The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 596 Fire, Grilled Crab, Oil Beads

Chapter 596 Fire, Grilled Crab, Oil Beads
"Okay then, you can change it however you want when you go back." Tao Hua finally agreed.

"Taohua, are you driving me away?" Chu Shinian asked with a smile.

"What do you think?" Taohua asked back.

"I don't think so." Chu Shinian laughed again.

"You are thick-skinned." Tao Hua angrily tapped him with her finger.

Chu Shinian caught her naughty fingers. "I just want to spend a little more time with you."

"I think you simply want to live with me?" Tao Hua was speechless.

"That is also possible. I think your study is not bad, or I won't leave?"

"It's a beautiful thought." She simply rolled her eyes in a peachy manner.

"Okay, okay, I'll bear it. Anyway, after I get married, I can live in an open and above board, and you can't drive me away."

The smiling, scheming, handsome Chu Shinian almost made Taohua think that Chu Shinian had changed.

Chu Shinian finally got up and left. Taohua silently watched his figure disappear, holding her little cheek in thought, where did she provoke Chu Shinian?
Such a crooked Chu Shinian was really too much for her.

However, although Chu Shinian often came to her to pester her, he was right about one thing. The 11th year of Yuanwu was really an eventful year.

The competition for the super relics in the central part of the mainland has almost reached a fever pitch. The treasures that have been born one after another have caused a series of battles, and many hidden sects and families have been involved in the competition.

A large number of people die almost every day, even the reincarnated monks are no exception.

Various forces, large and small, have transferred their own manpower from other places and rushed to the super ruins in the center of the mainland.

Including many casual cultivators also organized groups to go.

This caused the manpower of White Crab Island to begin to decline like a cliff...

For a while, the arrogance of the sea monsters soared.

There were not enough human monks to resist, and the monsters almost retreated steadily when they beat the human monks.

If Chu Shinian hadn't recruited another million monks to enter White Crab Island, White Crab Island might have fallen.

Another million-level cultivator corps, he was slamming, where did Chu Shinian come from?Many forces still remaining on White Crab Island nearly dropped their jaws.

As we all know, the Chu family originally had an army of one million, of which about 60 were stationed at sea, forming the current Chu family's sea fleet.There are still 40 stationed in the four cities occupied by the Chu family.

Among them, there are about 30 to [-] garrisons in Longshanfang City, but this is to protect the safety of Longshanfang City and will not be used easily.

When Chu Shinian fought with others in the Huohu area, almost all of the hundreds of thousands of people transferred were Changyang and Miryang garrisons and reserves.

Although it is a monk army, mortal soldiers account for a large proportion.

How long has it been since Chu Shinian actually pulled out another million-level cultivator army? ?
In fact, it was all due to Chu Shinian's treatment of the sergeants too well. The monks in the army kept trying to introduce their nephews and brothers into the army.Originally it was not compiled.In the Battle of the Lake of Fire, the Legion lost tens of thousands of people.

Although it has a name, it is also true that the lack of editing is serious.Besides, Chu Shinian saw that after ordinary mortals took the elixir and learned martial arts, their combat effectiveness was no worse than that of low-level monks.

So he had the idea of ​​calling a large number of mortal soldiers to fight.

Anyway, the lowest level of the monk army is Tongmai One Two Three.

So when he recruited new soldiers, he had an order to expand the number of recruits. As long as he was in good health and wanted to join the army, mortals, young and strong, would be accepted.It doesn't matter if you don't have spiritual roots.

There is also such a good thing, hula la la, not to mention the land of the four cities, it is White Crab Island, Longshanfang City, the major cities around the Chu family, and even the people in the cities such as Zhang Yu secretly He ran over and voted himself.

Some families with monks simply took their family and ran away to join the army.

So when Chu Shinian found out that the new recruiting order he issued was 20 days away, he recruited more than 100 million people.For the convenience of training, he didn't dare to recruit too many people, so he had to end the recruitment.Change it to recruit training.

The training of this batch of recruits has not been completely completed, and White Crab Island is short of people.

Chu Shinian had no choice but to kick them up.

Of course, recruits can't just rush forward and lose their lives foolishly.So Chu Shinian equipped them with a lot of special weapons.

What kerosene beads, the red crabs scattered all over the place are all cooked.The fresh fragrance can be fragrant for ten miles.

The army in the front and the sea beasts are killing each other, and those who are preparing to play in the back are all breaking off a crab leg on the beach, biting it, the meat is delicious, and the shell of the crab leg is also special. crispy.

What the hell, how many crab legs did those fellows of the refiner roast to make these fire oil beads?
The previous killing finally killed the beasts into the sea again, and when they came back, there was a burst of curses. It turned out that the crabs they roasted, ahem, almost lost their legs, and the legs were eaten by those later reserve troops.

Without legs, they can only disassemble the big crabs and chew on the undercooked crab paste.There is no way, these big crabs are too fat, and the shells on their bodies are also thick, so they are not easy to be cooked.You can pass the exam, but you are not familiar enough.

The clever ones set up a bonfire long ago, disassembled the belly of the big crab, and then set it on the bonfire to continue roasting, and then roast for a quarter and a half, and you can eat it with some seasoning.

The officers were also very speechless, "I asked you to come to fight with monsters, not to have a barbecue in the wild."

"Head, this is delicious, come here, try it, try it."

"Head, try my grilled crab meat. I mix it with my own ingredients. It has the flavor of our hometown. It's delicious."

Some officers: "..."

It was so fragrant that they also fell in the end.

However, in order to show that their depravity was well-founded, they still took the initiative to sue some refiners who refined fire oil beads.

The main complaint is that the fire oil beads they made are too suitable for grilling crabs.

It's so delicious. Hey.The smell of grilled crabs that filled the beach at the beginning would almost seduce the intestines of human beings.

Those sea beasts were also seduced, and when they retreated, the crab shell fragments and miscellaneous items left on the beach were all crawled out and devoured by them, and there was nothing left.

Chu Shinian was very speechless when he received the complaint letter. He directly asked someone to copy a copy and sent it to the craftsman, and even asked him to directly reward the craftsman who refined the fire oil beads with 1000 yuan of spirit stones.

The two boys who refined the fire oil beads directly gave the quack of laughter.

Almost everyone would say that the fire oil beads were refined by them, but they caught countless sea crabs and grilled countless times to set the fire power formula of the fire oil beads.

One of these two boys who refine fire oil beads is Chu Silang.That's right, it is the fourth boy of Chu Dashan's family, Chu Silang.

(End of this chapter)

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