The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 586 Don't Take the Unusual Path

Chapter 586 Don't Take the Unusual Path

Chu Qingmei's visit did not surprise Lin Changge at all. As soon as Chu Shiluo left, Lin Changge guessed that Chu Qingmei would come.

The two sat in the plum pavilion that Lin Changge had specially planted, surrounded by wintersweet.

Cough cough, it's not green plum.

"Your pavilion is not well maintained." Qingmei commented first.She had never commented on Lin Changge's yard before, but looking at it now, she was dissatisfied everywhere.

"Ahem, I'm not good at this." Lin Changge said. "Chu Moyan helped me build this plum pavilion. He said that my yard is a bit too spacious. It would be nice to build a pavilion and grow something."

"The winter plum is not only looking at flowers, what else can it do? It doesn't grow fruit, the tree can't do it, it can't shade in summer, and it can't cover snow in winter." Qingmei complained.

"Isn't Chu Moyan a scholar? He probably thinks Lamei has some character or something. It's probably arty." Lin Changge laughed.

"Scholar's imagination makes people speechless. Planting a fruit tree is better than planting wintersweet. Why don't you plant some peaches, my family has many varieties of peaches, and I will send you two later." Qingmei said.

"That's fine, you can make up what you like." Lin Changge said bluntly.

When Chu Qingmei heard this, she laughed.She leaned against the wooden pillars of the pavilion, which was very down-to-earth. "It seems that you know?"

Lin Changge blushed, and said in embarrassment, "Actually, if you are willing to marry, I am also very willing to marry you."

Chu Qingmei also raised her heart so that her heart became hot and her face turned red.

She wanted to escape a little bit, but she was unwilling.Comfort myself in my heart, isn't it a lifelong event, what can't be discussed seriously.

"You know the situation of my family, and you also know my situation. But you may not know that if I get married, I shouldn't be a good wife and mother. I have long intended to go out to experience and travel.

My family Taohua suggested that I go to the Great Northwest Wilderness for some experience.I think this suggestion is OK. "Chu Qingmei said domineeringly.

The same is true for the commander-in-chief of the refugee army back then!
Lin Changge seemed to see the shadow of the female commander in her previous life in her.

"I never thought of marrying a gentle and obedient woman. Why bother? Why don't I find a housekeeper if I want a gentle and obedient woman?"

Lin Changge's words directly made Chu Qingmei laugh.

"If you want to go to the Great Northwest Wilderness, I can also accompany you. However, it would be a bit boring if you just go to the Great Northwest Wilderness alone. There are many desperadoes over there. As long as you have enough money and means, you can definitely develop a new life through experience." A legion with a better foundation than Chu Shinian's old ones.

Are you interested? We can work together to train a strong army. "

"Is it possible?" Chu Qingmei's eyes widened instantly.

"Why not, the guard team was also made by us. When we fought at the lake of fire, our guard team dared to fight and fight hard. We all look down on Chu Shinian's pro-military forces." This is a bit exaggerated. , It also means putting gold on my face.

The guard team trained by Lin Changge himself is not bad in terms of combat power, but it is simply not good in terms of will.It can only fight with the wind, as long as Chu Shinian's monk army has any problems, big or small, there will be a posture of collapse here.

Fortunately, there were more branch guards present at that time, and they collapsed faster, more embarrassed, and ran around like sheep.That's why it seems that the guards of their Lingzhi Chu family are still a little bit stronger.

Lin Changge's expression on his own guards really made his eyes pissed off, so Chu Dashan still thinks they are good, and the children in the clan are doing well, and they all give more rewards.

In short, we are graceful and graceful in the part of comparing bad guys, and we are much better than those who are even worse.After all, we are not a regular army, so it is not bad to have this quality.

Even Qingmei now has some points in her eyes, but she is not very precise, so she thinks what Lin Changge said is right.

"Then we can try to do it, what if we can really pull out an army?" Chu Qingmei said excitedly.

Seeing her excited look, Lin Changge couldn't help laughing.He said in his heart, as long as you persist, a strong army will come.With the Chu family's powerful resources and blood-making ability, what kind of powerful Chu Taohua can't be raised depends on whether she is willing to raise it.

"Your suggestion is much better than Taohua's suggestion to me." Chu Qingmei said to Lin Changge admiringly.

"My suggestion will consume a lot of resources in the future, and your father will not be able to bear it. This will have to be done by the Chu family." Lin Changge said bluntly.

He was thinking, since he said it so clearly, with Chu Qingmei's intelligence, he would probably guess whether I was encouraging her to take advantage of the Chu family.

Who knew that Chu Qingmei's brain circuit was really different from normal people.

"You underestimate my father's ability too much." Chu Qingmei said happily, "Besides, we built a strong army, but we didn't say how many. My father can't support an army of monks with millions of people. But all the logistical supplies for a 1-man army of monks are trivial."

Lin Changge was stunned immediately. "so smart?"

"That's right, my father has so many spirit stones that he has nowhere to spend them. Let's spend them for him. If my family has a powerful army of ten thousand monks in the future, even the main line will have to take a high look at us." Chu Qingmei secretly Thinking, pull up a strong army in the hands of your own family, the number of 1 is just right, if there are too many, it will easily arouse Chu Shinian's fear, and if the other branches are missing, they will not be taken seriously .

"Then you should make a good plan. When the time comes, let's be more careful and build a strong army." Lin Changge said.

"I didn't expect you to think like this. Well then, I agree to marry you. You can marry me." Qingmei said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Changge immediately agreed to her, as if he was afraid that she would go back on his word.

"Then you give me the keys to your house. Your yard is not well furnished. I need to tidy it up."

Lin Changge burst into laughter after hearing this.This one is really out of the ordinary.

"Okay." Lin Changge directly handed the set of keys in his hand to Chu Qingmei.

"Then you go to see my father tomorrow, and you can follow his arrangement on how the marriage will go." Chu Qingmei said.

"Okay." Lin Changge himself said three good things. He himself felt very happy, but he was very happy in his heart.Perhaps his decision to marry Chu Qingmei was a foreseeable event that made him feel happy.

"Remember to go early, don't make my father wait for you." Chu Qingmei reminded him, "If you make my father wait for you, then you just wait for him to keep nagging you. He's so good at nagging people, we're all annoyed." dead, and dare not run away."

Lin Changge smiled while looking at Qingmei, and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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