too proud, is such a Lin Changge really suitable for my sister?
Chu Shiluo felt a little dignified.

"I heard you have something to do with my sister?"

"Ahem, cough, subordinates?" Lin Changge said awkwardly.

"My sister is definitely not just a matter of superiors and subordinates." Chu Shiluo said while pinching the wine glass in his hand a few times.

"Haha," Lin Changge laughed, "It must be because you think there is something wrong between us, Chu Qingmei decided not to think so."

"Oh, you know her so well, what do you think she will think?" Chu Shiluo asked again, turning the wine glass.

Lin Changge took a deep look at him before saying, "You don't know what she thinks. She wished she could go out on her own early and build a career. It would be best if she could leave her name through the ages. Only in that way can she prove that Chu Qingmei didn't live in vain. field."

Although this idea is a bit special, it has to be said that Chu Qingmei is indeed a very talented woman.Smart, persistent, and determined to face difficulties.If she gets rid of the shackles of her family and family, maybe she can really succeed.For example, she became the famous female commander of the Northwest Migrant Army in her previous life!
When she is done, with a family and a family, she can take another path.

Chu Shiluo was silent for a long time before saying, "You really know her. I never thought that I would have such a younger sister who chose a path full of thorns and hardships by herself."

Lin Changge didn't speak, took a sip of the wine, and said to himself whether it was hardships and thorns, it depends on the person.

For some people, men and women are not their obstacles. The more difficult and challenging the task, the more they can inspire their fighting spirit, concentrate on pursuing their goals, and complete those tasks that cannot be completed at all.

For example, Chu Xi in the previous life, and Chu Qingmei now.

The Chu family is really full of talents. Chu Xi, Chu Zhuang, and Chu Qingmei are far more than ordinary men.

It's just... Lin Changge still has some doubts in his heart.The Chu family did produce some talents in the previous life, but those talents did not seem to be as brilliant as in this life.It's a bit weird.

Lin Changge is too familiar with the Chu family, as long as he compares the talents of the same period in the two previous lives, Lin Changge can easily compare the talents that emerged in the Chu family that appeared in the current life, which is several times that of the previous life.

This is a bit too weird.

I always feel like I'm missing something...

"Do you want to marry her?" Chu Shiluo asked suddenly.

Ahhh, Lin Changge sprayed all the wine from Lin Changge's mouth onto the stone slab next to him.He looked at Chu Shiluo in shock, "What did you say?"

"I said you want to marry Qingmei?" Chu Shiluo asked.

"I really can't answer you. Wait until I turn around and ask Chu Qingmei what she meant." Lin Changge thought for a while before saying.

"What do you mean?" Chu Shiluo asked puzzled.

"If one day you get married, it may be because you like someone wholeheartedly. But for someone like me, liking comes second. The most important thing is whether it's suitable or not, and whether it's troublesome or not." Lin Changge said.

"Why do you think this way? You married yourself, didn't you?" Chu Shiluo was puzzled.

"I have long passed the age of being impulsive, reckless, and full of blood." Lin Changge looked at him and said. "When I saw a pretty lady on the street, I could at most appreciate her beauty, and when I saw a pretty individual lady, I would at most praise her for being special.

But that's all. "

What is love at first sight, what is obsession, what is madness, it doesn't fit him.To put it bluntly, he is old, not because he is old, but because of his mentality.

"If I get married, I just want to find someone simple, who can be considerate and take care of each other, and do some interesting things together. Of course, I also have troubles all over myself." He has both troubles and responsibilities.

The biggest trouble is that he is the holder of the heavy treasure alive and well, if he doesn't hug Chu Taohua's thigh well, he will die.

"I can't expect my wife to bring me all the benefits, there must be disadvantages, but those disadvantages, it's best that I can accept them.

And that's all.If Qingmei is willing to marry me, I will marry her. "

Chu Shiluo didn't expect Lin Changge to have such a mentality.

Let him not know how to proceed for a while.

In his opinion, Qingmei should find a husband who loves him very much, preferably the one who loves her very much and dotes on her very much.But obviously Lin Changge is not such a person at all.

And just like Lin Changge himself said, Qingmei may have his own troubles, but he also has troubles all over himself. If they really get married, are they really suitable?

No, he has to talk to Qingmei and his parents.

When he came back this time, he also ran back in a moment of panic when he heard about the big event that Qingmei was going to get married.

Damn it, my younger sister is getting married, yet no one has notified him.

Really pissed off.

(End of this chapter)

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