The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 592 Peach Blossom: The Qilin Seal Made Me Fortune

Chapter 592 Peach Blossom: The Qilin Seal Made Me Fortune
"What kind of situation is it that makes you feel that the water in the Chu family's stall is too muddy?" Qingmei asked strangely.

"The situation is very complicated, and there are too many forces involved. Anyway, you will always have to get in touch with the main line of the Chu family in the future. You will know when the time comes." Taohua said speechlessly.

"Then after Chuxi's death, Dichu was so downcast, and the position of Patriarch fell to you after countless men and women who had surpassed Dichu, what was the reason?" Qingmei asked.

"A secret that can't be told. You'd better not ask, don't inquire. I will tell you when I can let you know." Taohua said.

The less people know about the treasure on her body, the better.

It's all a secret. Looking at Taohua's appearance, the identity of the Patriarch can tell me other things, but I can't say anything else.

"Then you plan to tell your family about your new identity when the time comes?"

"I still say that, the later the better." Tao Hua said.

Qingmei felt that she asked for a long time, but Taohua didn't say a word of promise.She didn't ask what she wanted to know.Qingmei pinched her face helplessly. "I didn't expect you to be the one with the most secrets in our family."

Tao Huaxin said that my vest has been stripped off layer by layer by you, you still blame me for having so many secrets?

After all, she sent her sister away, and Taohua started digging the earth again early the next morning.

This is the last one among the five elements underground palaces, and it is also the one that bothers Taohua the most.A few days later, she looked at the broken earth unicorn in her hand and hesitated very much.She was really worried that this guy would do something like Chunlong.

But Xiaopang is squatting next to him, Taohua can only put the earth unicorn on the core of the formation.

The broken and cracked earth unicorn sank into the core of the formation little by little, and after about half a breath, Taohua suddenly heard a terrifying beast roar.

She and Xiaopang who also heard the roar of the beast looked at the core of the formation in horror.

The earth-attribute aura in the core of the formation was eaten by something underground like a vortex, followed by the aura in the other four underground palaces being sucked by the underground hook-up formation like a tide, and finally arranged underground The Sutu Lingzhen in the depths, it seems that the range of smoking will expand to Xiaopang's old lair.The little fat man's eyes were red, and he flicked his tail directly, and was drawn under a certain spiritual energy vortex.

A certain beast roared like a protest.

Xiaopang doesn't care, I don't care if you extract the inner aura of the spiritual land, dare to try to extract the aura of my lair?
Clap, it kept beating something underground with its tail.

A posture of fighting to the death with the opponent.

As soon as he moved, Xiao Chunlong also started to move.

The tails of the two miniature dragons slammed something, as if the ground and the soil layer following them could not resist the tails of the two dragons, and every time they lashed, they fell directly on the body of a receiving hand.

Aww, the beast who was full of arrogance at the beginning is left with a fierce milk.

Taohua breathed a sigh of relief, if it wasn't an adult earth unicorn, it was luck, and the experience was too lucky.

Boom, just when the vortex of spiritual energy was about to dissipate, the Xuanhuang Qi Well was suddenly captured, and then submerged into the vortex as a whole.

Taohua: In the end you swallowed me a dark yellow gas well.Do you know how rare that thing is to be born?

A certain little beast: Aww.

Boom boom boom... Another quarter of an hour passed.The ground began to vibrate again, as if something was constantly arching the soil layer.It took a long time for the vibrations in the ground to stop.The core of the original underground palace formation has completely sunk under the ground.

A strange underground staircase entrance appeared in front of Taohua and Xiaopang.

One person and two dragons walked into it without hesitation.

It turned out to be an upside-down pagoda.

There are nine floors in total.

The top layer is the largest and the bottom layer is the smallest.

The original earth unicorn seal has become a nine-story Xuanhuang pagoda hanging upside down.And it can grow in the future, the more the earth attribute aura is absorbed by it, the stronger this pagoda will be.

At the bottom of the nine-story Xuanhuang Pagoda, there is a small space with only about a hundred square meters.

A cub stone unicorn lay prone in the middle of the ground.

Taohua touched the little unicorn's head and got the usage method of this Xuanhuang pagoda.It is similar to the usage of the previous earth unicorn seal.It is also known that the earth unicorn seal will transform itself into a Xuanhuang pagoda.

Because the earth unicorn seal was first refined from the Xuanhuang Pagoda, and later because the Xuanhuang Qi and Xuanhuang Stone suddenly disappeared in this world, its original master had no choice but to improvise a lot of earth attribute spirits to refine it It became a unicorn seal.

When it was hit hard at the beginning, the Qilin seal was almost difficult to break into slag.If it weren't for the fact that the unicorn seal was made from its body, it would probably have been shattered long ago.

Of course, if it is not an earth-type unicorn, as long as its body is not completely annihilated, even if there is only a little bit of remnant soil left, if it is planted in the soil at last, it will still grow a new earth unicorn.

Which earth unicorn has not been resurrected a hundred or eighty times under the earth?

Of course, it is also because of their ability to always be resurrected that many great monks like to refine magic weapons such as earth unicorns.

However, once the earth unicorn falls asleep, it is difficult to wake up, so it is very easy to be caught.

It's really unlucky.

Because the main body was severely injured and couldn't be raised back, this little unicorn was especially good at being a lin. It simply transformed the main body directly into the Xuanhuang Pagoda by directly absorbing the Xuanhuang Qi Well.Then go to bed, rest up, when will you be able to move, cough, cough, I don't know.

In short, the body of the pagoda is actually new. It was transformed from the original earth unicorn seal. It has not been sacrificed or refined, and there are no patterns or patterns engraved on it.It's definitely not okay to take it out to fight or something, just let me squat here quietly and be a little rock.

But you can use this underground pagoda as you please, and the things left by my old master are all yours.

After reading the last message left by the little earth unicorn, Taohua realizes that this earth unicorn seal Quansheng is actually the same as her Taiyin Stone Pagoda, and it is the hidden treasure house of her own forces.The stock in the original native unicorn seal was transferred by the earth unicorn into the spatial treasure house on each floor of the nine-story pagoda with six sides.

It's really... sent.

Taohua looked at the list of items passed to her by the little earth unicorn, and laughed happily.

Awwhhhh, it really happened.

In the inventory on the first floor alone, there are millions of bodiless pills.Which superpower's secret vault is this?
too rich.

I really don't know why the powerful earth unicorn fell into such a small broken secret realm.

It almost broke down in the end.

Taohua touched the small stone unicorn very gently, and said to her heart that you can rest assured to sleep here.I will take a good look at this rough-built Xuanhuang pagoda.Isn't it just a formation?Sister will.Sister Chengbao Fine Refining will do it too.

(End of this chapter)

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