The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 594 Cunning

Chapter 594 Cunning
From Chu Dashan's point of view, Chu Shi was very old, gloomy and unpredictable, and the most important thing was that the coldness that came out of his bones really didn't look like a person who could love his wife.

Thrill-seeking playboys and people who are naturally cold and ruthless are not good candidates for marriage.

You married a wife and had children, but in the end you didn’t want your wife and children to have a good result, why bother?
Chu Shinian is the leader of the Chu family, regardless of whether he will abandon the Chu family in the future, he is quite qualified.Even if he abandons the Chu family in the future, everyone will remember him well.But to be a son-in-law, ahem, he doesn't want it.

After hearing Chu Dashan's words, Chu Shinian immediately understood what the other party meant. The problem was that he really liked Chu Taohua, and he had liked Chu Xi for many years.

But he couldn't say it.

Besides, he managed to get Taohua to nod, and he was just short of getting married successfully, but the father-in-law didn't agree, what should he do?
Chu Shinian thought and thought again, people are too shameless and invincible.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't handle his old man.

Chu Shinian simply knelt down to his father-in-law.

Chu Dashan was so frightened that he jumped up from his chair.

"Uncle Dashan, in fact, I know that I am a cold-hearted person. I didn't cry when my mother died of illness, and I didn't cry when my father abandoned me. I don't seem to be born with such a rich heart. I don't seem to feel grief. And sad." Chu Shinian said seriously analyzing himself. "From that moment on, I knew I was different from ordinary people."

Chu Dashan didn't dare to stand up, and he didn't dare to sit down. He wanted to pull Chu Shinian up, but he couldn't.

"For the first time, I realized that many emotions such as liking, sadness, pity, and regret are all because of peach blossoms.

You also said that being tempted is not the same as being emotional. I think I am emotional, not just emotional.If you can't maintain your liking for long if you are moved, what if you are moved?
I feel that if I can't marry her in my life, then I would rather you not marry her in my life. "

"Aren't you embarrassing me?" Chu Dashan said speechlessly. "If it's another man, if she has a bad life in the future, she can go home generously with a dowry. But if she marries you, if you don't agree, I can't even take her home. You say Can I please?"

After hearing these words, Chu Shinian became even more speechless, "Uncle Dashan, can't you hope that our lives will be better?"

"What if?"

Chu Shinian's face darkened, "If one day, Taohua really wants to leave me, I will let her leave."

"Then you make me think about it for two days?" Chu Dashan was still very hesitant.But Chu Shinian was ruthless enough, and he was willing to let go. With his identity, his kneeling was not only too important, but also let Chu Dashan see his determination.

Taohua is afraid that she won't be able to marry someone else's family.

Chu Dashan sighed secretly in his heart, he didn't know why this dead girl's life was so bad, why did he fall in love with her?

When Chu Shinian was sent away, the Chu Qi family had been waiting in the study for a long time.

"It's too inappropriate, you won't take it seriously, will you?"

"I don't want to agree, but it won't take long." Chu Dashan said.

"Then if we don't agree, can he still snatch someone? Qi Dafei, no matter how I look at it, I don't think the two of them are suitable. Chu Shinian is very imposing at first glance, and our Taohua is still a child."

After hearing his wife's words, Chu Dashan sighed heavily.

"You don't know, he knelt down for me just now."

"Ah?" Chu Qi was immediately speechless in shock.

"Just to ask for my consent to marry Taohua to him." Chu Dashan said, "You may not know that Chu Shinian is a very proud person. His kneeling not only put his face under my feet, It also represents his determination and will.

Either Taohua will not marry in the future, or marry him. "

"What did you say? How is it possible that Chu Shinian is so shameless?" Chu Qi immediately said angrily.

"What shamelessness is this? It's related to his life's happiness. Whether to marry his own favorite wife, or watch his favorite wife give birth to other men to please her husband. Can you bear it?
When I saw you for the first time, I also made up my mind to marry you life or death. "

"Ah bah, slick tongue." Chu Qi said secretly happily with obvious dislike.

"Hey, go and ask Taohua for her opinion. If she agrees, the marriage will be settled after a while." Chu Dashan finally sighed.Even though Chu Shinian is so prominent and influential now, he has no intention of selling his daughter.

It's just that he doesn't have the confidence to find another son-in-law with such good conditions for Taohua, who cares about his daughter.As for whether Chu Shinian was in disguise, Chu Shinian pretended to marry a wife, so what was he trying to do?
So Chu Dashan tended that Chu Shinian really wanted to marry his daughter, although he didn't know when Chu Shinian fell in love with his daughter.

Chu Shinian also worked hard to marry a wife, and he was very caring, coming to the door every day.The Chu Qi family who watched diligently and carefully were all surprised.

And Qingmei rushed directly into Taohua's small courtyard.

"Do you know that Chu Shinian is going to marry you?"

Chu Qingmei was speechless when she realized that such a big thing had happened, Tao Hua still had a leisurely expression of what to do.She still has the leisure to paint peach blossoms.


"Did he marry you because you are the head of the Chu family?" Qing Mei felt that this matter must be clarified.


"So, the two of you have been having an affair for a long time?" Qing Mei felt that she finally realized the truth.Alas, no wonder the divorce was so quick and resolute in the first place.

"It's nothing." Tao Hua was furious at the sight of her sister.

At that time, Qingmei's face was no longer serious, and she said with a smile, "You really know how to keep secrets. You know that Chu Shinian came to our house every day to beg father's consent. Now it's a sensation in the whole family. In our clan, almost All the names that can be registered have written congratulatory letters to Dad, and they have also sent many gifts. Do they know that you are the head of the house?"

"I don't know, I got a fake identity. I borrowed the original name of Chu Xi." Tao Hua said.

Ah puff puff...

Qingmei gave her a speechless look.

"You said what would happen if they found out that Chu Shinian married their Patriarch?"

"Probably the group begged me to take back my thoughts, don't marry, or marry someone who is more beneficial to the family outside." Taohua said in a flat tone.

After hearing this, Qing Mei immediately changed her face and said, "No way?"

"Yes." In the previous life, no matter whether it was the direct line or the branch, they persuaded her in this way. "Because I am the head of the family, I am also an important asset and resource of the family, so I must reflect my own value. But if I marry someone secretly, what can they do to me?" Tao Hua blinked slyly and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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