Chapter 590
Taohua stared at them, and they also stared at Taohua, both of them hoped to use their eyes to make the other compromise and get out.

Especially for pigeon couples, the two-legged beast in front of you is really not a thing. You were not there when we flew over to step on the spot, you were not there when we built the nest, and we laid eggs. Do you think we can move the round eggs? You just came after the egg?
You bastard two-legged beast! ! !

The more they thought about it, the more angry the two pigeons blew their fur. The couple made a gesture of fighting against Taohua, and their sharp eyes looked at Taohua like sharp knives.

Peach Blossom: "..."

"Okay, okay, I'll make a nest for you here."

After Taohua said this, she backed away slowly.

The two pigeons kept staring at Taohua closely until Taohua completely exited the small peach forest, cooing and cooing, the two pigeons were very happy, cooing and rubbing each other's neck and head.

They are still newlyweds, with deep affection and affection, rubbing their heads and brains.cluck cluck...

"My dear, we have defeated the two-legged beast, and there is nothing terrible about the two-legged beast."

goo goo goo...

"My dear, the two-legged beast just now seems to be a cub too, we can't take it lightly."

goo goo goo...

"Honey, when we raise the babies, leave this ghost place."

goo goo...

"Honey, by then the spirit peaches on the spirit peach tree will be ripe, and we won't be able to eat them after we leave."


"is it?"

goo goo goo...

"Of course, this is the only place where spirit peaches grow without those very powerful two-legged beasts guarding them."

goo goo...

"Honey, let's stay here."



In fact, neither the pigeons nor the couple wanted to leave.

Taohua didn't know the small thoughts of the young pigeon couple, so she went back to her room and sat there depressed.

Qingmei came over at this time.Also bring delicious food.

"What's the matter? Why are you pouting?" Qing Mei asked with a smile.

"I was bullied." Taohua said dejectedly.

"Who?" Qingmei immediately sullenly.

"Cuckoo." Taohua said.

"What does Gu Gu Gu mean?" Qing Mei asked puzzled.

"A pair of little pigeons, they keep cooing, but I can't drive them away, do you think I'm miserable?" Taohua said coquettishly to her sister in frustration.

"Why?" Qingmei didn't understand.

"They built a nest in my backyard and laid eight balls." Taohua said angrily, "What do you think I should do?"

Ahhh, Qingmei laughed.

"Anyway, you should let them feed the pigeons until they can fly, right?" She followed her and laughed, "How can there be little guys from outside falling into your yard? I remember that there are people patrolling here in the valley every day to prevent those little ones from falling into your yard." The guy casually fell into the valley and reproduced."

"Yeah, I want to ask too? What's going on here? Sister, you shouldn't be getting married soon, and you're going to run away from home, so you should completely leave the matter of patrolling and guarding in the valley alone." ?" Taohua complained loudly to her sister.

Qingmei's face turned red.

Well, it's all their fault.It's true that neither of them has taken care of the guards recently.

"I heard from Changge, did you find someone to replace me and him to manage the guards? Who is it? Is it a man or a woman?"

"Girl, she used to be the captain of the guard for a big shot. I think she should be able to do our job here." Although Taohua didn't answer Lin Changge's questions, how could she not answer her sister's questions, so Just tell her.

Of course, she also knew that Lin Changge's cunning guy pushed her sister to ask.

Heh heh, sure enough people can't be too idle, when they go to the Great Northwest Wilderness, heh heh.

"Are you going to change the guards from the outer guards to the inner guards?" Qing Mei thought for a while, and then she understood Tao Hua's thoughts.

The secret guard system of the Chu family belongs to the inner guard and espionage system.

The original guards of the Chu family took the route of outside guards.The outer guard is a team that can not only defend the place, but also be used as an army to charge in the battle.

Due to Lin Changge's background, he trained the guards as outside guards. Although everyone was a little afraid of death, they were still very good at fighting.

Normally, one team member would take care of four or five casual cultivators outside. That would be no problem at all.

Therefore, the guards of the Chu family are still well-known in the nearby villages and towns.

"Yes, that's what I planned. The guard team composed of members of our family will almost have no future if they take the route of outside guards and can't fight to the death."

Taohua's words provoked Qingmei's nod repeatedly, "This is because the team has shortcomings from the very beginning. They are all relatives, and I am embarrassed to urge them to work harder."

Taohua's eyes are wide open, your roar of drills is so loud that I dare not sleep in every day, so you dare not urge me? ?
Then if you dare to urge, you have to train people into robots?

Emma, ​​then I really have to order wax for the children of the Great Wasteland, you can go with peace of mind.

Taohua stared round her eyes, Qingmei just stared back, looking at something, I wasn't lying.

"Anyway, the guards have shortcomings and many problems, and the benefits are too good. My father is also the same. In order for me to stand firm, he keeps adding benefits to the guards. Now that I leave, they may not be able to make trouble. What's it like.

I guess my father's old face will be lost. "

"Don't worry, the people who came here this time are amazing." Tao Hua comforted her. "Besides, if you become an inner guard, not only can you learn more knowledge, but if they encounter any special characters such as dead warriors and assassins in the future, they won't be slaughtered one-sidedly when they meet each other. I don’t even have any strength.” Tao Hua said.

"Actually, it's not that they don't have the ability to fight at all. It's just that death may be more serious." Qingmei was a little embarrassed, and the people she trained by herself might be laughed at by her successors later.

Her grandma has such a leg, maybe this escort team will become a stain on my mother's life in the future! ! !

"Then when will she arrive?" Qingmei asked.

"Hurry up, they are going through the teleportation formation. It should arrive in a couple of days."

As a result, that night, Chu Qingmei was invited to Lin Changge's yard late at night.A group of members of the guard fell to the ground in the yard, corpses piled on top of corpses, ahem, well, immobile bodies upon immobile bodies.

Except for Lin Changge who was fighting with others, everyone else was lying on the ground.

Qingmei's face completely darkened.

"May I know what the hell is going on here?"

"When everyone is here, you will know."

Then not long after, Taohua, who was yawning, was dragged here with sleepy eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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