The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 601 Lin Changge's 6 Years Old

Chapter 601 Lin Changge's 16 Years Old

"Even if I plead guilty, it's no longer the old Song Dynasty. What influence does the Zhao family still have?" Lin Changge didn't show any face to the old Zhao family.

He directly stated the dilemma of the Zhao family's royal family, and now they can't even reach out.The main reason is that the Chu family grows too fast, and the monk army rises up as soon as it is pulled. It is really too strong.


"Zhao Hu, shut up. Let me tell you, you go to the side first." The man who held the greeting asked someone else to drag Zhao Hu away, and then sat in Zhao Hu's original seat.

"I know you hate him. His surname is Zhao. In recent years, he has been the leader of the Black Wolf Guard, the governor. He has been praised by the emperor and the prince several times. He is a little bit drifting. I thought I was also a member of the Zhao family. , in fact, he is just an orphan of the Zhao family living outside the imperial capital."

"How do you know that he is an orphan? Maybe he is really a royal family. Just look at his appearance, those cheekbones, and that chin. He really looks like the Zhao family." The original version of Lin Changge might not pay attention These, but the reborn Lin Changge has been the leader of the Chu family's secret guards for many years. He is too familiar with how to observe a person with the eyes of a secret guard spy.

A person's height, shortness, fatness and thinness can be changed, and the single eyelid and double eyelid can also be different, but the cheekbones and chin of the Zhao family are family genetic characteristics, which are rare.It's not like he hasn't carefully pondered the genetic characteristics of the Zhao family before.

A certain man was directly taken aback by what he said.

"Brother Qiao, have you never thought about it? Why did you give Zhao Hu such an important position as the governor of the Black Wolf Guard? Because he is scumbag enough? You are all better than him, his only advantage , that is older than you all.

Why can he gain the trust of Zhao's royal family and lead the Black Wolf Guard?
Isn't it because he is from the Zhao family? ! " Lin Changge sneered.

"Things without evidence, I hope you don't talk about it. Changge." The man surnamed Qiao fell silent for a moment after being said to be stunned, and said seriously.

"It's up to you, anyway, it's your own business." Lin Changge said indifferently.

"Changge, can you really not go back? Do you know that the Black Wolf Guard is at a critical juncture, if you don't go back, the brothers of the Black Wolf Guard may all be gone." said the big man surnamed Qiao.

"Then why didn't you leave with the brothers of the Black Wolf Guard? The Zhao family is so important, it's worth your lives?" Lin Changge asked back.

"Changge, have you forgotten the ideal we once had?" asked the big man surnamed Qiao.

"Hey, what ideal, the ideal given to death?" Lin Changge knew what the other party was talking about. When Lin Changge was young, he had been taught to fight for the country and the people, and fight for the Zhao royal family until his death.

The problem is that he has been expelled from the Black Wolf Guard, and his adoptive father has also been given to death.

The man surnamed Qiao was speechless, and the death of the old leader was indeed a hurdle that he couldn't overcome.

"Actually, the old leader has no complaints or regrets, do you understand?"

"Don't dare to resent, dare not regret it?" Lin Changge thought for a while before asking seriously.

A man surnamed Qiao: "..."

"Changge, you've changed so fast, I can't believe it. The old leader raised you up, in fact, he wanted you to inherit the Black Wolf Guard."

"Continue to give the Zhao family life and death, and then be given to death by a fool?" Lin Changge raised an eyebrow.

"Changge, can we calm down and let's not talk about the death of the old leader?" Qiao said.

"I'm very calm. I calmly watched him drink the poisoned wine. Actually, why should we die? Isn't it impossible for us father and son to escape? What's so difficult about killing the Black Wolf Guard?" Lin Changge said quietly.

The big man surnamed Qiao looked at the man in front of him speechlessly and in shock.

Lin Changge's voice is generally divided into before the age of 16 and after the age of 16.

At the age of 16, Lin Changge was the proud son of the army, a rising star of the new generation of Song Dynasty, and the future coach of the Black Wolf Guard.He is the invincible young general in the mouth of the emperor.Then the old chief was put to death, and he was expelled.

After that, Lin Changge was tossed among the frontier army, and then Lin Changge left the army...

Lieutenant Oguriguan was his last military post, and it was also the last controversial military post.Originally, the military adviser had planned to transfer him back to the Black Wolf Guard from the Daliguan Colonel, but at that time, he encountered many obstacles from the Prince's Mansion.When they finally applied for the transfer order, Lin Changge had already left the army, and went to work as a private guard in self-defeating.

His decision at the beginning was simply to refresh the three views of them and military advisers.

Who would have thought that Lin Changge, who was only in his 20s, would give up the army. He was one of the most prominent generals in Song Dynasty...

At that time, the military division decided to put away the transfer order and let him reflect on the ground below to see if he was suitable for being an ordinary person.

Later facts proved that who said that Lin Changge would not be an ordinary person.Not only did he do a good job, but with the backing of the Chu family, he improved his skills and collected resources, and he himself was promoted to the stage of the gods.

It was so nourishing to live, the teeth of the military officer itched with anger, wishing he could run over and beat him up, and then dragged him away.

"Changge, apart from the old leader, the military advisor also watched you grow up. Over the years, if it wasn't for the military advisor..."

"I might be gone a long time ago." Lin Changge took the initiative to pick up what the other party hadn't finished speaking. "Actually, I resent him, very resentful. If it weren't for him, my adoptive father would not choose to accept the punishment and drink that glass of poisoned wine.

Without him, we would have killed it long ago.

So he owes my adoptive father his life.He protected me just to offset the guilt in his heart, and also wanted to train me to be a knife in his hand.When one foster father falls, thousands of foster fathers stand up. " Lin Changge laughed in a low voice.

"Lin Changge!" The big man surnamed Qiao shouted.The eyes were almost cracked.

But Lin Changge still didn't respond at all.

"Lin Changge, do you know what you are talking about? You are simply a beast worse than a pig or a dog."

"Then why are you talking so much to me, a bastard?"

After hearing this, the big man surnamed Qiao took a deep look at him, and took his own people away without saying a word.The big men who came with him also looked at Lin Changge with complicated expressions.There is pain, sympathy, and incomprehension.

The current Lin Changge's words are too hurtful. At this time, he seems to be a different person from the him more than ten years ago.

"Qiao Zhengwu, have you seen it too? Lin Changge has been abolished. He is no longer the loyal Lin Changge of the past. There is absolutely no need to take such a Lin Changge back." Zhao Huxiong said angrily.

However, Qiao Zhengwu was silently observing and deliberating on Zhao Hu's appearance, thinking that the military adviser who supported him had already discovered this secret?
(End of this chapter)

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